
Traditional ribbon industrial divided into tapes and cords, Cords are cross weaving and the tapes are made by vertical weaving in warp and weft with smooth surfaces, which we call FLAT webbing
傳統的平面帶用紗粗糙,表面不均勻,密度不高、修邊不齊,而精緻平面帶完全解決各種技術難題; 突破傳統工藝技術問題,以高支數、幼細紗支為主原料,突破加密工藝、鎖邊技術從而創新出精緻、加密、平整、有質感的新型高附加值織帶。在織帶行業里把這種織帶稱為。這種高附加值精緻平面帶正在替代傳統織帶成為頂級品牌服飾的標誌性配件,也是服裝產業升級的必選配件。
Traditional webbing is made of coarse yarns with uneven surface, low density, poor selvedge, while Newview successfully Break Through the technical processing of lock-stitching on edge and weaving with high density yarns to create a exquisite FLAT webbing, which is famous for its delicacy, high density, smooth surface and high added value-added hand-feel, called FLAT exquisite webbing in this field。
NEWVIEW, its high value-added exquisite FLAT webbing will eventually replace the traditional webbing, become a must on selection by the top-brand in fashion field。


