

章力建現任國家農產品質量安全風險評估專家委員會副主任 ,研究員。1988年畢業於比利時讓布魯農業大學,獲農學博士學位。1988年起,先後任中國農科院生物技術中心副研究員;科研部交流處副處長(主持工作);國際合作辦公室副主任(主持工作);1994年起,先後任中國農科院副院長、中國農科院黨組成員、中國農業科學院研究生院常務副院長、研究員。(其間1995年12月一2000年4月任貴州省人民政府黨組成員,省委委員、省長助理,省扶貧開發領導小組副組長。)



2007年章力建博士與比爾蓋茨會談 2007年章力建博士與比爾蓋茨會談

Zhang Li Jian ph. D prof.

章力建 博士 研究員、博導

Bureau of Quality and Safety Supervision for Agro-products Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. China



2007年章力建博士與比爾蓋茨會談 2007年章力建博士與比爾蓋茨會談

·1994 - 2007 Vice President of Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science (CAAS)


· 1995 - 2000 Assistant Governor of People’s Government of Guizhou Province


· 2007-2010 Inspector of Grassland Supervision and Monitoring Centre of the Chinese

Ministry of Agriculture


· 2010- 至今 Inspector,Bureau of Quality and Safety Supervision for Agro-products Chinese Ministry of Agriculture.



· 1983-1988 Gembloux Agricultural University , Belgium. MSc. and Ph.D


· 1982-1983 Institute of Foreign Language, Beijing Attending English and French training



· 1978-1982 University of Wisconsin and Western IllinosUniversity , USA Advanced study



·Working in Biotechnology Center of CAAS in charge of biotechnology research on agricultural environment as anassociate professor in (1988-1991).


· From 1993 to 1996, he was invited by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to serve as the Special Expert in the EU project “Life Science and Technology in the Developing Countries”(INCO).


· Acting Director General of Department of International Cooperation 1991 – 1995.


· Vice President of CAAS. professor 1994- 2007.


· Assistant Governor of People’s Government of Guizhou Province, In charge of science and technology in agriculture ecology in 1995 – 2000.


· Executive member of consultative group of international agricultural research (CGIAR).


· Working in Grassland Supervision and Monitoring Centre of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in charge of Division of Conservation and Division of Information and Publicizingas deputy director-general (2007-2010).

2007-2010年,中華人民共和國農業部草原監理中心 巡視員,分管環境保護、監測和宣傳。

· Member of the science andtechnology commission of the Chinese Ministryof Environment protection.


· Working in Bureau of Quality and Safety Supervision for Agro-productsof the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture(from 2010 ) in charge of science,technology and international cooperation.


·Honorary Professor of Department of Applied biology and Chemical Technology of Polytechnic University (Hong Kong).


· Has published more than 80 scientific papers on the agro-environment and ecology, among which more than 20 on agricultural tri-dimensional pollution and its control.Edited and translated seven books.



· Chinese(native), English (excellent); French (very good);



[1] Zhang L J. Ecosystem reconstitution, environment protection, and poverty alleviation for promoting Guizhou Province ’s sustainable development strategies into practice. In: Proceedings of the 97 International Conference on Guizhou Provence’s Reform and Development. Guiyang : 1997: 140-156 (in Chinese).

[2] Zhang L J. Discussions and suggestions on strengthening of the eco-agricultural development in the mountain areas of southwest China. Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Leading Report,. 2000, 2 (6): 41-45. (in Chinese)

[3] Zhang L J. Discussions on eco-agricultural development in the western regions of China. Problems in Agricultural Economy, 2001, 2: 23-26.

(in Chinese)

[4] Zhang L J. Strategies of the Eco-agricultural Development in Western Region of China. Beijing : Meteorology Science Press, 2004 (in Chinese).

[5] Zhang L J. Strengthening of the special agricultural industry in the mountain areas for the rural economy development in Southwest region of China. Problems in Agricultural Economy, 2004, (3):44-47.: (in Chinese)

[6] Zhang L J. Concerning the development of biological technique industry in Chinaagriculture. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2001, 34(1): 91-97. (in Chinese)

[7] Zhang L J, Cai D X. Pollution chain must be controlled for its prevention and cure. Science and Technology Daily, 2004-12-10 . (in Chinese)

[8] Zhang L J, Dong H M, Cai D X, Li Y E. Agriculture tridimension pollution and its prevention. Newspaper of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2004-12-10 . (in Chinese)

[9] Zhang L J, Cai D X. Agriculture pollution can not be neglect. Agriculture Daily, 2004-12-30 . (in Chinese)

[10] Zhang L J. Perspective of Chinese food production, Proceedings of Sino-America food safety and world trades. Beijing , C, 1997 (in Chinese).

[11] Zhang L J. Strengthening of the green industry development and the provincial economy construction. Problems in Agricultural Economy. 1998,(9):8-11。(in Chinese)

[12] Zhang L J. Protecting the ecosystem environment and promoting agricultural sustainable development. Problems in Agricultural Economy, 2004,(10): 49-53 .(in Chinese)

[13] Zhang L J.Thinking of Strengthening Protection of Grassland Resources in China. Chinese Journal of Grassland, 2009,(06).(in Chinese)

[14] Zhang L J. Implementing Ecosystem Oriented Poverty Elimination Strategy to Improve Overall Impact of Ecological Construction and Poverty Elimination. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2008 10(1):1-5.(in Chinese)

[15] Zhang L J, Yang zhi, Tao W G. Building grasslandecological shelters. Environmental Protection, 2009.(in Chinese)

[16] Zhang L J, Li B, Zhang Z R.Service Function of Grassland Ecosystem and Countermeasures for Grassland Sustainable Development in China. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2009.(in Chinese)



