發現0.4納米最小碳納米管並定量確定其成像條件;發展了精確實用的電子衍射方法來測定納米管的螺旋角;澄清了雷射法合成單一螺旋角[10,10]碳納米管的誤識. 開發多種氣相沉積法生產碳納米管及製作納米探針;發展了用於分析非晶體材料的短程及中程有序的電子衍射方法;首次測定硫化鋅晶體的層錯能;分析了該類晶體中位錯, 層錯的多種組態及摻雜元素對晶體發光性能的關聯;建立了石英及多種類晶體在高能中子, 電子, 離子輻照下形成蛻晶質的過程與機制,首次確認了電子輻照下金剛石晶體轉變為碳納米球的條件,機制與結構特性;首次高壓極限條件下測定了碳納米管與二硼化鎂超導體的壓縮率。
1. L.-C. Qin, X. Zhao, K. Hirahara, Y. Ando and S. Iijima,Electron microscopic imaging and contrast of smallest carbon nanotubes , Chemical Physics Letters 349, 389 (2001).
2. J. Tang, L.-C. Qin, A. Matsushita, Y. Takano, K. Togano, H. Kito and H. Ihara, Lattice parameter and Tc dependence of sintered MgB2 superconductor on hydrostatic pressure , Physical Review B 64, 132509 (2001).
3. M.J. Lopez, A. Rubio, J.A. Alonso, L.-C. Qin and S. Iijima, New polygonized phase of single wall carbon nanotube bundles , Physical Review Letters 86, 3056 (2001).
4. L.-C. Qin, X. Zhao, K. Hirahara, Y. Miyamoto, Y. Ando and S. Iijima, The smallest carbon nanotube , Nature 408, 50 (2000).
5. J. Tang, L.-C. Qin, T. Sasaki, M. Yudasaka, A. Matsushita and S. Iijima ,Compressibility and polygonization of single-walled carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure, Physical Review Letters 85, 1887 (2000).
6. L.C. Qin, Helical diffraction from tubular structures, Materials Characterization 44, 407 (2000).
7. L.C. Qin, Measuring the true helicity of carbon nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters 297, 23 (1998).
8. L.C. Qin, D. Zhou, D.M. Gruen and A.R. Krauss, Growing carbon nanotubes by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Applied Physics Letters 72, 3437 (1998).
9. L.C. Qin, D. Zhou, A.R. Krauss and D.M. Gruen, TEM characterization of nanodiamond thin films , NanoStructured Materials 10, 649 (1998).
10. L.C. Qin and S. Iijima, Structure and formation of raft-like bundles of single-walled helical carbon nanotubes produced by laser evaporation , Chemical Physics Letters 269, 65 (1997).
11. L.C. Qin, T. Ichihashi and , On the measurement of helicity of carbon nanotubes , Ultramicroscopy 67, 181 (1997).
12. L.C. Qin, S. Iijima, H. Kitaura, Y. Maniwa, S. Suzuki and Y. Achiba,Helicity and packing of single-walled carbon nanotubes studied by electron nanodiffraction ,Chemical Physics Letters 268, 101 (1997).
13. L.C. Qin and S. Iijima,Onion-like graphitic particles produced from diamond , Chemical Physics Letters 262, 252 (1996).
14. L.C. Qin and L.W. Hobbs, Energy-filtered electron diffraction study of vitreous and amorphized silicas , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 192&193, 456 (1995).
15. L.C. Qin, Electron diffraction from cylindrical nanotubes ,Journal of Materials Research 9, 2450 (1994).
Book Chapters
16. L.-C. Qin: Electron Amorphography; in Progress in Transmission Electron Microscopy 1, Concepts and Techniques, Springer Series in Surface Sciences Vol. 38, Eds. X.F. Zhang and Z. Zhang, (Springer-Verlag / TUP, 2001).
17. L.-C. Qin: Determining the Helicity of Carbon Nanotubes by Electron Diffraction; in Progress in Transmission Electron Microscopy 2, Applications in Materials Science, Springer Series in Surface Sciences Vol. 39, Eds. X.F. Zhang and Z. Zhang, (Springer-Verlag / TUP, 2001).