

秦勇,男,博士,西安電子科技大學先進材料與納米科技學院院長 ,材料物理與化學學科帶頭人。入選2008年度“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,2009年度獲得美國陶瓷學會對世界各國在陶瓷科技領域做出卓越貢獻學者的最高獎Ross Coffin Purdy獎。2014年11月入選長江學者特聘教授。




•1995 年 9 月至 1999 年 7 月:蘭州大學材料科學系,學士;

•1999 年 9 月至 2004 年 6 月:蘭州大學物理學院,材料物理與化學專業,博士;

•2004 年 7 月至2007年4月:蘭州大學物理學院,先後任講師、教授,創建納米科學與技術研究所,從事納米能源技術、功能納米器件與自供能納米系統領域的研究;

•2007 年 4 月至 2009 年 9 月:美國喬治亞理工學院王中林院士研究組先後做訪問學者、博士後,從事納米發電機的研究;

•2009 年 10 月回國後立即帶領研究團隊搭建實驗室,在完善實驗條件的同時立足於現有條件積極開展納米發電機與功能納米器件方面的研究;

•2017年3月至今:西安電子科技大學先進材料與納米科技學院院長、教授、博士生導師 。



•2009年被美國陶瓷學會授予Ross Coffin Purdy Award,秦勇,王旭東,王中林教授,2009 年度獲得。獲獎工作:纖維基納米發電機。(該獎自 1949 年開始頒發,授予年度世界陶瓷領域最重要的研究貢獻者)。

•2009年獲得甘肅省自然科學獎三等獎,李建功、秦勇、黃娟娟、王花枝、寇昕莉,2009 年度獲得,獲獎工作:片狀金屬納米顆粒的製備、結構、磁性與微波特性。






(1) 基於材料壓電性能的納米發電機。

(2) 以及納米發電機在各種極端環境下(例如太空中)發電性能的研究。


(1) 太陽能電池。

(2) 光電感測器。

(3) 光催化。





發表學術論文22篇,其中10篇論文發表在影響因子(IF)大於10的期刊上,包括1篇Nature論文,2篇Nature Nanotechnology論文,其他論文發表在Nano Letters、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Advanced Functional Materials等高水平期刊上。獲得授權美國發明專利1項、授權中國發明專利4項,已受理中國發明專利4項。多次受邀在美國材料研究學會(MRS)春季會議等重要國際學術會議上做邀請報告或口頭報告。


目前從事納米發電機(Nanogenerator)的研究工作,早期研究成果發表在Nature雜誌上。文章的審稿人認為:“這是一項很有創意、具有突破性的研究......作者的思路是革命性的。”引起國際廣泛關注,BBC、VOA、CNN、NBC、PBS、《國家地理》、中央電視台新聞聯播等多家國際權威新聞媒體對這一重要的科學成果進行了報導,隨後作為報告封面出現在美國關於納米技術的第二個五年報告中。2009年在Nature Nanotechnology上發表的關於交流納米發電機的工作成為這一研究領域的另外一個重要進展。隨後的工作發表在Nano Letters、Applied Physics Letters等期刊上。今後將開展納米能源材料與納米能源系統方面的研究工作。


•“Flexible Nanogenerators” US patent filed, Application No. 20090066195. (Mar. 2009)Z. L. Wang, Xudong Wang, Y. Qin, R. Yang.

•具有強形狀各向異性的納米顆粒的製備方法. 秦勇,薛德勝,高美珍. 專利號:ZL 20061 0104469.

•一種單分散納米 α-氧化鋁顆粒粉體的製備方法. 李建功,杜雪蓮,沈利亞,寇昕莉,秦勇. 專利號:ZL 200610104871.3.


"Enhanced Microwave Performance of Cobalt Nanoflakes with Strong Shape Anisotropy" F. Ma, Y. Qin*, Y. Z. Li, Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, 202507.

"Increasing UV Photon Response of ZnO Sensor with Nanowires Array" W.W. Wu,S. Bai, N. Y. Cui, F. Ma, Z. Y. Wei, Y. Qin*, E. Q. Xie, Science of AdvacedMaterials, 2010, 2(3), 402-406.

“Self-powered Nanowire Devices”S. Xu, Y. Qin, C. Xu, Y.G. Wei, R. Yang, Z.L.Wang, Nature Nanotechnology, 2010, 5, 366-373. (S. Xu, Y. Qin and C. Xucontribute equally)

“Microfiber-Nanowire Hybrid Structure for Energy Scavenging” Y. Qin, X.D. Wangand Z.L. Wang, Nature, 2008, 451, 809-813. (Y. Qin and X.D. Wang contributeequally)

“Power generation with laterally-packaged piezoelectric fine wires” R. Yang, Y. Qin,L. Dai and Z.L. Wang, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 34-39.

“Growth of Horizonatal ZnO Nanowire Arrays on Any Substrate” Y. Qin, R. Yang,and Z.L. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112(48), 18734-18736.

“Characteristics of output voltage and current of integrated nanogenerators” R. Yang,Y. Qin, C. Li, L. Dai and Z.L. Wang, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94, 022905.

“Converting Biomechanical Energy into Electricity by Muscle Driven Nanogenerator”R. Yang, Y. Qin, C. Li, G. Zhu, Z.L. Wang, Nano Letters, 2009, 9(3), 1201-1205.

J. Li, Y. Qin, X. Kou, J. Huang, Microsturcture and magnetic properties of FexNi1-xalloy nanoplatelets, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 2005, 5 (10):1699-1706. (Cover articleof that issue)

Y. Qin, X. Kou, D. Xue, J. Li, Microsturcture and magnetic properties of FexCo1-xalloy nanoplatelets, Chin. J. Nonferrous Metals 2005, 15 (11): 1744-1749.

J. Li, Y. Qin, X. Kou, J. Huang, Microstructure and magnetic properties of Ninanoplatelets, Nanotechnology 2004, 15 (8): 982-986.

J. Li, Y. Qin, X. Kou, H. He, D. Song, Structure and magnetic properties of cobaltnanoplatelets,Mater. Lett. 2004, 58 (20): 2506-2509.

X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, J. Li, Microstructure and magnetic properties of La1-xSrxFeO3nanopowders, Mater. Sci. Tech. 2004, 12 (2):140-143.

J. Li, X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, Structures and magnetic properties of Nd1-xCax FeO3nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys. 2002, 92 (12): 7504-7509.

J. Li, X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, Weak ferromagnetism in Re0.67Ca0.33FeO3 (Re = La, Sm,Gd) nanoparticles, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2003, 263 (1-2): 154-160.

J. Li, X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, Microstructure and magnetic properties of La1-x SrxFeO3nanoparticles, Phys. Stat. Sol. (A) 2002, 191 (1): 255-259.

Jiangong Li, Yong Qin, Xinli Kou, and Juanjuan Huang, Microstructure and magneticproperty studies of 3d transition metal and alloy nanoplatelets, Seventh InternationalConference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2004.

Yong Qin,Xinli Kou,Desheng Xue,Jiangong Li. Magnetic properties of plate-like 3dtransition metal and alloy nanoparticles, 第十屆全國青年材料科學技術研討會,長沙,2005

Li J, Kou X, He H, Qin Y. Structures and magnetic properties of Nd1-xCaxFeO3nanoparticles, Sixth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Orlando,Florida, USA, 2002, p. 350.

寇昕莉,秦勇,何海英,李建功:Nd1-xCaxFeO3 納米微粒的結構與磁性,2002中國材料研討會,北京,2002。


"Enhanced Microwave Performance of Cobalt Nanoflakes with Strong Shape Anisotropy" F. Ma, Y. Qin*, Y. Z. Li, Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, 202507.


"Increasing UV Photon Response of ZnO Sensor with Nanowires Array" W.W. Wu,S. Bai, N. Y. Cui, F. Ma, Z. Y. Wei, Y. Qin*, E. Q. Xie, Science of AdvacedMaterials, 2010, 2(3), 402-406.


“Self-powered Nanowire Devices”S. Xu, Y. Qin, C. Xu, Y.G. Wei, R. Yang, Z.L.Wang, Nature Nanotechnology, 2010, 5, 366-373. (S. Xu, Y. Qin and C. Xucontribute equally)


“Microfiber-Nanowire Hybrid Structure for Energy Scavenging” Y. Qin, X.D. Wangand Z.L. Wang, Nature, 2008, 451, 809-813. (Y. Qin and X.D. Wang contributeequally)


“Power generation with laterally-packaged piezoelectric fine wires” R. Yang, Y. Qin,L. Dai and Z.L. Wang, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 34-39.


“Growth of Horizonatal ZnO Nanowire Arrays on Any Substrate” Y. Qin, R. Yang,and Z.L. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112(48), 18734-18736.


“Characteristics of output voltage and current of integrated nanogenerators” R. Yang,Y. Qin, C. Li, L. Dai and Z.L. Wang, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94, 022905.


“Converting Biomechanical Energy into Electricity by Muscle Driven Nanogenerator”R. Yang, Y. Qin, C. Li, G. Zhu, Z.L. Wang, Nano Letters, 2009, 9(3), 1201-1205.


J. Li, Y. Qin, X. Kou, J. Huang, Microsturcture and magnetic properties of FexNi1-xalloy nanoplatelets, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 2005, 5 (10):1699-1706. (Cover articleof that issue)


Y. Qin, X. Kou, D. Xue, J. Li, Microsturcture and magnetic properties of FexCo1-xalloy nanoplatelets, Chin. J. Nonferrous Metals 2005, 15 (11): 1744-1749.


J. Li, Y. Qin, X. Kou, J. Huang, Microstructure and magnetic properties of Ninanoplatelets, Nanotechnology 2004, 15 (8): 982-986.


J. Li, Y. Qin, X. Kou, H. He, D. Song, Structure and magnetic properties of cobaltnanoplatelets,Mater. Lett. 2004, 58 (20): 2506-2509.


X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, J. Li, Microstructure and magnetic properties of La1-xSrxFeO3nanopowders, Mater. Sci. Tech. 2004, 12 (2):140-143.


J. Li, X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, Structures and magnetic properties of Nd1-xCax FeO3nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys. 2002, 92 (12): 7504-7509.


J. Li, X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, Weak ferromagnetism in Re0.67Ca0.33FeO3 (Re = La, Sm,Gd) nanoparticles, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2003, 263 (1-2): 154-160.


J. Li, X. Kou, Y. Qin, H. He, Microstructure and magnetic properties of La1-x SrxFeO3nanoparticles, Phys. Stat. Sol. (A) 2002, 191 (1): 255-259.


Jiangong Li, Yong Qin, Xinli Kou, and Juanjuan Huang, Microstructure and magneticproperty studies of 3d transition metal and alloy nanoplatelets, Seventh InternationalConference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2004.


Yong Qin,Xinli Kou,Desheng Xue,Jiangong Li. Magnetic properties of plate-like 3dtransition metal and alloy nanoparticles, 第十屆全國青年材料科學技術研討會,長沙,2005


Li J, Kou X, He H, Qin Y. Structures and magnetic properties of Nd1-xCaxFeO3nanoparticles, Sixth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Orlando,Florida, USA, 2002, p. 350.


寇昕莉,秦勇,何海英,李建功:Nd1-xCaxFeO3 納米微粒的結構與磁性,2002中國材料研討會,北京,2002。


