發表論文1Wang Z,Shi F,Jiang Y, Lu L, Watanabe G, Taya K. Changes of cyclic AMP levels and phosphodiesterase activities in the rat ovary. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2007; 53(4):717-725. (PMID: 17380041).
2 Meng C, Shi F, Huang R, Liu G, Watanabe G, Taya K. Cellular localization of inhibin alpha-subunit, PKB/Akt and FoxO3a proteins in the ovary of minipigs. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2007; 53(2): 229-236. (PMID: 17132910).
3Huang R, Shi F, Lei T, Song Y, Hughes CL, Liu G. Effect of the isoflavone genistein against galactose-induced cataracts in rats. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2007; 232:118-125. (PMID: 17202592).
4Wang Z, Shi F. Phosphodiesterase 4 and compartmentalization of cyclic AMP signaling. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2007; 52:34-46.
5 潘玲梅,王恬,石放雄. 肌衛星細胞激活和補給的分子調控與肌肉疾病. 生物化學與生物物理進展 2006; 33(9):811-815.
6 Huo YJ, Wang T, Xu RJ, Macdonald S, Liu G, Shi F. Dietary insulin affects leucine aminopeptidase, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor I and insulin receptors in the intestinal mucosa of neonatal pigs. Biology of the Neonate. 2006; 89:265-73. (PMID: 16479091).
7 Liu G, Shi F (equal contribution), Blas-Machado U, Yu R, Davis VL, Foster WG, Magoffin DA, Hughes CL. Dietary Galactose Inhibits GDF-9 Mediated Follicular Development in the Rat Ovary. Reproductive Toxicology 2006; 21:26-33. (PMID: 16105726).
8李學斌, 謝 莊, 石放雄. FOXO 蛋白的修飾與細胞凋亡和癌變.生物化學與生物物理進展 2005; 32:600-606.
9Liu G, Shi F, Blas-Machado U, Duong Q, Davis VL, Foster WG, Hughes CL. Ovarian effects of high lactose diet in the female rat. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development 2005; 45:185-192. (PMID: 15954229).
10Wang T, Huo Y, Shi F, Xu R, Hutz RJ. Effects of Intrauterine Growth Retardation on Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Neonatal Pigs. Biology of the Neonate 2005; 88:66-72. (PMID: 15785017).
11Shi F, Perez E, Wang T, Peitz B, Lapolt PS. Stage and Cell-Specific Expression of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase alpha and beta Subunits, cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase I-alpha and I-beta, Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel Subunit-1 in the Rat Testis. Journal of Andrology 2005; 26:258-263. (PMID: 15713832).
12Shi F, Stewart RL, Perez E, Chen JY, LaPolt PS. Cell-specific expression and regulation of soluble guanylyl cyclase alpha and beta subunits in the rat ovary. Biology of Reproduction 2004; 70:1552-1561. (PMID: 14749300).
13 Shi F, LaPolt PS. Relationship between FoxO1 protein levels and follicular development, atresia, and luteinization. Journal of Endocrinology 2003; 179:195-203. (PMID: 14596671).
14 Shi F, Petroff BK, Herath CB, Ozawa M, Watanabe G and Taya K. serous cysts are a benign component of the cyclic ovary in the guinea pig with an incidence dependent upon inhibin bioactivity. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2002; 64(2):129-135. (PMID: 11913549).
15Akagi S, Shi F, Kaneko H, NAKANISHI Y, Watanabe G, Tsonis CG and Taya K. Ovarian response and hormonal profiles in heifers after immunization and re-immunization against the inhibin alpha-subunit. Journal of Reproduction and Development 2002; 48(6): 599-605.
16Petroff BK, Gao X, Ohshima K, Shi F, Son D, Roby KF, Rozman KK, Watanabe G, Taya K and TERRANOVA P. Effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin (TCDD) on serum inhibin concentrations and inhibin immunostaining during follicular development in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Reproduction Toxicology 2002; 16:97-105. (PMID: 11955940).
17Tohei A, Shi F, Ozawa M, Imai K, Takahashi H, Shimohira T, Watanabe G and Taya K. Dynamic changes in plasma concentrations of gonadotropin, inhibin, estradiol and progesterone in cows with ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2001; 63:45-50. (PMID: 11217062).
18Ozawa M, Shi F, Watanabe G, Suzuki AK and Taya K. Regulatory role of inhibin in follicle-stimulating hormone secretion and folliculogenesis in the guinea pig. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2001; 63: 1091-1095. (PMID: 11714024).
19 Shi F, Ozawa M, Komura H, Watanabe G, Tsonis CG, Suzuki AK and Taya K. Induction of superovulation by inhibin vaccine in cyclic guinea pigs. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 2000; 118:1-7. (PMID: 10793620)
20Shi F, Mochida K, Ogura A, Matsuda J, Suzuki O, Watanabe G, Hutz RJ, Tsonis CG, Suzuki AK and Taya K. Follicle selection in guinea pigs with active immunization against inhibin alpha-subunit. Life Sciences 2000; 66:2489-2497. (PMID: 10894091).
21Shi F, Mochida K, Suzuki O, Matsuda J, Ogura A, Tsonis CG, Watanabe G, Suzuki AK and Taya K. Development of superovulated embryos in guinea pigs with active immunization against inhibin alpha-subunit. Endocrine Journal 2000; 47(4): 451-459. (PMID: 11075726).
22Shi F, Watanabe G, Trewin AL, Hutz RJ and Taya K. Localization of ovarian inhibin/activin subunits in follicular dominance during the estrous cycle of guinea pigs. Zoological Science 2000; 17(9):1311-1320.
23Shi F, Mochida K, Matsuda J, Ogura A, Suzuki O, Ozawa M, Watanabe G, Suzuki AK and Taya K. Ovarian localization of immunoglobulin G and inhibin alpha-subunit in guinea pigs following passive immunization against the inhibin a-subunit. Journal of Reproduction and Development 2000;46:293-299.
24Shi F, Ozawa M, Komura H, Yang P, Trewin AL, Hutz RJ, Watanabe G and Taya K. Secretion of ovarian inhibin and its physiologic roles in the regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion during the estrous cycle of the female guinea pig. Biology of Reproduction 1999; 60:78-84. (PMID: 9858489).
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1Wang Z, Jiang Y, Lu L, Huang R, Hou Q,Shi F. Molecular mechanisms of cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel gating. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2007; 34(6):477-485. (PMID:17601606)
2 王皓,葛津瑤,周振琪,王正朝,石放雄。口服丙烯醯胺對雄性大鼠生長發育及生殖機能的影響。中華男科學雜誌,2007,13(6):492-497. (PMID: 17615970).
3 Zhou Z, Wang T, Pan L, Huang R, Shi F. FoxO4 is the main forkhead transcriptional factor localized in the gastrointestinal tracts of pigs. Journal of Zhejiang University Science 2007; 8:39-44 (PMID: 17173361).
1. 南京農業大學高層次人才引進基金,“功能蛋白基因表達和調控”,2004年6月開始。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:30571335),“FOXO蛋白在大鼠和豬卵巢中的定位和顆粒細胞成熟中的作用”,2006年1月至08年12月。
3. 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金,“FOXO轉錄因子在大鼠卵巢顆粒細胞中的表達和調控機制”,2005年7月至08年7月。
4. 江蘇省研究生培養創新工程,“環核苷酸門控離子通道(CNG)對高產奶牛卵巢功能及其Ca2+的調控”,2006年9月至09年7月。
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:30771553),“母豬卵巢卵泡發育過程中FOXO蛋白,磷酸二酯酶和CNG離子通道的調節機制”,2008年1月至10年12月。
1. 1986年至88年以第一主持人完成的浙江省科委項目“奶牛妊娠,發情及卵巢疾病快速診斷盒的研製”獲浙江省人民政府頒發的1989年度科學技術進步獎四等獎, 於1989年至92年以第一主持人完成的“睪酮和孕酮的酶免疫分析法及其臨床套用”獲浙江省教育委員會頒發的1992-93年度科學技術進步獎三等獎。發表的系列研究論文於1991年獲中國生理學會張錫鈞基金會優秀論文獎.
2. 1995年獲浙江農業大學大江園丁教學獎.
3. 2006年獲南京農業大學動物科技學院溢多利育人獎.
4. 南京市江寧區科技諮詢委員會委員(2007,1-).
5. <<畜牧與獸醫>>雜誌主編(2007,3-).
6. 英國雜誌《The Open Andrology Journal》編委(2008,10-).