1981~1985 山東工業大學 材料系 讀學士。
1985~1988 山東工業大學 材料系 讀碩士。
1995~1998 山東大學材料學院 講師。
1998~今 山東大學 材料學院 副教授。
1988.8-1994.12山東省農業機械科學研究所, 工程師,主要從事鑄鐵鑄鋼的生產技術、沖天爐的改造和鋼鐵材料的熱處理研究,主持完成了山東省科技廳立項的 “ 高速精鍛齒輪模具材料研究 ” ,並於 92 年研製成功馬氏體 - 貝氏體耐磨球墨鑄鐵。
1995.1-2006.3山東大學(2000 年以前為山東工業大學) 材料學院教師, 1998 年聘為副教授,主講過《金屬工藝學》、《機械工程材料》、《材料科學基礎》、《 Introduction to Advanced Ceramic Materials 》、《熱加工工藝學》等課程,主持完成了山東省科技廳立項的 “ 高效節能鑄鋼熔煉新工藝 ” 項目,以第一作者發表論文 40 余篇,並被 Elsevier Science 國際著名科技期刊出版集團的工程技術刊物《 Surface & Coating Technology 》和《 Composites Part A 》聘為審稿人,目前從事金屬材料的雷射表面改性研究。
材料學 材料表面與界面。
近期以第一作者發表的被“ SCI ”和“ EI ”收錄論文:
1. Microstructures and wear properties of in situ formed composite coatings produced by laser alloying technique Materials letters,61 (2007)635 ~ 638 (IF: 1.299)
2 . Study on the microstructure and wear resistance of the compositecoatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V under different processing conditions. Applied Surface Science,253 (2006) 1494 ~ 499 (IF:1.263)
3. Microstructures of the composite coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V by laser alloying technique. Crystal Growth and Design,2006,6⑹:1509-1513 (IF: 3.551)
4 . Effect of rare earth oxides on the microstructure of composite coatings fabricated on titanium alloys. Scripta Materialia,2006,54 ⑸:847 ~ 852. (IF: 2.228)
5 . Crack-free wear resistance coatings produced on pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V by laser nitriding. Surface review and letters,2005,12⑸:684 ~ 689. (IF : 0.75)
6. Growth model of TiC dendritic crystals produced by laser surface alloying technique. Modern Physics Letters B,2006,20⑻:412 ~ 418. (IF: 0.621)
7 . Wear properties of alloyed layers produced by laser surface alloying of pure titanium with B 4 C and Ti mixed powders. Journal of materials science,2005,40 ⑻:4387 ~ 4390. (IF: 0.901)
8. Wear and oxidation resistance of composite coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V by laser alloying with nitrogen and silicon. Journal of Physics D. Applied Physics,2005,38 (23): 4217 ~ 4221. (IF:1.957)
9 . Laser surface alloying of pure titanium with TiN-B-Si-Ni mixed powders. Applied surface science,2005,250⑻:223 ~ 227. (IF:1.263)
10. Microstructures And Wear Properties Of The Composite Coatings Laser- Fabricated On Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Surface review and letters,2005,12⑶: 443 ~ 447. (IF : 0.75)
11 .Research progress on laser surface modification of titanium alloys,Applied surface science,2005,242 (1-2):177 ~ 184. (IF:1.263)
12. Laser surface modification of titanium alloys-a review. Surface review and letters,2005.12⑴:123 ~ 130. (IF : 0.75)
13. Analysis of growth mechanism of dendritic titanium carbides produced by laser alloying of pure titanium with graphite powder. Surface review and letters,2005.12⑴:41 ~ 45. (IF : 0.75)
14 . Surface modification of pure Ti by laser alloying with B and Ni mixed powders. Advanced Engineering materials,2005,7⑺: 629 ~ 632. (IF: 1.297)
15. Microstructure and wear properties of composite coatings produced by laser cladding of Ti-6Al-4V with graphite and silicon mixed powders. Surface review
and letters,2005,12 ⑵:161 ~ 165. (IF: 0.75)
16. Wear And Oxidation Resistance Coatings Fabricated On Ti-6Al-4V By Laser Surface Alloying Technique. Surface review and letters,2005,12⑵:209 ~ 213.
(IF : 0.75)
17 . Microstructures and wear properties of in situ formed composite coating produced by laser alloying technique. Materials letters,2006,60⑵:109 ~ 113. (IF:1.299)
18 .Recent development in zirconia thermal barrier coatings. Surface review and letters,2005,12⑶:369 ~ 378. (IF : 0.75)
19. ZrO 2 熱障塗層研究進展 . 中國機械工程,2005,16⒃:1499~1503 (EI)
20 . 雷射熔覆生成碳矽鈦化合物及組織性能研究 . 中國雷射,2004,31⑺: 879 ~ 882 (EI)
21. 鈦合金的雷射表面處理 . 金屬熱處理,2005,30 ⒃: 29 ~ 34 (EI)
22 . 陶瓷薄膜製備技術研究進展 . 材料科學與工藝,2005,13⑷:427 ~ 430 (EI)
1 .鈦與鈦合金表面雷射硼化及硼 - 碳 - 氮複合強化 山東省科技廳
2 .節能溫差式供風沖天爐耐高溫爐膽的研製 山東省科技廳
3 . 脈衝雷射誘導合成沉積納米薄膜及生物相容性研究 山東省科技廳
1. 《 新英漢科技縮略語大詞典 》 (中卷)山東友誼出版社,2000.12 第一版
2 《機械製造基礎》 (工藝實習) 機械工業出版社,1998.9第一版
3. 普通高等工科教育規劃教材《材料成形基礎》機械工業出版社,2004.8第一版
4. “十五”國家重點圖書,材料科學與工程系列教材《機械工程材料》哈爾濱工業大學出版社,2005.1 第二版