

田國強,男,1956年生,1982年獲華中工學院(現華中科技大學)數學碩士學位。1987年獲美國明尼蘇達大學經濟學博士學位。1987年起在美國德州A&M大學任教,現為該大學終身任期正教授。2004年起出任上海財經大學經濟學院院長、高等研究院院長。Annals of Economics and Finance共同主編,Frontier of Economics in China主編。師從諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者、“機制設計理論之父”赫維茨教授。曾任中國留美經濟學會會長(1991-1992)。他所創導的上海財經大學“經濟學創新平台”項目試點,在高層次人才引進和培養體制改革方面取得顯著成效,引領了國家“優勢學科創新平台項目”的建設。








田國強 田國強












田國強 田國強









田國強 田國強





田國強 田國強




1. Listed in Who's Who in Economics, a biographical dictionary of over 700 most frequently cited economists throughout the world, 4th edition, edited by Mark Blaug and Howard R. Vane, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003

2. Holder of the Lewis Faculty Fellowship in College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, 1996-present.

3. Research Fellowship, Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University, 1995-present.

4. 2001 Zhu Ke Zhen Lectureship, Zhe Jiang University, China.

5. 1996 Tamkang University Lectureship, Tamkang University, Taiwan

6. Lewis Faculty Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, 1996-present

7. Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 24th edition, 1995

8. 1994 National Chinese Book Award, A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China.

9. Elected Honorary member of Chinese Economists Society, 1993-present

10. Elected Fellow of Chinese Economists Society, 1992 - present

11. Nominee of Presidential Young Investigator Awards in 1989, 1990

12. Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1986 - 1987


Rank: 282, Overall Ranking (the average rank on 11 publication ranking methods) of Top 1,000 Economists in years 1990-2000.

Rank: 504, Top 1000 most frequently cited economists in years 1990-2000

Rank: 115, Ranking of Top 500 Economists in years 1990-2000 using Bauwens' Method

Rank: 185, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by number of articles

ank: 217, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 using Laband-Piette Adjusted Article Count

Rank: 220, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by number of pages

Rank: 430, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 using Laband-Piette Article Count

Rank: 460, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by impact factor

Rank: 247, Overall Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1989-1993

Rank: 421, Overall Ranking of Top 1,000 Economists 1994-1998

Rank: 363, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Laband-Piette Adjusted \# articles

Rank: 436, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Bauwens' Method

Rank: 457, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Laband-Piette Adjusted \# pages


A、Books Published

"Incentive-Compatibility, Informational Efficiency, and Economic Mechanism Design; in Advanced Studies in Economics and Finance, ed. by Heng-fu Zou, Peking University Press, 2000.

"Characterizations of Fixed Point Theorems, Optimization, and General Equilibria; Advanced Studies in Economics and Finance, ed. by Heng-fu Zou, Peking University Press, 2000.

"Market Economics for the Masses, with Fan Zhang; A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China, Vol. 1, ed. by Guoqiang Tian, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

B、Volume Edited

“Advances in Economics and Finances,” (contributors include: James Heckman, Daniel McFdden,Jean-Jacques Laffont, Shoyong Shi, Guofu Tan, Chun Ai, Xiaokai Yang, ect), Ed. by Tian, the Commercial Press, Beijing, China, 2002.

C、Books Edited

"Market Economics for the Masses," by G. Tian and F. Zhang, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 1, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Introduction to Macroeconomics," by M. Ouyang, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 2, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Structure and Evolution of Modern Industrial Enterprises," by Z. Shi, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 3, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Modern Family Economics," by J. Xiao, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 4, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Introduction to Money and Banking," by G. Yi and D. Bei, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 5, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Introduction of Financial Security and Future Markets," by H. Yang and Y. Wang, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 6, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Introduction of Financial Security and Future Markets," by by W. Hai, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 7, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"International Technological Transfer and Price Negotiation," by Z. Yin, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 8, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"The Modern Theory of Foreign Currency and its Applications," by K. Bi, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 9, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Foreign Direct Investment," by Q. Yang and X. Duan, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 10, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Visible Hands: The Role of Government in Market Economy," by D. Lu, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 11, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Introduction to Economics of Public Choice," by X. Wang and N. Qian, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 12, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Elementary Economic Statistics and Econometrics," S. K. Lin and C. Li, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 13, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).

"Economics in Daily Life -- Observations of the American Society," by Y. Mao, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 14, Shanghai People's Publishing House and Hong Kong's Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).


