

(1969) 艷窟大掃蕩……Adeline
(1970) Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx ……Zazel
(1972) The Bounty Man ……Mae
(1973) 姐妹…… Danielle Breton/Dominique Blanchion
(1974) 肥缺 ……Margue
(1974) A Quiet Day in Belfast…… Brigit Slattery/Thelma Slattery
(1974)女生驚魂記…… Barbie Coard
(1975) 再生緣 ……Marcia Curtis
(1975) 魚港恩仇…… Miranda

(1978)超人……Lois Lane
(1979)鬼哭神嚎……Kathy Lutz
(1979) 邁克先生的問答錄像…… Herself
(1980)超人續集…… Lois Lane
(1980) 威利和菲爾……Jeannette Sutherland
(1981) 心痛…… Rita Harris
(1982) 一些英雄 ……Toni Donovan
(1983) 特倫奇…… Mickey Raymond
(1983) 超人第三集 Lois Lane
(1984)恐怖大全……Danielle (Sisters) (archive footage)
(1984) 閃光的穹頂…… Willie
(1984) 路易斯安娜……Virginia Tregan
(1985) Little Treasure…… Margo
(1985) 追逐計畫……Mickey Tremaine
(1986) 失蹤之謎……Chris Kenyon
(1986) GoBots: War of the Rock Lords ……Solitaire (voice)
(1987) 超人第四集…… Lois Lane
(1987) The Emerald City of Oz …… Narrator (voice)
(1988) Body of Evidence …… Carol Dwyer
(1989) Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary…… Mrs. Potter (archive footage) (uncredited)
(1990)地球超人…… Gaia (unknown episodes, 1993-1996)
(1990)歹路不可行…… Dolores
(1990)白屋之戀……Madelaine X
(1991) 一團亂麻…… Woman in washroom (uncredited)
(1992) 殺人狂落網記…… Rachel Grayson
(1994) 女人的勇氣…… Stella Jenson
(1994)賭俠馬華力……Margret Mary (uncredited)
(1994) Beanstalk …… Doctor Kate 'Doc' Winston
(1994) 大大與呆呆…… Mabel
(1995) 追風者 …… Sally 'Mom' Cima
(1996) Never Met Picasso…… Genna Magnus
(1997) The Planet of Junior Brown…… Miss Peebs
(1998) 午夜小丑 ……Ms. Ellen Gibby
(1999) The Hi-Line ……Laura Johnson
(1999)幻影神探……Lillian Hannibal
(2000) Tribulation…… Eileen Canboro
(2000) Common Ground…… Mrs. Nelson
(2001) 超人前傳……Bridgette Crosby (2 episodes, 2004)
(2002)罪與罰…… Mrs. Katerina Marmelodov
(2002) 天使之劍 …… Frida
(2003)逍遙騎士和憤怒的公牛:性、毒品和搖滾一代如何拯救好萊塢 …… Herself
(2004) I'll Be Seeing You …… Frances
(2004) Death 4 Told …… Madam Badeau (segment "The Psychic")
(2004)棒打半邊天…… Edith Taymore
(2004) 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments …… Herself (archive footage)
(2005)最後的徵兆…… Endora
(2005)冷酷金錢……Peggy Comfort
(2006)超人的奇幻故事…… Herself
(2006) 超級冬粉的秘密世界…… Herself
(2006)兄弟姐妹…… Emily Craft (2 episodes, 2007)
(2006)超人續集:理察·唐納剪輯版…… Lois Lane
(2008) Universal Signs ……Rose Callahan
(2009) 單個女人 ……Storyteller
(2009)萬聖節10…… Barbara Collier
(2011) 勞役 …… Mrs. Crank
(2011) For Robbing the Dead …… Marlys