學校現有三個校區,包括位於九洲大道的校本部,位於婆石的南校區,以及位於斗門珠峰大道的斗門校區, 占地面積共65畝,建築面積為52000 平方米,學校配備完善先進的教學實訓設備,總價值達2500多萬元,校園環境優美,學習生活功能齊全;學校現有教職工239人,其中在編教師198人,本科及以上學歷的占100%,雙師型教師占專業課教師的87%;現開設的專業有:汽車維修、電氣技術、美術設計、計算機網路技術及高職類高考班和物流技術五大類19個專門化方向;現有中職學歷教育學生4026人,92個教學班。


辦學22年來,學校先後被評為珠海市先進集體;珠海市綠色學校;珠海市綜合治理先進單位;連續多年被評為珠海市教學質量一等獎;廣東省心理健康教育示範學校和先進學校;珠海市“文明單位”和珠海市“民眾體育先進單位”;電氣專業部獲得2008年廣東省 “工人先鋒號”;杜從商等5位老師的教研項目“機械手裝配與控制技術項目教學的實踐研究”(研究報告)獲得首屆珠海市基礎教育教學成果一等獎。在07、08、09、10連續四年的全國中職學生技能大賽中,學校羅川、陳經緯等十五位同學先後均獲得大賽機電一體化設備安裝與調試、單片機設備安裝與調試、動畫製作、物流國際貨代操作、汽車維修等項目的全國特等獎、一等獎,其中有兩位同學獲得全國一等獎第1名的驕人成績;2010年,有37位同學參加廣東省中職生技能大賽的汽車維修、汽車噴漆、汽車鈑金、企業網、動畫製作、單片機、機電一體化設備安裝與調試等項目,全部獲獎。學校畢業生劉將獲得亞洲區馬自達汽車維修大賽第三名, 近三年來學生就業率一直保持在98%以上,專業對口就業率在80%以上。
1988年12月12日, 珠海市計委批准立項,學校開始籌建,原名珠海市桂花職業中學。由拱北區人民政府管理,原校址選在原桂花北合羅山腳。
1996年8月16日, 國中和職業高中分離,42位教師到新建的夏灣中學任教。珠海市桂花中學改名為珠海市第三中等職業學校。
1996年12月, 辦公大樓落成。
1997年11月, 建成珠海市首個學校塑膠跑道運動場。
1999年6月16日, 學校晉升為廣東省重點職業學校,同年10月27日掛牌。
1999年9月, 實習工廠樓(現實訓二號樓和綜合樓(學生宿舍和飯堂)落成。
1999年, 被勞動和社會保障部確定為“國家職業技能鑑定所”。
2011年,被確定為 “廣東省職業院校三二分段自主招生試點學校”。
The brief introduction of Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic
Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic was found in 1988. It is a national key public vocational school and a training center of national shortage of skilled personnel training. It was a finical project school which supported by the Party Central Committee. Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic is the vocational education training base in Guangdong province and the fifth Zhuhai city occupational test department. Meanwhile, it is the country’s first “national secondary vocational education reform and development demonstrate schools” building school.
Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic is composed of three school districts and covers 315 acres. It has set up six majors and 23 major directions such as Vehicle Use and Maintenance, the Electrical Running and Control, the Animation, the Computer Network of Technology and Logistic and Trade,etc. which including six Guangdong province key building majors. For example, Vehicle Use and Maintenance, the Electrical Running and Control, the Animation, the Computer Network Technology , Electrical technology application and Electronical technology application. There are more than one hundred training centers in Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic such as automotive technology training center, electrical technology training center, computer network training center, computer art deign training center, and logistic training center. The total training room reached 2900 square metres. The total value of the facility reached more than 4900 million. Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic has a variety of full-time schooling students numbering over 7200.
During the twenty years to run the school, Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic always adheres the Special Zone sprit “Dare be the world first” and serves the economy of Zhuhai, Macao, and Hong Kong for the purpose and trains the shortage skilled personnel for Zhuhai Special Zone as responsibility. It explored bravely and made great progress. Finally, it formed distinctive characteristics :
Connected industry, Optimized majors
Zhuhai Vocational School of Polytechnic takes the advantage of nearing Hong Kong and Macao and connects the industry need of Hong Kong and Macao. Zhuhai Vocational School of Polytechnic, continually optimizes and adgusts the major structures, has formed six major groups such as automotive technology, electrical technology, modern logistic, art design, computer network and Economic and trade management. It has built a national shortage of skilled talent training base and six key Guangdong provincial developing majors. In recent three years, the rate of employment maintains over 98%.
Cooperate between school and enterprise, develop jointly and enjoy jointly
According to the development strategy that majors rely on enterprise, Zhuhai key Vocational School of Polytechnic cooperates with enterprises, among which including Zhuguang Automobile Company, Dayun tong Logistic Company, Toyota Automobile Company and General Motors Company,on students’ internship, teachers’ practice, inviting experts to participate in the major construction, and so on.
Training services with remarkable results
Zhuhai vocational school of polytechnic takes the responsibility for serving the economy of Zhuhai Special Zone and makes full use of the high quality resources. For example, school site, school facilities and teaching staff and so on. It carried out occupational skill training and identification for the community about 8400 person-time and opened automobile repair mechanic class and senior electric repair mechanic class. The number of the mechanic class students reached 4800 person-time. In the recent three years, the accumulative amounts of occupational training reached 14475 person-time.
Talents strengthen school and get fruitful achievements
Zhuhai Vocational School of Polytechnic constructed a teaching staff who have high morals, exquisite skills and full of energy. It took all kinds of measures to develop teachers. For instance, expert guidance, school based training, enterprise and university visiting. Now there are 5 provincial subject leaders, 28 post graduate students, 87% double-professional teachers, 23 teachers who ever trained on abroad, 7 excellent instructors in National Secondary Vocational School Skills Competition, 7 provincial project leaders, 26 editors of country and provincial teaching materials, 71 teachers who were appointed as advisors by companies.
Winning awards in National and Provincial Secondary Vocational School Skills Competition
The teaching quality was improved constantly these years. Zhuhai Vocational School of Polytechnic won one national special award, ten national first awards, 17 second awards, 3 third rewards, 53 provincial rewards, 95 provincial rewards, 33 provincial rewards in national and provincial Secondary Vocational School Skills Competition in recent six years.
Zhuhai Vocational School of Polytechnic was rated as “Advanced Unit of Vocational Education in Guangdong province”, “Modern Education Technology School in Guangdong province”, “Demonstration School on Mental Health Education”, “Characteristic School on Youth Science Education of Guangdong province ”, “Advanced Unit of Zhuhai city” , “ Civilized Unit of Zhuhai city” and so on. It was identified as the country’s one of the first “national secondary vocation education reform and development demonstrate schools” building school by the Ministry of Education in 2010. It became the Guangdong province occupational college two-three subsection recruitment pilot school in 2011. It was awarded the “National Middle School Studengs and High School students Science and Technology Invention Contest” project pilot school