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張良培,王毅,李平湘. “基於各向異性擴散的SAR圖像斑點噪聲自適應濾波算法”. 電子學報, 2006, 34(12): 2250-2254.(EI)
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1. Y. Wang,R. Niu, et al. “Hyperspectral Urban Remote Sensing Image Smoothing and Enhancement Using Forward-and-Backward Diffusion”. In the Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event 2009, Shanghai, China, May 20, 2009 - May 22, 2009. (EI)
2. Y. Wang,R. Niu, et al. “Wavelet-Based Multiscale Anisotropic Diffusion for Speckle Reduction and Edge Enhancement”. In the MIPPR 2009: Multispectral Image Processing, Vol. 7494, pp. 0I-1-0I-09, Yichang, China, 30 October - 1 November, 2009. (EI)
3. Y. Wang, R. Niu, H. Shen, X. Yu. “Forward-and-Backward Diffusion for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Smoothing and Enhancement”. In the International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis(ICEODPA 2008), Vol. 7285, pp. 1C-1-1C-12, Wuhan, China, December 28-30, 2008. (EI)
4. Y. Wang, R. Niu, L. Zhang, P. Li. “Detail preserving robust anisotropic diffusion for image enhancement and noise reduction”. In the 5th international symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR 2007), vol. 6787, pp. 2N-1-2N-7, Wuhan, China, November 14-16, 2007.(EI)
5. Y. Wang, L. Zhang, P. Li. “Nonlinear Multispectral Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for Remote Sensed Images based on MDL and Morphology”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’05), pp. 4327-4330, Seoul, Korea, July 25-29, 2005. (EI)