1998-1999,美國Oklahoma大學風暴分析預報研究中心, 研究科學家
1999-2000,美國Oklahoma大學風暴分析預報研究中心, 高級研究科學家
2003-2005,美國Hampton 大學大氣科學中心/宇航局蘭利中心,研究副教授
2016- 中山大學大氣科學學院,教授
1.國家自然科學基金重點項目:青藏高原科學試驗關鍵區物理協調大氣分析模型與數據集的構建研究, 項目主持
15. 中國民航局民航氣象中心多個研發項目,項目主持
American Meteorological Society (AMS), member
American Geophysical Union (AGU), member
《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》編委
《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》編委
國務院和中國氣象局2015年6月1日“東方之星” 調查專家組專家
2014年,World Meteorological Organization(世界氣象組織)THORPEX 項目優秀貢獻獎
2000年,專利股權證,因轉讓ARPS模式而擁有專利著作權,USA Weather Decision Tech., Inc.
1997年,美國Discover Magazine Award(發現雜誌獎),Discover Magazine (美國發現雜誌)
1997年,美國Computerworld Smithsonian Award(計算機世界史密森獎),Smithsonian Institution,USA(美國史密森協會)
1996年,Outstanding Professional Dedication,CAPS/University of Oklahoma
Wang Donghai and Wang Peilin, 1991: Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Liquid Water on Cumulus Development, Journal of the Graduate School, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Vol.8, No.1.
王東海、周曉平, 1992:風暴臨近數值預報的可能性,科學通報,第23期,2159-216.
Wang Donghai and Zhou Xiaoping, 1993: The Possibility of Numerical Nowcasting of Storms, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.38, No.14,1190-1194
Wang Donghai, 1994: Study on the Convective Storm Numerical Forecasting Model and Simulations, Ph. D Dissertation, IAP/CAS, 218 pp.
王東海、周曉平, 1994: 斜壓大氣中尺度橫波擾動的發展,大氣科學,Vol. 18,No. 1,61-71.
Wang Donghai, 1995: The Effects of Doppler Radar Wind Fields in Storm Numerical Simulations, The Paper Collection of Young Atmospheric Scientists, China Meteorological Press.
Zhou Xiaoping and Wang Donghai, 1995: The Theoretical Study of A Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Numerical Prediction Model, Research for new Technologies of Typhoon and Heavy Rain Numerical Prediction, China Meteorological Press, 158-163.
Wang Donghai and Zhou Xiaoping, 1995: The Experimental Study of A Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Numerical Prediction Model, Research for new Technologies of Typhoon and Heavy Rain Numerical Prediction, China Meteorological Press, 164-171.
周曉平、王東海, 1996:短時風暴數值預報模式研究Ⅰ.模式的理論框架,大氣科學,Vol.20, No.1,1-11.
王東海、周曉平, 1996:短時風暴數值預報模式研究Ⅱ.模式的基礎試驗結果,大氣科學,Vol.20, No.3,279-289.
王東海、周曉平, 1996:大氣非靜力數值模式中聲波的阻尼和壓縮,熱帶氣象學報,Vol. 12, No.3, 265-271.
Xue, M., K. K. Droegemeier, V. Wong, A. Shapiro, K. Brewster, F. Carr, D. Weber, Y. Liu, and D.-H. Wang, 2001: The Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) – A multiscale nonhydrostatic atmospheric simulation and prediction tool. Part II: Model physics and applications. Met. Atmos. Physics, 76, 143-165.
Xu, K. –M., and coauthors, 2002: An intercomparison of cloud-resolving models with the ARM summer 1997 IOP data. Q. J. Roy. Meteor. 128, 593-624.
Xue, M., D.-H. Wang, J. –D. Gao, K. Brewster, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2003: The Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS): storm-scale numerical weather prediction and assimilation. Meteor. Atmos. Physics, 82, 139-170.
Fridlind, A.M., A. S. Ackerman, E. J. Jensen, A. J. Heymsfield, M. R. Poellot, D. E. Stevens, D. –H. Wang, L. M. Miloshevich, D. Baumgardner, R. P. Lawson, J. C. Wilson, R. C. Flagan, J. H. Seinfeld, H. H. Jonsson, T. M. VanReken, V. Varutbangkul, T. A. Rissman, 2004: Evidence for the Predominance of Mid-Tropospheric Aerosols as Subtropical Anvil Cloud Nuclei, SCIENCE, 304, 718-722.
王東海,鍾水新,劉英,李俊,胡開喜,楊帥,張春喜,孫力,高樅亭:東北暴雨的研究. 地球科學進展. 2007,22,549-560.
Wang Donghai, P. Minnis, T.P.Charlock et al.: Real-time Mesoscale Forecast Support During the CLAMS Field Campaign, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2007,Vol.24, No.4, 599-605
Yang Shuai, Shouting Gao, Donghai Wang: Diagnostic analyses of the ageostrophic Q vector in the non-uniform saturated, frictionless and moist adiabatic flow. J. Geophys. Res.,112(2007), D09114, doi:10.1029/2006JD008142
楊帥,高守亭,王東海:濕飽和流中的Richardson數和不穩定的研究.地球物理學報,2007, 50: 377-386.
Yang Shuai, S. Gao, and Donghai Wang: A study of Richardson number and instability in moist saturated flow. Chinese J. Geophys., 50(2)(2007), 365-375.
王東海, 柳崇健, 劉英等, 2008:2008年1月中國南方低溫雨雪冰凍天氣特徵及其天氣動力學成因的初步分析. 氣象學報, 66(3), 405-422.
Yang S. and D. Wang, 2008: The curl of Q vector: A new diagnostic parameter associated with heavy rainfall, Atmos and Oceanic Sci. Letter, 1(1), 36-39.
Jiang Zhina, M. Mu and D. Wang, 2008: Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation of a T21L3 quasi-geostrophic model. Q. J. R. Meteo. Soc.,134 (633), 1027-1038.
Jiang Zhina, M. Mu and D. Wang, 2008: Ensemble prediction experiments with the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation, Science in china series D, 38(11), 1444-1451.
Wang Donghai, Li Xiaofan, Tao Wei-kuo, Liu Ying, and Zhou Haiguang, 2009: Torrential rainfall processes associated with a landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006): A two-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling study. Atmospheric Research, 91, 94-104.
李藝苑, 王東海, 王斌, 2009: 中小尺度過山氣流的動力問題研究. 自然科學進展, 19(3), 310-324.(通信作者)
Wang Donghai, Chongjian Liu, Ying Liu et al., 2009: A preliminary analysis of features and causes of the snow storm event over the southern areas of China in January 2008, Acta Meteorological Sinica, 23(3), 374-386.
王東海, 楊帥, 鍾水新, 韓瑛, 2009:切變風螺旋度和熱成風螺旋度在東北冷渦暴雨中的套用. 大氣科學, 33(6), 1238-1246
樊琦; 王東海; 黃聰敏; 范紹佳; 王安宇; 馮瑞權, 2009: 一次廣東省大霧過程的數值模擬分析. 熱帶氣象學報. 25(5), 589-595.
Jiang Zhina, Mu Mu and Wang Donghai, 2009: Ensemble prediction experiments using conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 52(4), 511-518.
Wang Donghai, X. Li, and W. –K. Tao, et al., 2009: Effects of vertical wind shear on convective development during a landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006), Atmospheric Research, 94, 270-275.
Yang S. and D. H. Wang, 2009: Diagnostic analyses of the modified convective vorticity vector in non-uniformly saturated moist flow. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(3), 142-147.
Wang Donghai, X. Li, W. –K. Tao, et al., 2010: Responses of vertical structures in convective and stratiform regions to large-scale forcing during the landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006), Adv. in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(1), 1-14.
Wang Donghai, Xiaofan Li, and Wei-Kuo Tao, 2010: Torrential rainfall responses to radiative and microphysical processes of ice clouds during a landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis(2006). Meteor. Atmos. Physics, 109, 107–114.
Wang Donghai, Xiaofan Li, and Wei-KuoTao, 2010: Cloud radiative effects on responses of rainfall to large-scale forcing during a landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006). .98, 2-4, 512-525
Jiang Zhina, and Wang Donghai, 2010: A Study on Precursors to Blocking Anomalies in Climatological Flows by Using Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbations. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 136(650), 1170-1180.
Hu Kaixi, Lu Riyu, and Wang Donghai, 2010: Seasonal Climatology of Cut off Lows and associated precipitation patterns over Northeast China. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 106(1-2), 37-48.
Wang Donghai, and Shuai Yang, 2010: An atmospheric dry intrusion parameter and its application. Acta Meteorological Sinica, 24(4), 492-500.
馮濤, 沈新勇, 劉英, 王東海, 2010: 精細數值預報在60周年國慶天氣服務中的套用. 氣象與環境科學, 33(33), 1-7.
王東海, 杜軍, 劉崇健, 2011:正確認識和對待天氣氣候預報的不確定性. 氣象, 37(4), 385-391.
Jiang Zhina, and Wang Donghai, 2011: Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations: behaviors during the evolution of cold vortices over Northeast China. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 138, 198-208
王東海, 夏茹娣, 劉英, 2011: 2008年華南前汛期致洪暴雨特徵及其對比分析. 氣象學報,69(1), 137-148.
Jiang Zhina, and Wang Donghai, 2011: Nonlinearity and finite-time instability in a T21L3 quasi-geostrophic. Acta Meteorologica sinica, 25(4), 419-429.
Jiang Zhina, Mu Mu, and Wang Donghai, 2011: Optimal Perturbations Triggering Weather Regime Transitions: Onset of Blocking and Strong Zonal Flow. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 28(1), 59-68.
Ying Liu, Chongjian Liu, and Donghai Wang, 2011: Understanding Atmospheric Behaviour in Terms of Entropy: A Review of Applications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics to Meteorology. Entropy. 13(1), 211-240.
劉英, 王東海, 張中鋒, 鍾水新, 2011: 東北冷渦的結構及其演變特徵的個例綜合分析. 氣象學報, 70(3), 354-370.
鍾水新, 王東海, 張人禾, 劉英, 2011: 基於CloudSat資料的冷渦對流雲帶垂直結構特徵. 套用氣象學報, 22(3), 257-254. (通信作者)
鍾水新, 王東海, 張人禾, 劉英, 2011: 一次東北冷渦降水過程的結構特徵與影響因子分析. 高原氣象, 30(4), 951-960. (通信作者)
Yin Jinfang, Wang Donghai, Zhai Guoqing, 2011:Long-term in situ measurements of the cloud-precipitation microphysical properties over East Asia. Atmospheric Research, 102: 206-217(通信作者)
胡開喜, 陸日宇, 王東海, 2011:東北冷渦及其氣候影響. 大氣科學, 35(1), 179-191.
李兆慧, 王東海, 王建捷, 劉英, 2011: 一次暴雨過程的鋒生函式和急流——鋒面次級環流分析. 高原氣象, 30(6), 1505-1515. (通信作者)
周玲麗, 翟國慶, 王東海, 王元, 2011: 0713號“韋帕”颱風暴雨的中尺度數值研究和非對稱性結構分析. 大氣科學, 35(6), :1046-1056.
陳超君, 王東海, 李國平, 張中鋒,等 , 2012:冬季高海拔複雜地形下GRAPES-Meso 要素預報的檢驗評估. 氣象, 6(38), 657-668.(通信作者)
Li Yiyuan, Donghai Wang, and Bin Wang, 2012: A new approach to Implement Sigma Coordinate in a numerical model. Communications in Computational Physics, 12, 1033-1050. (通信作者)
Fu ShenMing, Fei Yu, DongHai Wang, RuDi Xia, 2012: A comparison of two kinds of eastward-moving mesoscale vortices during the mei-yu period of 2010. Science China Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11430-012-4420-5.
付慎明, 於翡, 王東海, 夏茹娣, 2012:2010 年梅雨期兩類東移中尺度渦旋的對比研究. 中國科學D輯, 地球科學, 42(8), 1282-1300.
鄧滌菲, 周玉淑, 王東海, 2012:有限區域分解分析方法在2006年一次東北冷渦暴雨分析中的套用. 地球物理學報, 55(6), 1852-1866.
Jinfang Yin, Donghai Wang, and Guoqing Zhai, 2012: An evaluation of ice nuclei characteristics from the long-term measurement data over North China. APJAS, 48(2), 197-204.(通信作者)
劉英, 王東海, 張中鋒, 鍾水新, 2012:東北冷渦的結構及其演變特徵的個例綜合分析. 氣象學報, 70(3), 354-370.
吳政謙, 徐海明, 王東海, 刑謙, 王峰雲, 杜鈞, 馮濤, 劉英, 尹金方, 2012:中尺度多模式超級集合預報對 2010 年6 月19—20 日中國南方大暴雨過程的分析. 熱帶氣象學報, 28(5), 653-663.(通信作者)
李俊, 王東海, 王斌, 2012:中尺度對流系統中的濕中性層結結構特徵. 氣候與環境研究, 17(5), 617-627.
Zhang Y., Donghai Wang, Panma Zhai, 2012: Applicability of AIRS Monthly Mean Atmospheric Water Vapor Profiles over the Tibetan Plateau Region. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(11), 1617-1628.(通信作者)
梁升, 王東海, 李國平, 劉英, 馮濤, 李馗峰, 張偉民, 2012:基於雲分析的數值模擬在複雜地形中的套用試驗. 氣象科技, 40(6), 960-968. (通信作者)
Isaac,G.A., P. I. Joe,J. Mailhot, M. Bailey, S. BE ´ Lair, F. S. Boudala, M. Brugman, E. Campos, R. L. CarpenterJR., R. W. Crawford,S. G. Cober, B. Denis, C. Doyle, H. D. Reeves, I. Gultepe,T. Haiden, I. Heckman, L. X. Huang,1 J. A. Milbrandt, R. Mo, R. M. Rasmussen, T. Smith, R. E. Stewart D. Wang, and L. J. Wilson, 2012: Science of Nowcasting Olympic Weather for Vancouver 2010 (SNOW-V10): a World Weather Research Programme Project, Pure Appl. Geophys., DOI 10.1007/s00024-012-0579-0.
XIA Rudi,Wang Donghai,SUN Jianhua,et. al., 2012: An Observational Analysis of a Derecho in South China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 26(6), 773-787.
Rudi Xia,Shenming Fu,Donghai Wang.2012. On the vorticity and energy budgets of the cold vortex in Northeast China: a case study. Meteorol Atmos Phys,118:53–64
JIANG Zhina ,WANG Donghai.2012. Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations: behaviour during the evolution of cold vortices over northeast China.Q J R Meteorol Soc 138: 198–208
JIANG Zhina ,WANG Donghai.2012.The Behaviors of Optimal Precursors during Wintertime Eurasian Blocking Onset. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES,29(6):1174–1184
徐慧燕, 朱業, 劉瑞, 沈杭鋒, 王東海, 翟國慶, 2012: 長江下游地區不同邊界層參數化方案的試驗研究. 大氣科學, 37(1): 149-159.
張一平,王新敏,梁俊平,李周,王東海. 2013.黃淮地區兩次低渦暴雨的中尺度特徵分析.暴雨災害,32(4):303-313
Jia Wang, Donghai Wang, Pierre Lallemand, Lishi Luo, 2013: Lattice Boltzmann simulations of thermal convective flows in two dimensions. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 65(2), 262-286(通信作者)
Jinfang Yin, Donghai Wang, Guoqing Zhai, Wang Zhien, 2013: Observational characteristics of cloud vertical profiles over the continent of East Asia from the CloudSat data. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 27(1),26-39.(通訊作者)
付煒, 王東海, 殷紅, 李俊, 2013: 青藏高原與東亞地區暖季MCSs統計特徵的對比研究. 高原氣象,32(4),929-943(通訊作者)
尹金方, 王東海, 翟國慶, 王志恩, 2013: 基於星載雲雷達資料的東亞大陸雲垂直結構特徵分析, 氣象學報, 71(1),121-133(通訊作者)
Wang Donghai, Liu Ying, Zhu Ping, Yin Jinfang, Li Xiaofan, Tao Wei-Kuo, 2013: Cloud Microphysical Budget Associated with Torrential Rainfall during a Landfall of Severe Tropical Storm Bilis (2006). Acta Meteorologica Sinica 27(2):263-272
Wang Donghai, Zhu Ping, Yin Jinfang, Li Xiaofan, Tao Wei-Kuo, 2013: Effects of Vertical Wind Shear, Radiation, and Ice Clouds on Precipitation Distributions during a Landfall of Severe Tropical Storm Bilis (2006). Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Journal, 24(3): 383-392
Jinfang Yin, Donghai Wang, Guoqing Zhai, 2013:. A Comparative Study of Cloud-Precipitation Microphysical Properties between East Asia and Other Regions. Journal of the Met. Soc. of Japan, 91(4), 507-526. (通訊作者)
Ying Liu, Chongjian Liu, Zhaohui Li.2013.Implication of Negative Entropy Flow for Local Rainfall.Entropy,15:3449-3457, doi:10.3390/e15093449
Zhang Y., Donghai Wang, Panmao Zhai, Guojun Gu, and Jinhai He, 2013: Spatial Distributions and Seasonal Variations of Troposphere Water Vapor Content over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate,26,5637-5654(通訊作者)
CHEN Ting, WANG Dong-Hai, LI Guo-Ping, and ZHANG Y. 2013: Validation of IASI-Retrieved Atmospheric Water Vapor Data over the Tibetan Plateau Region. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 6(3), 167-172. (通訊作者)
Zhou Lingli; Du Huiliang; Zhai Guoqing; Wang Donghai., 2013: Numerical simulation of the sudden rainstorm associated with the remnants of Typhoon Meranti (2010), ADV. IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 30(5), 1353-1372.
Fu ShenMing; Yu Fei; Wang DongHai; Xia RuDi., 2013: A comparison of two kinds of eastward-moving mesoscale vortices during the mei-yu period of 2010. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 56(2), 282-300, 2013/2.
田開文,王東海,李國平. 2013. 民航京滬穗數值預報系統在廣州的本地化試驗. 成都信息工程學院學報,28(4),379-395. (通訊作者)
Jiang Zhina, M. Mu and D. Luo, et. al., 2013: A study of the North Atlantic Oscillation using conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation. J. Atmos. Sci.,70(3),855-875.
夏茹娣,王東海,張立生. 2013. 2009年冬季華北初雪對流層低層風場及大氣層結特徵. 氣候與環境研究. 18(1),87-100.
梁釗明,高守亭,王東海,王彥. 2013. 城市下墊面對渤海灣海風鋒特徵影響的一次數值試驗. 大氣科學, 37(5) :1013-1024
Wang Donghai, Duan Yihong, Liu Ying et al., 2013: A case study of the mixed rainfall-snowfall event associated with an extratropical cyclone in autumn, Acta Meteorologica Sinica,27(5),601-625
Li,Y., Wang,B., Wang,D., Li,J., and Dong,L. 2014: An orthogonal terrain-following coordinate and its preliminary tests using 2-D idealized advection experiments, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1767-1778.
王東海,2014. 東亞天氣的觀測分析、數值模擬和數值預報研究,陳世訓先生誕辰百年紀念文集,中國評論學術出版社,322-348
琚建華,羅婷,王東海,2014. 西太平洋副熱帶高壓季節內振盪特徵,陳世訓先生誕辰百年紀念文集,中國評論學術出版社,272-288
趙艷風, 王東海, 尹金方. 2014. 基於CloudSat資料的青藏高原地區雲微物理特徵分析. 熱帶氣象學報, 2, 239-248 (通訊作者)
王洪,尹金方,王東海.2014.單雙參雲微物理方案對“10.13”華南暴雨的模擬對比分析.高原氣象,33 (5): 1341-1351(通訊作者)
張菊醒,王東海,李國平,梁升.2014. 2012年6月華南持續性降水的環流特徵和影響因子分析. 成都信息工程學院院報,(通訊作者)
董顏,劉壽東,王東海,趙艷風, 2014: GFS對我國南方持續性強降水可預報性評估, 氣象,41(1):45-51(通訊作者)
Yin Jinfang, Wang Donghai, and Zhai Guoqing. 2015: An attempt to improve Kessler-type parameterizations of warm cloud microphysical conversion processes using CloudSat observations. J. Meteor. Res., 29(1): 82-92
尹金方,王東海,翟國慶. 2014:區域中尺度模式雲微物理參數化方案特徵及其在中國的適用性.地球科學進展,29(2),238-248
Yin, J. F., D. Wang, G. Zhai and B.Xu, 2014: An investigation into the relationship between liquid water content and cloud number concentration in the stratiform clouds over north China, Atmos. Res., 139(2014), 137-143.
王東海,尹金方,翟國慶. 2014:1960年以來東亞季風區雲-降水微物理的直接觀測研究.氣象學報, 72(4),639-657
Yin Jinfang, D. Wang and G.. Zhai. 2015: An attempt to improve Kessler-type parameterizations of warm cloud microphysical conversion processes using CloudSat observations. J. Meteor. Res., 29(1): 82-92
Wang Donghai, Yin Jinfang, Zhai Guoqing. 2015. In-situ measurement of cloud-precipitation microphysics over china since 1960. J. Meteor. Res., 29(2)155-179.
梁釗明,王東海. 2015. 一次颱風變性併入東北冷渦過程的動力診斷分析, 大氣科學, 39(2):397-412
唐聖鈞,程志剛,王東海,鞏遠發. 2015. 基於DEM的貴州山區氣溫和降水推算方法研究,西南大學學報(自然科學版)37(1):128-137
JIANG Zhina,,WANG Xin,WANG Donghai. 2015. Exploring the Phase-Strength Asymmetry of the North Atlantic Oscillation Using Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32(5), 671-679
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