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王昌永, 高級工程師。男,1942年1月生,遼寧海城人。大學。機電部長春試驗機研究所研究室主任。長春市勞動模範,機電部“七五”科技攻關有突出成績專家。

Mr. Wang Changyong is a National First-class Artist who is lauded as “ the King Cat Artist ”. He was born in 1966, started to learn traditional Chinese painting at the age of 7 from his father who is also a skillful artist, and learnt from many other famous artist after growing up, he is rich experienced in traditional painting. Mr. Wang is good at painting beasts, particularly good at painting cat. His 12-meter-long artwork “ Hundred Cats ” was sent to Macao government as the mainland’s present when Macao returned in 1999. Some of his works of art are on display at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the Great Hall of the People. Exhibitions of his art has been held in France, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and many other places. In 2010, he was awarded the “Louvre Art Special award” for his artwork “the Black and the White” when he attended the Paris Louvre exhibition. Wang Changyong is one of the best and most influential artists of the Chinese painting field.

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