
2001―2002,Singapore National Univ, Department of Civil Engineering,Visiting student(新加坡國立大學訪問學生);
2007―2009,TU-Freiberg, Alexander von Humboldt visiting scholar(德國亞歷山大·馮·洪堡訪問學者);
2015―現在,合肥工業大學,“黃山學者” 特聘教授(岩土工程)、博士生導師。
(1)Wang, Z.L.*,He A.L., Shi G.Y., et al.(2018). Temperature effect on AE energy characteristics and damage mechanical behaviors of granite, International Journal of Geomechanics;18(3): 04017163.
(2)Wang, Z.L.*, Yang D.(2015). Study on dynamic behavior and tensile strength of concrete using 1D wave propagation characteristics, Mechanics of Advanced Materials andStructures; 22(3):184–191.
(3) Lu Z.T., Wang, Z.L.*, Liu D.J.(2013). A study on the application of the parallel seismic method in pile testing,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 55(12): 255–262.
(4) Lu Z.T., Wang, Z.L.*, Liu D.J.(2012). Study on low-strain integrity testing of pipe-pile using the elastodynamic finite integration technique. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics; 37(5): 536–550.
(5)Wang, Z.L.*, Zhu , H.H., Wang J.G., Zhu B.(2012). Experimental study on macroscopic mechanical behavior of SFRC under triaxial compression, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures;19(8): 653–662.
(6) Wang, Z.L.*, Zhou, N.Q., Wang, J.G.(2012). Using Hopkinson pressure bar to perform dynamic tensile tests on SFRC at medium strain rates. Magazine of Concrete Research; 64(8): 657–664.
(7) Wang, Z.L.*, Shi, Z.M., Wang, J.G., etc.(2011). On the strength and toughness properties of SFRC under static-dynamic compression. Composite Part B: Engineering; 42(5): 1285–1290.
(8) Wang, Z.L.*, Wu, L.P., etc.(2010). A study of constitutive relation and dynamic failure for SFRC in compression. Construction and Building Materials; 24(8): 1358–1363.
(9) Wang, Z.L.*, Konietzky, H., Shen, R.F. (2010). Analytical and numerical study of P-wave attenuation in rock shelter layer, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 30(1/2):1–7.
(10) Wang, Z.L.*, Wu, J., Wang, J.G. (2010). Experimental and numerical analysis on effect of fibre aspect ratio on mechanical properties of SRFC, Construction and Building Materials; 24(4): 559–565.