•2010-2012年,中國海洋大學海洋與大氣學院,講師 [1]
目前有實際科學研究合作的單位包括:與美國伍茲霍爾海洋研究所在內波實驗方面進行合作、與加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學在內波觀測和實驗方面合作、與英國UCL (University of College London)大學在內波理論方面合作、與葡萄牙University of Porto大學在內波遙感方面進行合作等。
1、 國家自然科學基金面上項目,41576021,近表面大振幅非線性內波的觀測與實驗研究,2016/01–2019/12,85萬,在研,主持。
2、 國家自然科學基金應急管理項目,41440038,非線性內波的實時跟蹤觀測研究,2015/01-2015/12,20萬元,已結題,主持。
3、 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,41106008,三維內孤立波時空演變的觀測研究,2012/01-2014/12,26萬元,已結題,主持。
Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals (2011-present):
1.Wang, C.* and R. Pawlowicz, 2017, Internal wave generation from tidal flow exiting a constricted opening, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 110–125, doi:10.1002/2016JC011765.
2.Li, Y., Wang, C.*, Liang, Ch., Li, J., Liu,W., 2016, A simple early warning method for large internal solitary waves in the northern South China Sea, App. Ocean Res., DOI: 10.1016/j.apor.2016.11.002.
3.Grimshaw, R., Wang, C.*, and Li, L., 2016. Modelling of polarity change in a nonlinear internal wavetrain in Laoshan Bay. Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0136.1.
4.Li, L., Wang, C.*, and Grimshaw, R., 2015. Observation of internal wave polarity conversion generated by a rising tide, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL063870.
5.Tang, Q., Wang, C., Wang, D. & Pawlowicz, R, 2014. Seismic, satellite, and site observations of internal solitary waves in the NE South China Sea. Sci. Rep. 4, 5374; DOI:10.1038/srep05374.
6.Wang, C.* and Rizzoli, P., 2014. Diagnosis of physical and biological controls on phytoplankton in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region using an adjoint data assimilation approach, J. Ocean Univ. China. Vol. 13(3).
7.Wang, C.* and Rizzoli, P., 2014. Diagnosis of physical and biological controls on phytoplankton distribution in the Sargasso Sea, J. Ocean Univ. China. Vol. 13(1).
8.Wang, C.* and Pawlowicz, R., 2012. Oblique wave-wave interactions of nonlinear near-surface internal waves in the Strait of Georgia. Journal of Geophysical Research–Oceans, Vol. 117.
9.Wang, C.* and Pawlowicz, R., 2011. Propagation speeds of strongly nonlinear near-surface internal waves in the Strait of Georgia. Journal of Geophysical Research–Oceans, Vol. 116.