
王建軍,男,博士,生於1981年8月,漢族,中共黨員,吉林白山人,華北電力大學經濟與管理學院副教授、碩士生導師 。




2016.12-2017.12 美國普渡大學訪問學者

2015.03-至今 華北電力大學經濟與管理學院信息管理教研室,副教授

2011.07-2015.02 華北電力大學經濟與管理學院信息管理教研室,講師




國家自然科學基金青年項目: 節能減排下考慮大規模清潔能源發電的電源結構擬境演化機理研究




1.Wang J, Li L, Liu D. Application of SYR with backtracking search algorithm for long-term load forecasting. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2016;31(4):2341-7.

2.Wang J, Li L. Sustainable energy development scenario forecasting and energy saving policy analysis of China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016;58:718-24.

3.Wang J, Li L. Research on the College Graduate Employment Education Based on Data Mining Technology. Anthropologist. 2016;23(1-2):231-5.

4.Wang J, Li C, Zhang S. Big Data Impact Analysis of Smart Grid based on AHP method. In: Jiang ZY, editor. Proceedings of the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. AER-Advances in Engineering Research. 322016. p. 1487-90.

5.Wang J, Li C, Ma T. Performance evaluation of intelligent distribution network based on big data and cloud computing. Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia. 2016;39(6):323-31.

6.Wang J, Cunbin L. Design of an online monitoring system for intelligent power network based on cloud computing technology. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology. 2016;17(39):9.1-9.6.

7.齊霞, 王綿斌, 張妍, 王建軍, 張曉曼. 高維小樣本條件下的變電工程造價預測研究. 湘潭大學自然科學學報. 2016(04):112-5.

8.安磊, 張潔, 齊霞, 王建軍, 李傑. 基於隨機森林輸變電線路工程造價估算研究. 控制工程. 2016(11):1841-4.

9.安磊, 王綿斌, 耿鵬雲, 楊陽, 王建軍. “營改增”對電網工程造價的影響及實證分析. 陝西電力. 2016(12):56-61.

10.Wang J, Li L. Computation effects of restructuring China's energy intensive industries CO2emissions based on STRIPAT model. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2015;12(12):6260-4.

11.Li L, Wang J. Uncertain Engineering Critical Path Solving Method Based on Interval Number theory. In: Chang L, Guiran C, Zhen L, editors. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering. AER-Advances in Engineering Research. 82015. p. 1409-12.

12.Li L, Wang J. The Effects of Coal Switching and Improvements in Electricity Production Efficiency and Consumption on CO2 Mitigation Goals in China. Sustainability. 2015;7(7):9540-59.

13.李莉, 王建軍. 高耗能行業結構調整和能效提高對我國CO_2排放峰值的影響——基於STIRPAT模型的實證分析. 生態經濟. 2015(08):74-9.

14.耿鵬雲, 齊霞, 尹冰冰, 李傑, 王建軍. 輸變電工程基本預備費費率測算模式與方法研究. 陝西電力. 2015(10):58-61.

15.范松麗, 苑仁峰, 艾芊, 賀興, 徐意婷. 歐洲超級電網計畫及其對中國電網建設啟示. 電力系統自動化. 2015(10):6-15.

16.Wang J, Li L, Zhang F, Xu Q. Carbon Emissions Abatement Cost in China: Provincial Panel Data Analysis. Sustainability. 2014;6(5):2584-600.

17.Wang J, Li L. Using STIRPAT Model to Analyze Impact Factors on CO2 Emissions of China. International Joint Conference on Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Public Administration (Amspa 2014). 2014:1-5.

18.Wang J, Li L. The Scenario forecasting analysis of CO2 emissions of China. In: Xu Q, Li H, Li Q, editors. Sustainable Development of Industry and Economy, Pts 1 and 2. Advanced Materials Research. 869-8702014. p. 836-9.

19.Wang J, Li L. Empirical analysis on relation between electricity consumption and carbon emission based on stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence and technology model. Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology. 2014;38(3):628-32.

20.Li L, Wang J, Zhang J, Yun X, Ge X. Examining the effects of electrification on improving the COinf2/inf emission intensity of GDP in Beijing from 1996 to 2012. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 2014;32(6):5961-78.

21.Li L, Wang J, Tan Z, Ge X, Zhang J, Yun X. Policies for eliminating low-efficiency production capacities and improving energy efficiency of energy-intensive industries in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014;39:312-26.

22.王建軍, 李莉. 基於隨機性環境影響評估模型的電力消費和碳排放關係實證分析. 電網技術. 2014(03):628-32.

23.馬同濤, 李存斌, 王建軍. 配電網運行風險的動態評估組合模型. 華東電力. 2014(06):1109-14.

24.李存斌, 馬同濤, 王建軍. 我國階梯電價改革的長期影響及動態調整分析. 陝西電力. 2014(10):28-32+58.

25.Wang J, Li L. A combined forecasting method of wind power capacity with differential evolution algorithm. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 2013;31(4):2545-56.

26.Wang J, Li L, Niu D, Tan Z. An annual load forecasting model based on support vector regression with differential evolution algorithm. Applied Energy. 2012;94:65-70.

27.Niu D, Ji L, Xing M, Wang J. Multi-variable echo state network optimized by Bayesian regulation for daily peak load forecasting. Journal of Networks. 2012;7(11):1790-5.

28.Tan Z, Li L, Wang J, Wang J. Examining the driving forces for improving China's CO2 emission intensity using the decomposing method. Applied Energy. 2011;88(12):4496-504.

29.Niu D, Wang J, Li L. A Combined Middle-long Load Forecasting Model Base on Differential Evolution Method. In: Luo Q, Wang YZ, editors. Advanced Materials Science and Technology, Pts 1-2. Advanced Materials Research. 181-1822011. p. 594-8.

30.Li L, Wang J, Li N, Tan Z, An J. A risk investment portfolio optimization model of energy efficiency power plant based on mean semi-variance theory in low-carbon economy environment. Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology. 2011;35(8):26-9.

31.Li J, Liu J, Wang J. Mid-long term load forecasting based on simulated annealing and SVM algorithm. Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering. 2011;31(16):63-6.

32.王建軍,牛東曉,李莉,譚忠富. 電力需求側回響利益聯動機制的系統動力學模擬分析. 系統工程理論與實踐. 2011;31(12):2287-95.

33.王建軍, 李莉, 譚忠富, 牛東曉. 電力需求側回響利益聯動機制的系統動力學模擬. 系統工程理論與實踐. 2011(12):2287-95.

34.李莉, 王建軍, 李寧, 譚忠富, 安建強. 低碳經濟下能效電廠的半方差風險投資組合最佳化模型. 電網技術. 2011(08):26-9.

35.李瑾, 劉金朋, 王建軍. 採用支持向量機和模擬退火算法的中長期負荷預測方法. 中國電機工程學報. 2011(16):63-6.

36.Wang J, Niu D, Li L. Middle-long term load forecasting based on dynamic architecture for artificial neural network. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 2010;7(8):1711-7.

37.Niu D, Tang H, Wang J. Evaluation of Electric Network Intelligence Developing Level Based on SVM Method. Zhou D, Du ZY, editors2010. 201-4 p.

38.王建軍. 智慧型電網環境下的自適互動智慧型負荷預測研究. 陝西電力. 2010(05):11-5.

39.李莉, 譚忠富, 李寧, 王建軍, 張明文. 煤電差價契約及其合作效益最佳化分配的博弈模型. 中國管理科學. 2010(04):133-9.

40.李莉, 譚忠富, 李寧, 王建軍, 候勇. 幾種發電排污權初始分配模式的對比研究. 華東電力. 2010(11):1789-93.

41.Niu D, Wang J, Li L, Li C. Short-term load forecasting using adaptive ANN based on rough set and decision tree. Dianli Zidonghua Shebei / Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2009;29(10):30-4.

42.Niu D, Wang J. Combination of text mining and corrective neural network in short-term load forecasting. Journal of Computers. 2009;4(12):1188-94.

43.王建軍, 牛東曉, 李莉. 基於相似度與神經網路的協同短期負荷預測模型. 華東電力. 2009(01):64-6.

44.譚忠富, 李莉, 王建軍, 姜海洋, 王成文. 多智慧型體代理下電力雙邊談判中的模糊貝葉斯學習模型. 中國電機工程學報. 2009(07):106-13.

45.牛東曉, 王建軍, 李莉, 李存斌. 基於粗糙集和決策樹的自適應神經網路短期負荷預測方法. 電力自動化設備. 2009(10):30-4.

46.李莉, 譚忠富, 王建軍, 姜海洋, 候建英, 王成文. 可中斷負荷參與備用市場下的可靠性風險電價計算模型. 電網技術. 2009(04):81-7.

47.Li C, Wang J, Li L, Liu X, Ieee Computer SOC. Triangular fuzzy number method for measuring risk element criticality by Credibility degree in project network2008. 498-501 p.

48.Li C, Wang J, Li L, Liu X, editors. Triangular fuzzy number method for measuring risk element criticality by Credibility degree in project network. 2008 International Conference on Risk Management and Engineering Management, ICRMEM 2008, November 4, 2008 - November 6, 2008; 2008; Beijing, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.

49.Li C, Liu X, Wang J, Ieee. Network Structure to Tree Structure: A New Method of Project Risk Management Decision2008. 10477-80 p.

50.Li C, Liu X, Wang J, editors. Network structure to tree structure: A new method of project risk management decision. 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2008, October 12, 2008 - October 14, 2008; 2008; Dalian, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.

51.Li C, Li Y, Wang J, Wang K. A tetrahedron structure model of enterprise project chain risk transmission and control. Wu D, Niu D, editors2008. 13-6 p.

52.李莉, 譚忠富, 王建軍, 柏慧, 王成文. 電網企業購買電能與電力備用的MSV風險控制方法. 中國管理科學. 2008(03):109-15.

53.李存斌, 王建軍, 李莉. 項目經濟評價中NPV和IRR的風險傳遞關係研究. 技術經濟. 2008(08):57-60.

54.Li C, Wang J, Univ Academic Press T. The research of hierarchical risk element transmission theory base on fuzzy extended AHP2007. 129-33 p.

55.Li C, Wang J, editors. The research on hierarchical risk element transmission theory based on fuzzy theory and data mining. 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2007, August 24, 2007 - August 27, 2007; 2007; Haikou, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

56.Li C, Wang J. The research on hierarchical risk element transmission theory based on fuzzy theory and data mining. Lei J, Yu J, Zhou SG, editors2007. 433-7 p.

57.Li C, Wang J, editors. The research on generic project risk element network transmission parallel computing model. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications, ISICA 2007, September 21, 2007 - September 23, 2007; 2007; Wuhan, China: Springer Verlag.

58.Li C, Wang J. The research on generic project risk element network transmission parallel computing model. In: Kang L, Liu Y, Zeng S, editors. Advances in Computation and Intelligence, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 46832007. p. 539-+.



《能源的未來:低碳轉型路線圖》,閻志敏,王建軍譯,原著:(英)菲爾·奧基夫,(英)傑夫·奧布賴恩, 2011年11月石油工業出版社出版。


