
王勝平,女,博士,天津大學化工學院教授/博士生導師。 研究方向: 以合成氣和CO2高效轉化與利用為科研方向,重點在固體酸催化、材料納微結構構築及催化劑構效關係等方面開展套用基礎研究與關鍵技術開發。主要開展了CO2高效轉化、CO2有效吸附和捕集、CO氣相催化合成有機碳酸酯的研究工作。 2013 入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫” ;2014 天津市優秀碩士學位論文指導教師 ;2011 天津大學寶舜勵教金



1990年9月~1994年7月,河北工學院 有機化工專業, 學士。

1997年9月~2000年2月,河北工業大學 化學工藝專業, 碩士。

2000年3月~2003年2月, 天津大學 化學工藝專業, 博士。










以第一/通訊作者在 Energ. Environ. Sci. AIChE J. J. Mater. Chem. A Nanoscale Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Catal. Today Micro. Meso. Mat. Chem. Eng. J. J. Mol. Catal. A等國際重要刊物上發表SCI收錄論文 30多篇, 其中在JCR 1區期刊上發表論文 6篇(封面論文 2篇),在化工類頂級刊物 AIChE J.發表論文 2篇,期刊最高影響因子 15.49。另在 Chem. Soc. Rev. J. Am. Chem. Soc. J. Catal.等國際期刊合作發表 SCI收錄論文 30多篇 SCI引用 615次(他引 407次), H因子 13。獲得授權中國發明專利 15項,申請美國與歐洲等國際發明專利 9項。


1. Shengping Wang , Hui Shen, Shasha Fan, Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong, Enhanced COAdsorption Capacity and Stability using CaO-based Adsorbents Treated by Hydration, AIChE Journal, 2013, 59(10), 3586-3593 JCR 2 區, IF 2.581

2. Shengping Wang, Yue Liu, Yun Shi, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong. Dispersion and Catalytic Activity of MoO on TiO-SiO Binary Oxide Support. AIChE Journal, 2008, 54(3), 741-749 JCR 2 區, IF 2.581

3. Shengping Wang , Suli Yan, Xinbin Ma,Jinlong Gong, Recent Advances in CO Capture using Alkali-metal-based Oxides, Energy& Environmental Science, 2011, 4(10), 3805-3819 (封面論文, JCR 1 區, IF 15.49

4. Shengping Wang, Changjiang Li, Tuo Wang, Peng Zhang, Ang Li, Jinlong Gong, Controllable Synthesis of Nanotube-type Graphitic CN and Their Visible-light Photocatalytic and Fluorescent Properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(9), 2885-2890 (封面論文, JCR 1 區, IF 6.626

5. Changjiang Li, Shengping Wang, Tuo Wang, Yijia Wei, Peng Zhang, Jinlong Gong*, Monoclinic Porous BiVO Networks Decorated by Discrete g-CN Nano-Islands with Tunable Coverage for Highly Efficient Photocatalysis, Small, 2014, 10(14), 2783-2790 ( JCR 1 區, IF 7.514)

6. Shengping Wang , Lifang Zhao, Wei Wang, Yujun Zhao, Guanglin Zhang, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong, Morphology Control of Ceria Nanocrystals for Catalytic Conversion of CO with Methanol, Nanoscale, 2013, 5(12), 5582-5588 JCR 1 區, IF 6.739

7. Shengping Wang*, Lijing Fan, Chun Li, Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, Porous Spherical CaO-based Sorbents via PSS-Assisted Fast Precipitation for CO2 Capture, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2014 , 6, 18072-18077 JCR 1 區, IF 5.9

8. Shengping Wang, Shi Yun, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong, Tuning Porosity of Ti-MCM-41: Implication for Shape Selective Catalysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2011 , 3(6), 2154-2160 JCR 1 區, IF 5.9

9. Shengping Wang , Hui Shen, Shasha Fan, Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong, CaO-based Meshed Hollow Spheres for CO Capture, Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2014.09.027 JCR 2 區, IF 2.613

10. Shengping Wang*, Shasha Fan, Shasha Fan, Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, Carbonation Condition and Modeling Studies of Calcium-based Sorbent in the Fixed-bed Reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(25), 10457-10464 JCR 2 區, IF 2.235

11. Shengping Wang, Shi Yun, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong, Effect of Sulfate Modification on Structure Properties, Surface Acidity, and Transesterification Catalytic Performance of Titanium-Submitted Mesoporous Molecular Sieve, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , 2012, 51(16), 5737-5742 JCR 2 區, IF 2.235

12. Shengping Wang, Guanglin Zhang, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong. Investigations of Catalytic Activity, Deactivation, and Regeneration of Pb(OAc) for Methoxycarbonylation of 2,4-Toluene Diamine with Dimethyl Carbonate, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , 2012, 51(16), 5737-5742 JCR 2 區, IF 2.235

13.Shi Yun, Shengping Wang*, Xinbin Ma*, Microwave Preparation of Ti-containing Mesoporous Materials. Application as Catalysts for Transesterification, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 166(2), 744-750 JCR 2 區, IF 4.058

14.Qingsen Meng, Shengping Wang*,Yongli Shen, Bing Yan, Yuanxin Wu, Xinbin Ma, Surface Structure and Reaction Property of CuCl-PdCl Bimetallic Catalyst in Methanol Oxycarbonylation: A DFT Approach, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 292, 117-127 JCR 2 區, IF 2.538

15.Yongli Shen, Shengping Wang*, Shouying Huang, Zhong Li, Xinbin Ma, DFT Investigations of the Reaction Mechanism of Diethyl Carbonate Synthesis Catalyzed by Cu(I)/β or Pd(II)/β Zeolites, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 308, 237-246 JCR 2 區, IF 2.538

16. Shengping Wang, Shi Yun, Xinbin Ma, Microwave Synthesis, Characterization and Transesterification Activities of Ti-MCM-41, Microporous Mesoporous Materials , 2012, 156(1), 22-28 JCR 3 區, IF 3.209

17.Lei Chen, Shengping Wang*, Jingjie Zhou,Yongli Shen, Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, Dimethyl Carbonate Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide and Methanol over CeOand ZrO: Comparison of Mechanism, RSC Advances , 2014, 4 (59), 30968 - 30975 JCR 3 區, 3.708 )

18.Cuiying Hao, Shengping Wang*, Xinbin Ma, Gas Phase Decarbonylation of Diethyl Oxalate to Diethyl Carbonate over Alkali-containing Catalyst, Journal of Molecular Catalysis. A, Chemical. 2009, 306 (1-2), 130-135 JCR 3 區, IF 3.679

19.Cuiying Hao, Shengping Wang*, Maoshuai Li, Liqiong Kang, Xinbin Ma*, Hydrogenation of CO to Formic Acid on Supported Ruthenium Catalysts, Catalysis Today, 2011, 160(1), 184-190 JCR 3 區, IF 3.309

20.Wei Wang, Shengping Wang,, Xinbin Ma, Jinlong Gong, Recent Advances in Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxids, Chemical Society Review, 2011, 40(7), 3703-3727 (封面論文 , JCR 1 區, IF 24.892 30.425


1.馬新賓,王勝平,郭宏利等,甲基苯基草酸酯和草酸二苯酯的製備方法,專利號ZL 02129214.0。

2.馬新賓,郭宏利,王勝平等,製備甲基苯基草酸酯和草酸二苯酯的方法,專利號ZL 02129213.2。

3.馬新賓,郭宏利,王勝平等,負載型金屬氧化物催化合成甲基苯基草酸酯和草酸二苯酯,專利號 ZL 02129212.4 。



