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王健博士,現任香港中文大學(深圳)經管學院副教授、助理院長(學術) ,深圳高等金融研究院巨觀金融穩定與創新研究中心主任 ,清華大學五道口金融學院金融碩士導師和中國金融四十人·青年論壇會員。2006年獲得美國威斯康星大學經濟學博士學位之後,王健博士擔任美聯儲達拉斯聯邦儲備銀行高級經濟學家兼政策顧問,主要研究方向包括國際金融市場和貨幣政策。






王健博士 王健博士


王博士的研究成果發表於美聯儲、美國勞工部、美國國家經濟研究局、英格蘭銀行、香港金融管理局等官方機構出版物和世界著名學術刊物並被華爾街時報(Wall Street Journal)、金融時報(Financial Times)、道瓊斯通訊社、英國BBC、VoxEU、RGE Monitor和Econbrowser等全球著名媒體報導和引用。王博士曾應邀到美國聯邦儲備委員會、美國勞工部、美國國家經濟研究局(NBER)、國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)、英格蘭銀行、加拿大銀行、瑞士銀行、香港金融管理局、歐洲經濟研究中心(ZEW)等世界著名機構進行訪問和講學。另外,王健博士被全球20多家著名經濟金融期刊邀請為審稿人,多次應邀擔任香港研究資助局(Research Grants Council)研究經費評審人和紐西蘭中央銀行出版物審稿人。2012年起王健博士被任命為亞太經濟評論(Pacific Economic Review)的編輯委員,並被全球多個研究和學術機構聘請為兼職研究員和客座教授。


王健博士 王健博士




1. “Benefits of Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Foreign Direct Investment in China,” with Xiao Wang , Journal of International Economics, 97(2), 325-338, 2015.
2. “The Effects of Surprise and Anticipated Technology Changes on International Relative Prices and Trade,” with Deokwoo Nam, Journal of International Economics, 97, 162-177, 2015.
3. “Are Predictable Improvements in TFP Contractionary or Expansionary: Implications from Sectoral TFP?” with Deokwoo Nam, Economics Letters 124(2): 171-75, 2014.
4. “The Taylor Rule and Forecast Intervals for Exchange Rates,” with Jason Wu, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44(1), 103-144, 2012.
5. “Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Evidence Based on Vector Autoregression with Sign Restrictions,” with Lian An, Open Economies Review. 23(2), pp 359-380, April 2012,
6. “International Trade in Durable Goods: Understanding Volatility, Comovement, and Elasticities,” with Charles Engel, Journal of International Economics 83(1), 37-52, 2011.
7. “Home Bias, Exchange Rate Disconnect, and Optimal Exchange Rate Policy,” Journal of International Money and Finance 29, 55-78, 2010.
8. “Favorite Son? Specialized Child Laborers and Students in Poor LDC Households,” with Andrew W. Horowitz, Journal of Development Economics 73, 631-42, 2004.
9. 《還原真實的美聯儲》浙江出版社, 2013.
10. 國家自然科學基金(基金編號: 71473040 )基於CGE模型分析非關稅性壁壘對中國加入TPP的巨觀經濟後果,合作人:復旦大學肖志國教授
11. “Understanding Trade, Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 2014 Annual Report.
12. “Micro-Foundations of International Trade, Global Imbalances and Implications on Monetary Policy,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,
13. Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 2014 Annual Report.
14. “China’s Sputtering Housing Boom Poses Broad Economic Challenge,” Economic Letter, Vol 9, No. 9, August 2014, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. “Conference on International Capital Flows and Safe Assets,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 2013 Annual Report.
15. “Asia Recalls 1997 Crisis as Investors Await Fed Tapering,” with Janet Koech and Helena Shi, Economic Letter, Vol 8, No. 10, October 2013, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
16. “Gauging International Shocks and Their Implications,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 2012 Annual Report.
17. “China's Slowdown May Be Worse Than Official Data Suggest,” with Janet Koech, Economic Letter, Vol 7, NO. 8, August 2012, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
18. “Exchange Rate Pass-Through Into U.K. Import Prices: Evidence from Disaggregated Data” With Haroon Mumtaz and Ozlem Oomen, Staff Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, No. 14, June 2011.
19. “Global Imbalances and Exchange Rate Policy,” (in Chinese, 全球經濟失衡和匯率政策)
20. “With Reforms in China, Time May Correct U.S. Current Account Imbalance,” Economic Letter, Vol 6, NO. 1, January 2011, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
21. “Durable Goods and the Collapse of Global Trade,” Economic Letter, Vol 5, NO. 2, February 2010, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
22. “Why Are Exchange Rates So Difficult to Predict?”, Economic Letter, Vol 3, NO. 6, June 2008, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
23. “Understanding Exchange Rates as Asset Prices,” VoxEU, September 5, 2008.


