



此應用程式可讓您旋轉照片。有時候,當你的iPhone在一個奇怪的角度拍攝照片,照片的方向是正確的。這個程式可以讓你糾正照片的旋轉,所以您可以查看它是否正確,或把它上傳到一個網站,如Facebook的正確一路上漲。 強大的自由旋轉功能,可以任意旋轉,縮放和定位,單和多點觸摸手勢。 1。從你的相機膠捲或照片庫中選擇照片 2。旋轉,鏡像或操縱的照片,直到它看起來的樣子,你希望它是。 3。保存旋轉的照片。這將節省的“相機膠捲” (用相機的設備)或“我的照片” (相機沒有設備)作為一種新的照片。 照片旋轉支持以下操作: 順時針旋轉90度 逆時針旋轉90度 旋轉180度 水平鏡像 垂直鏡像 免費操縱手動定位。用手指的手勢旋轉和縮放(放大或縮小) 在縱向或橫向 This application lets you rotate photos. Sometimes, when holding your iPhone at a strange angle and taking a photo, the orientation of the photo is incorrect. This app lets you correct the rotation of the photo, so you can view it correctly, or upload it to a site such as facebook the correct way up. The powerful Free rotation function allows arbitrary rotation, scaling and positioning with single and multi-touch gestures. 1. Select the photo from your camera roll or photo library 2. Rotate, mirror or manipulate the photo until it looks the way you want it to. 3. Save the rotated photo. This will save to the "Camera Roll" (for devices with a camera) or "Saved Photos" (for devices without a camera) as a new photo. Photo Rotate supports the following operations: Rotate 90 degrees Clockwise Rotate 90 degrees Anticlockwise Rotate 180 degrees Mirror horizontally Mirror vertically Free manipulation by manually positioning. rotating and scaling (zoom in or out) with finger gestures Works in both portrait or landscape orientation




