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CHAPTER l Format of A Secretarial Letter
l. l Format
(1) The Letter-Head
(2) The Date
(3) The Inside Name and Address
(4) The Salutation
(5) The Body
(6) The Complimentary Closing
(7) The Signature and Title
l. 2 Miscellaneous Matters
(1) Subject Line
(2) Typist's Initials
(3) Enclosures
(4) Copies
(5) indented Letter Style and Block Letter Style
(6) Some Special Letter Style
(7) Envelopes
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 2 Appointments, Invitations, and Hospitality
2.l The Making of Appointments
2.2 Invitations
2.3 Hospitality
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 3 Hotels and Travel
3.l Lettens to and from Hotels
3.2 Ship and plane Reservations
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 4 Letters for Better Customer Relations
4.l Welcoming a New or Potential Customer to the Commimity
4.2 Welcoming a New Customer to Your Business
4.3 Holiday Greetings
4.4 Appreciation for a Good Business Suggestion
4.5 Appreciation for a Business Suggestion You Did Not implement
4.6 Appreciation for a Favour
4.7 Acknowledgement of Receipt of a Letter
4.8 Appreciation for a Complimentary Letter about an Employee
4.9 Adjustment Made
4.l0 Adjustment Denied
4.ll Thanks for a Difficult Job Done Well
4.12 General Thank-You Letter
4.13 Letter of Apology
4.14 Anniversary of an Employee
4.15 Anniversary of a Finn
4.16 Apology for an Employee's Attitude or Action
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 5 General Letters
5.l Letters of Introduction
5.2 Letters of Recommendation
5.3 Letters of Solicitation for a Good Cause
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 6 Sales Letters
6.l General Sales Letters
6.2 Sales Letter to an Inactive Customer
6.3 Introduction to a Request for a Demonstration or interview
6.4 Follow-up after a Demonstration or Interview
6.5 A General Morale Builder for Salespeople
6.6 Introducing a New Salesperson
6.7 Answering a Request for Infonnation
6.8 Follow-up Sales Letter
6.9 Stay-in-touch Letter
6.l0 When a Customer Has Been Promoted or Has Changed Jobs
6.l1 When a Customer is llled or Injured
6.12 When Thiere Is a Death in a Customer' s Family
6.13 When Somethmg Good Happens in a Customer' s Life
6.14 When You Read about a Customer
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 7 Credit and CoUection Letters
7.l Credit Inquiry Letter
7.2 Granting Credit
7.3 Denying Credit
7.4 Inviting an Account
7.5 Collection Letters
7.6 Letter of Credit Delinquency
7.7 Apology for a Collection Letter Sent in Error
7.8 Collection Letter to an Old Customer
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 8 Letters for Special Occasions
8.l Acceptig an Invitation
8.2 Declining an Invitation
8.3 Letter of Compliment
8.4 Requesting Pemission to Use Copyrighted Material
8.5 Letter of Praise to an Outside Firm
8.6 Letter to a Public Official
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 9 Letters for Better Community Relations
9.l Accepting an Invitation
9.2 Contribution to a Charitable Cause
9.3 Refusing to Contribute to a Charitable Cause
9.4 Request for Zoning Modification
9.5 Invitation to a Reception
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affaira
CHAPTER l0 Letters to Employees
l0.l Welcome to a New Employee
l0.2 Congratulations on a Promotion
l0.3 Condolence or Sympathy
l0.4 Thanks for an Employee
l0.5 New Company Direction
l0.6 Company Recoganization
l0.7 Increased Benefits
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER ll Letters to the Media
ll.l Correcting Misstatements about Your Company
ll.2 Supporting a Position
ll.3 Demandmg a Retraction
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 12 Financial Letters
12.1 Banking Letters
12.2 Credit Bureaus
l2.3 Financial Institutions
12.4 To Creditors or Debtors
12.5 Investments
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 13 Letters about Services and Products
13.l Asking for Information
13.2 Asking for Bids or Estimates
13.3 Placing an Order
13.4 Rejecting a Bid
13.5 Letter of Complaint
13.6 Letter of Compliment
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 14 Telegrams, Telexes and Faxes
14.1 Telegrams
14.2 Telexes and Faxes
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
CHAPTER 15 Business Letters and Electronic Word Processing
15.l Fonnat
15.2 Spelling Verification
15.3 " Boilerplate" or Stored Paragraphs
15.4 List Processing
15.5 Copy Features
15.6 Mathematical Featuers
15.7 Tables and Colunms
15.8 Reports That Repeat Data
15.9 File Copies
15.10 Diskette Maintenance
15.11 Frequent Letters
15.12 Improved Cornmunications
New Words and Notes
Broadening the Knowledge of Intemational Business Affairs
Fonnl.l Proposal to Buy a Business
Fonnl.2 Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Business Assets (With Full Warranties)
Forml.3 Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Business Assets (With Limited Warranties)
Forml.4 Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Shares
Forml.5 Partnership Agreement
Fonnl.6 Joint Venture Agreement
Forml.7 Partnership Agreement Checklist
Forml.8 Distribution Agreement
Fonnl.9 Conmission Sales Agreement
Forml.l0 Business Plan Checklist
Form2.l Engagement of Services
Form2.2 Engagement of Another' s Services
Form2.3 Independent Contractor Agreement
Form2.4 Authorized Extras
Forn2.5 Change Work Order
Form3.l Rejecting Employment Application
Form3.2 Confiming Employment Terms
Form3.3 Employment Agreement
Form3.4 Employee Waming Notice
Form3.5 Employee Dismissal Notice
Form3.6 Employee Convenants: Secrecy/Non-Competition
Form3.7 Employee Convenant: Expense Recovery
Form3.8 Employee Invention Convenant
Form4.l Invitation to Quote Price of Goods
Form4.2 Demand for Delivery of Goods
Form4.3 Cancellation of Purchase Order for Late Delivery
Form4.4 Rejection of Non-Conforming Goods
Form4.5 Partial Rejection of Non-Confonning Goods
Form4.6 Request for Instruction to Retum Rejected Goods
Form4.7 Conditional Acceptance of Non-Conforming Goods
Form4.8 Election to Retum Goods on Approval
Form4.9 Conditional Payment for Goods Reserving Rights
Form4.l0 Notice of Defective Goods
Forrn4.ll Stop Payment of Cheque
Form5.l Bill of Sale
Form5.2 Bill of Sale (Without Warranties)
Form5.3 Bill of sale (With Encumbrances)
Form5.4 Receipt for Goods
Form5.5 Demand for Particulars of Rejection of Goods
Form5.6 Refusal of Rejection of Goods
Form5.7 Delivery of Substituted Goods
Form5.8 Rejected Goods Retum Instructions
Form5.9 Replacing Rejected Goods
Form5.l0 Inability to Fill Purchase Order
Form5.ll Late Delivery of Goods
Form5.12 Liability Exclusion Clause
Form5.13 Limited Warranty
Form6.l Request for Payment
Form6.2 Second Request for Payment
Form6.3 Final Demand for Payment
Form6.4 Bad Cheque Letter
Form6.5 Installment Payment Agreement
Form6.6 Receipt for Payment
Form6.7 Collection Instructions to Lawyers
Form6.8 Notice of Disputed Account
Form6.9 Settlement Offer of Disputed Account
Form6.l0 Agreement to Compromise Disputed Account
Form7.l Personal Credit Application
Form7.2 Authority to Release Credit Infonnation
Form7.3 Demand Promissory Note
Form7.4 Joint and Several Demand Promissory Note
Form7.5 Due Date Promissory Note
Form7.6 Series Form Promissory Note
Form7.7 Periodic Payment Promissory Note
Fonn7.8 Demand for Payment on Demand Promissory Note
Form7.9 Payment in Full Demand on Installment Promissory Note
Form7.l0 Installment Payment Demand on Promissory Note
Form7.ll Guarantee
Form7.l2 Demand for Payment on Guarantee
Form8.l Commercial Lease
Form8.2 Exercising Option to Renew Lease
Form8.3 Notice of Rent Default
Form8.4 Notice of Other Lease Default
Form8.5 Landlord Notice of Tennination of Lease
Form8.6 Tenant Notice of Termination of Lease
Form8.7 Agreement to Cancel Lease
Form8.8 Assignment of Lease
Form8.9 Amendment of Lease
Form8.l0 Commercial Sublease
Form9.l Assignment with Warranties
Form9.2 Assignment without Warranties
Form9.3 Assignment of Money Due
Form9.4 Assignment of Real Estate Contract
Form9.5 Assignment of Contract
Form9.6 Assignment of Copyright
Form9.7 Notice of Assignment
Form9.8 Cheque Endorsements
Forml0.l Unilateral Release of Liability
Forml0.2 Mutual Release of Liability
Fonnl0.3 Trade Secret Non-Disclosure Agreement
Fonnl0.4 Declaration of Tmst
Listl l. l Some Common Abbreviations and Combinations Used in Telegrams
Listl l. 2 Country and City Identification Codes
Listl l. 3 Abbrcviations and simplified words commonly used in telex or fax messages


