







凱迪人已走過10個春秋, 立足前瞻的經營思想,挖掘良性的管理空間,依託強勁的科技實力,憑藉優秀的人才團隊,以市場化經營為導向,本著 “科技引導產業,服務創造市場”的企業理念,堅持用一流的技術、一流的產品、一流的服務,不斷滿足客戶日益增長的需求,實現自我,回報社會,致力於推動製冷業的進步與發展。堅信,創新是一個品牌生命的源泉。“凱迪”品牌是凱迪人用智慧和汗水培育的燦爛之花。我們面向市場,面向客戶,堅持技術創新、管理創新、機制創新,不斷為“凱迪”品牌注入新的活力,努力成為美化生活的忠誠使者。

堅信,只有從成就中看到差距,從現實中把握未來、規劃未來的企業,才是有希望的企業。因此,我們始終瞄準國際先進水平,以核心業務為主,努力做到 “人無我有,人有我優”,依靠名牌產品和優質服務,創造市場,贏得客戶。 在未來的發展中,凱迪將更加注重技術升級,積極參與國際競爭,將凱迪產品打入國際市場。最終的目標是“ 打造項業品牌,創建百年凱迪”。







高溫型:(庫溫12~-2℃)片距:4.5mm;中溫型:(庫溫-2~-10℃)片距:6.0mm;低溫型:(庫溫-10~-31℃) 片距:9.0mm;KAIDI unit coolers/evaporators can be widely used in various kinds of fresh-keeping and refrigeration cold-rooms, food processing workshops and logistics centers. Our compact and reliable design can help customers make use of space maximally. When equip with low noise axial fan, you can rapidly reduce noise level of working space and highly increase comfort level. Refrigeration capacity of this series covers from 1.2KW to 114KW, fitting fir different refrigerant such as R134a·R404A·R507A·R407C·R22.


Scientific structure, high efficient, frost steadily, save power and low running cost;Equip with axial fan quiet models that offer strong air flow in long shot rang; save power, long service life;Copper pipe thickness can reach to 0.6mm, which lead to perfect tightness between pipe and fin after expansion processing;Equip with stainless electric heater in high insulating property, defrost efficiently in shot time;The heat exchanging coil was did gas tightness test under 2.6MPa air pressure, to guarantee quality.Aluminum and painted stain board,to meet your different needs.Sphere of application

High temperature type: (cold room temperature 12~-2℃)fin space:4.5mm;Medium temperature type: (cold room temperature-2~-10℃)fin space:6.0mm;Low temperature type: (cold room temperature-10~-31℃)fin space:9.0mm;

可以根據客戶要求進行非標設計。We offer customize design service, OEM welcomed!




Shell and tube heat exchanger is one of KAIDI special pressure vessel equipment with special equipment manufacturing license issued by Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of P.R.C. We select material, produce and inspect every piece of shell & tube heat exchangers strictly on the basis of requests of manufacturing license. This series of products contains: shell and tube condenser, sea water condenser, dry evaporator for single/double compressor (with direct/U type copper pipes), liquid receiver…ect. Refrigeration capacity of this series covers from 8.3KW to 397.8KW, fitting for different refrigerant, such as R134a·R404A·R507A·R407C·R22





Production and inspection perform strictly according to《Pressure vessel for refrigeration equipment》to guarantee quality;Use effective out whorl copper pipe, high heat exchange efficiency, compact volume, light weight;Guaranteed quality; did tightness examination under 2.4Pa atmospheric pressure before delivery;Pressure vessel equipped with “safe fusible plug”, it can automatically melt when liquid temperature in the shell reach a certain degree to guarantee safety;Condenser end cap has water-discharge device, to avoid tube damage caused by frozen water in cold winter.Range of application:

Refrigeration industry, cold room project;Agricultural, food, restaurant, chemical industry;Fit for central air conditioning equipment;

可以根據客戶要求進行非標設計。We offer customize design service. OEM welcomed!






農業、食品、飯店、化工行業; 配套中央空調主機設備; Fin type air cooled condenser is one of high efficient condensing heat exchangers designed for refrigeration compressor condensing units and multi-compressor units. We have H type, V type and W type with different width/length and different air direction to meet your different needs. Up blow air direction and lateral blow direction can insure best fittings; different fan quantity can insure condensing pressure adjusting. Fin type condensers equip with axial, can reduce motor noise and refrigeration capacity covers from 6KW to 227KW. Fitting different kind of refrigerant such as R134a·R404A·R507A·R407C·R22


Scientific structure, good interchangeability, fit for different kind of compressors;Window type and cellular type of aluminum fin for your choice;Did gas tightness examination under 3.0Pa atmospheric pressure, to insure its trait of high tightness;Pitch of fins can be adjusted between 2.0-3.0 mm to meet your different requests;Different alternative condensing fans available;Range of application

◆Refrigeration industry, cold-room project;

Agricultural, food, restaurant, chemical industry;Fit for central air conditioning mainframe equipment;

可以根據客戶要求進行非標設計。We offer customize design service, OEM welcomed!


螺桿式並聯冷凝機組 各類螺桿式壓縮機180HP~540HP, 2~6台並聯

Screw compressor from 180HP to 540HP, 2~6compressors to be shunt-wounded
















Save investment, to reduce first-time equipment cost;

Save power, supply ref. capacity according to need, save 20% power compared to equip condensing unit with single compressor;

Safe processing, simultaneously monitor and control processing data, with damage warning function to insure processing security;

Compact structure, multi compressors concentrated installed, save space and construction period;

Full automation, equip with Italian DIXELL or EVERY CONTROL advanced controller for multi-compressor condensing unit;

Full protection, together with multi-time warning-to-lock function, function of showing failure code, to advanced reliability and maintainability;

Multi classes of power adjustment, can adjust power supply by change of ref.-loading, can efficiently save power cost;

Automatic processing balances, rapidly en-long the service period of the whole unit;

Equipped with new type of semi-hermetic screw compressor, high efficient, long service life, little noise and little shake;

Range of application:

Refrigeration industry, cold-room project, low temperature shipping center;

Super-market cold-chain, chemical industry;

可以根據客戶要求進行非標設計。We offer customize service. OEM welcomed!




企業類型: 私營有限責任公司 經營模式: 生產加工

註冊資本: 人民幣 500 萬

公司註冊地: CN 浙江 紹興

員工人數: 101 - 200 人

公司成立時間: 2004 年

法定代表人/負責人: 俞杭軍

主要客戶: 各地區的代理商、安裝工程商、外貿公司

年營業額: 人民幣 5001 萬元/年 - 1 億元/年

主要經營地點: 嵊州市甘霖鎮工業開發區A區

主要市場: 大陸 港澳台地區 西歐 東亞 東南亞 中東 全球

經營品牌: 凱得利牌

管理體系認證: ISO

開戶銀行: 中國銀行甘霖分理處

質量控制: 第三方

服務領域: 工程及工程設計

年出口額: 人民幣 201 萬元 - 300 萬元

研發部門人數: 11 - 20 人

廠房面積: 15000 平方米

月產量: 2000 台

工商註冊信息: 已通過認證

證書及榮譽: 4 項



