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江賀,男,1980 年8月生,博士,教授,博士生導師。


在 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics (TSMCB), Evolutionary Computation Journal, 中國科學、科學通報等期刊及ICSE, GECCO 等知名國際會議錄用、發表論文近60篇。獲2010年GECCO國際會議元啟發式算法領域最佳論文提名。2009.9-2010.9赴美訪問一年,並應邀擔任《Data Structure & Algorithms》課程(3 credits, CRN: 12397)主講教師。
自2004年以來,先後擔任Communicationsof the ACM、IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, Knowledge and Information Systems、中國科學、計算機學報、自動化學報等國內外20餘種期刊審稿人。目前擔任中國運籌學會智慧型計算分會理事,國家自然科學基金通訊評審專家,教育部博士點基金評審專家及大連市科技局評審專家。擔任第25屆IEA/AIE國際會議PC chair 及多個國際會議PC。




[1] Jifeng Xuan, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Zhongxuan Luo. Solving the Large Scale Next Release Problem with a Backbone Based Multilevel Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Online.
[2] Zhilei Ren, He Jiang, Jifeng Xuan, Zhongxuan Luo. An Accelerated Limit Crossing Based Multilevel Algorithm for the p-Median Problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics. doi: 10.1109/TSMCB.2012.2188100
[3] Zhilei Ren, He Jiang, Jifeng Xuan, Zhongxuan Luo. Hyper-Heuristics with Low Level Parameter Adaptation. Evolutionary Computation. 2012, 20(2):189-227.
[4] Jifeng Xuan, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Weiqin Zou, Zhongxuan Luo. Developer Prioritization in Bug Repositories. Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), Zurich, Switzerland. June 2-9, 2012.
[5] 江賀. 超啟發式算法:跨領域的問題求解模式. 中國計算機學會通訊, 7 (3): 63-70, 2011.
[6] 江賀, 邱鐵, 胡燕, 李明楚, 羅鍾鉉. 啟發式算法設計中的骨架分析與套用. 自動化學報, 37 (3): 257-269, 2011.
[7] zong Y., Xu G., Zhang Y., Jiang H., Li M. A robust iterative refinement clustering algorithm with smoothing search space. Knowledge-based System, 2010, 23(5): 389-396.
[8] Jiang H., Zhang S., Ren Z. Solving multiobjective optimization problem by constraint optimization. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN 2010), Krakow, Poland. September 11-15, 2010, pp. 637-646.
[9] Jiang H., Xuan J., Ren Z. Approximate backbone based multilevel algorithm for next release problem. Proceedings of 12th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. (GECCO 2010), Portland, Oregon, USA. ACM Press, July 7-11, 2010, pp. 1333-1340.
[10] Ren Z., Jiang H., Xuan J., Luo Z. Ant based hyper heuristics with space reduction: a case study of the p-median problem. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN 2010), Krakow, Poland. September 11-15, 2010, pp. 546-555.
[11] Xuan J., Jiang H., Ren Z., Yan J., Luo Z. Automatic bug triage using semi-supervised text classification. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010), Redwood City, California, USA. July 1-3, 2010, pp. 209-214.
[12] Wu Y., Wu X., Jiang H., Min F. A nettree for approximate maximal pattern matching with gaps and one-off constraint. ICTAI (2) 2010: 38-41.
[13] 崔永瑞, 李明楚, 江賀. 一種格線節點信譽評價算法及其在服務格線虛擬組織構建中的套用. 電子學報, 2010, 38 (7): 1557-1562
[14] Jiang H., Chen Y. An Efficient Algorithm for Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. Proceedings of 12th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. (GECCO 2010), Portland, Oregon, USA. ACM Press, July 7-11, 2010, pp. 217-224. (最佳論文提名 in Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics Track)
[15] Li M., Cui Y., Xiong L., Tian Y., Jiang H., Yuan X. Circumferences and minimum degrees in 3-connected claw-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 309(11): 3580-3587 (2009).
[16] 江賀, 胡燕, 李強, 於紅. TSP問題的脂肪計算複雜性與啟發式算法設計. 軟體學報, 2009, 20(9): 2344-2351.
[17] 江賀,邱鐵. GPP問題的骨架分析與啟發式算法設計. 計算機學報, 2009, 32(8): 1662-1667.
[18] 宗瑜, 李明楚, 江賀. 近似骨架導向的歸約聚類算法. 電子與信息學報, 2009, 31(12): 2953-2957.
[19] 李明楚, 楊彬, 鍾煒, 田琳琳, 江賀, 胡紅鋼. 基於反饋機制的格線動態授權新模型. 計算機學報, 2009, 32(11): 2187-2200.
[20] 江賀, 張憲超, 陳國良, 李明楚. 二次分配問題的骨架分析與啟發式算法設計. 中國科學,(F輯), 38(2): 209-222, 2008.
[21] Jiang H., Xuan J., Zhang X. An approximate muscle guided global optimization algorithm for the three-index assignment problem. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008), Hongkong, 2008, 2404-2410.
[22] 江賀, 張憲超, 陳國良. 圖的二劃分問題的唯一最優解實例與骨架計算複雜性. 科學通報, 52(17):2077-2081, 2007.
[23] 江賀, 張憲超, 陳國良. 黑白二次分配問題. 計算機學報, 2007, 30(3): 441-447.
[24] 江賀, 張憲超, 陳國良. 有向黑白旅行商問題. 計算機學報, 2007, 30(3): 431-440.
[25] 江賀, 張憲超, 車皓陽, 陳國良. 帶多項式量級約束條件的多商品流BWTSP線性規劃. 計算機研究與發展, 2007, 44(10):1796-1800. 


