Mao Zhuoliang , Professor of English, was born in Zhuji , Zhejiang Province. After graduating from The Institute of International Relations, he was sent to a remote and hilly area, in Laiyuan county, west part of Baoding to receive re-education from the poor and lower middle peasants in 1970. In 1971 Mao taught English, Chinese Politics and history in Laiyuan Middle School . In 1979 he became a post-graduate at the Foreign Languages Department, Hebei Teachers' University, and got his M.A degree at the Institute of International Relations . He taught English from 1982 to 1995 at Hebei Teachers' University from 1988 to 1990, he went to the United States , lecturing and learning, at drake University , Iowa . In 1995 Mao was transferred to Foreign Languages College , Hebei University.
Mao is now teaching literary criticism, writing prose, Shakespeare and poetry for post graduates.
Mao is executive director of English literature Association of China; Acting President of Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning Research Society of Colleges and Universities of Hebei Province; and Vice Chairman of Shakespeare Society of Hebei Province.
His main works and translations:
1. Writing Prose (a textbook in two volumes), Beijing University Publishing Press, 1997
2. Advanced English Prose and Writing, Foreign Languages, Teaching, Learning and Studies Press, 1998
3. An English Literature Teaching Course (in two volumes) Hebei Education Publishing House, 1998
4. A Dictionary of World Literature Terms, Hebei Education Publishing House, 2001
5. Selected Essays of Hazlitt (with Chinese translation), Hunan Art and Literature Publishing House, 1999
6. An Extensive Reading Teaching Course, (in four volumes), Hebei University Publishing Press, 2001
7. The Last of the Mohicans (a Chinese translation) Beiyue Art and Literature Publishing House, 1999
8. The Valley of the Moon (a Chinese translation), Hebei Education Publishing House, 2000
9. The Earth Mission (a Chinese translation), Hainan Publishing House, 2000
10. A Pragmatic Approach to Vagueness, Journal of Hebei University , Vol. 26, No4, Dec. 2001
11. Marxism and Literature , China Social Science Publishing House, 1999
12. On Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale', China Film Publishing Press, 1999
13. Paradise and the Golden Age, Journal of Beijing University , 2002.
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演藝經歷 社會活動 比賽歷程 人物評論 人物爭議 -
運動生涯 生涯數據 技術特點 人物軼事 社會評價 -
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