

歐陽應斌,1997年開始就職於美國Oklahoma醫學研究基金會,擔任高級科學家。成功發現,純化並克隆了兩種硫蛋白轉移酶,成功建成基因敲除小鼠模型。2002年擔任美國Thios生物製藥公司生物部高級科學家,推動了硫酸轉移酶小分子抑制劑及重組抗體製藥的研發。從2004年開始擔任美國Taconic生物科技公司分子生物學部主管,率領十餘位科學家成功開發建成四百餘種轉基因小鼠及大鼠實驗動物及疾病模型。在PNAS、Mol Cell Biol.、J. Biol. Chem.等高水平雜誌發表論文10餘篇。



歐陽應斌 歐陽應斌

歐陽應斌(Marvin Ouyang),男,賽業生物科技技術副總裁、高級科學家 、Indiana大學博士後。歐陽博士於1993年畢業於軍事醫學科學院獲得博士學位,畢業後擔任兩年的助理研究員。1995年赴美國Indiana大學醫學院就讀博士後,從事信號轉導研究。

歐陽博士於2012年加入賽業生物科技( Cyagen Biosciences)公司,主要負責轉基因鼠及基因敲除小鼠平台的管理及最佳化。





任職於美國Cyagen Biosciences公司,擔任高級科學家。統領美國Cyagen Biosciences公司和賽業(廣州)分子生物學和模式動物技術團隊,打造國際最前沿的技術體系和最高效的模式動物技術平台。



2002, 05-2004,11


1997, 08-2002, 05


1995, 07-1997, 08


1993, 08-1995, 06



1. Verkoczy L, Chen Y, Bouton-Verville H, Zhang J, Diaz M, Hutchinson J, Scearce RM, Ouyang YB, Alam M, Holl M, Hwang KK, Kelsoe G, and Haynes BF: Rescue of HIV-1 broad neutralizing antibody-expressing immature B cells from clonal deletion in 2F5 VH/VL knock-in mice reveals additional tolerance controls. J. Immunol. 187:3785-97, 2011

2. Verkoczy L, Diaz M, Holl TM, Ouyang YB, Bouton-Verville H, Alam SM, Liao HX, Kelsoe G, Haynes BF: Autoreactivity in an HIV-1 broadly reactive neutralizing antibody variable region heavy chain induces immunologic tolerance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107:181-6, 2010

3. Borghei A, Ouyang YB (Co-first author), Westmuckett AD, Marcello MR, Landel CP, and Moore KL: Target disruption of tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-2, an enzyme that catalyzes post-translational protein tyrosine O-sulfation, causes male infertility. J. Biol. Chem. 281: 9423- 9431, 2006

4. Ouyang YB, Crawley JT, Aston CE, and Moore KL: Reduced body weight and increased post-implantation fetal death in tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-1 deficient mice. J. Biol. Chem. 277:23781-23787, 2002

5. Shen R, Ouyang YB, Qu C, Kaplan MH, and Feng GS: Grap negatively regulates T- cell receptor-elicited lymphocyte proliferation and interleukin-2 induction. Mol Cell Biol. 22:10:3230-3236, 2002

6. Kehoe JW, Maly DJ, Verdugo DE, Armstrong JI, Cook BN, Ouyang YB, Moore KL, Ellman JA, and Bertozzi CR: Tyrosyprotein sulfotransferase inhibitors generated by combinatorial targeted-guided ligand assembly. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 12:329-332, 2002

7. Leppanen A, Mehta P, Ouyang YB, Ju T, Helin J, Moore KL, van Die I, Canfield WM, McEver RP, and Cummings RD: A novel glycosulfopeptide binds to P-selectin and inhibits leukocyte adhesion to P-selectin. J. Biol. Chem. 274:24838-48, 1999

8. Ouyang YB, Lane WS, and Moore KL: Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase: Purification and molecular cloning of an enzyme that catalyzes tyrosine O-sulfation, a common post-translational modification of eukaryotic proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 95: 2896-2901, 1998

9. Ouyang YB and Moore KL: Molecular cloning and expression of human and mouse tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-2 and a tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase homologue in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 24770-24774, 1998

10. Feng GS, Ouyang YB, Hu DP, Shi ZQ, Gentz R, and Ni J: Grap is a novel SH3-SH2-SH3 adapter protein that couples tyrosine kinases to the Ras pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 271:12129-12132, 1996

11. Ouyang YB, Huang PT, and Huang CF: Inhibitory effect of 3’-untranslated region (3’-UTR) of human tissue-plasminogen activator (ht-PA) mRNA on its expression. Science in China (Seri B) 38:1253-1260, 1995

12. Ouyang YB, Huang PT, and Huang CF: Influence of 5’-untranslatedregion (UTR) sequence on the regulation of human tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) mRNA expression. Chinese Science Bulletin 40:1378-1383, 1995

13. Ouyang YB, Huang PT, Xu XY, Chen L, and Huang CF: The regulation and high level expression of human tissue-type plasminogen activator(t-PA): ---II: Efficient and stable expression of human tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) cDNA in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Science in China (Seri C) 26:92-96, 1996



