Trial Xtreme(極限摩托)是一款從iOS平台上移植過來的3D機車競速遊戲 ,如今,這款越野機車遊戲推出了第二代產品了,這是一款NVIDIA PhysX物理引擎的賽車遊戲大作,在NVIDIA Tegra 2設備上表現更流暢。和以前那款2D的極限摩托或者機車老奶奶相比,3D的界面和操作都更加酷炫和好玩。遊戲採用重力感應和觸控螢幕結合控制。向左傾斜,機車會前輪會翹起,向右傾斜,機車會後輪會翹起,人物的動作也會有相應的變化(後仰或者翹臀)。
- 32個新的關卡在5個極具挑戰性的環境中;
- 驚險的通過數以百計的障礙,包括坡道、巨型輪胎、石塊、木板等等;
- 超精細的遊戲圖形界面,先進的遊戲引擎,帶給你最真實的遊戲體驗;
- 直觀的遊戲控制方式,使用手機重力感應;
- 你的得分可以通過OpenFeint分享。

Satisfy your inner-adrenaline junkie by bringing some extreme dirt biking to your Android device. Live vicariously through Trial Xtreme 2 with an ultra-realistic rider and incredibly accurate bike physics.
Trial Xtreme 2 is the sequel to the hit Trial Xtreme, packed with with more levels, amazing new graphics, and more blistering motorcycle stunt action than ever Crank up the throttle, rev your engine, and negotiate your way across 36 new action-packed levels Trial Xtreme 2 uses the cutting edge NVIDIA PhysX engine which provides icredibly realistic physics-based action and an intuitive tilt-control system using your phone's accelerometer You'll have the most realistic ride of your life, demanding skill and concentration to take your bike riding skills to the max
Gettin' Madcap Crazy
This is an unforgiving environment for rookies See if you've got the skills to master the rough tracks Use the responsive tilt-based controls to navigate your bike across ramps, exploding barrels, jumbo tires, and other obstacles Unless you want to eat dirt, it's all about balance, skill, and control
Do Not Try This at Home; Try it on Your Android
These stunts may be ill-advised, but aren't they fun? Incredible graphics bring your rider and game to real life The ultra-realistic physics actually allows you to feel everything as you flip, jump, bump, and crash your way through the obstacles Share your dare-devilish tomfoolery with your friends Max out your score and compete against the world through OpenFeint