

工學博士,教授,博士生導師。國際聲與振動協會(IIAV)、美國聲學學會(ASA)、美國機械工程師協會(ASME)會員。《振動工程學報》編委、國家自然基金通訊評審專家、國際科技合作計畫評議專家、中國博士後科學基金評審專家、國家公派高級研究學者及訪問學者項目評審專家、教育部學位與研究生教育評估專家、黑龍江省博士後管委會專家組成員、黑龍江省學位辦評閱專家、湖北省優秀博士學位論文評審專家、江蘇省研究生學位論文抽檢評議專家、蘇州東菱振動試驗儀器有限公司顧問委員會委員、總工程師、江蘇省力學環境工程技術中心學術委員會委員。第十屆結構動力學最新進展國際會議組織者(RASD2010)及結構振動主動控制及智慧型結構分會主席,2012 年國際海事技術會議(ICMT2012)學術委員會委員及輪機工程分會主席,2014年輪機工程國際會議(ISME)分會主席,國際聲振會議會議發起人和創辦人,2014年國際聲振會議(ICVV2014)組織委員會主席及大會主席。《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Noise Control Engineering Journal》、《Progress in Natural Science》、《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》、《Journal of Marine Science and Application》、《振動工程學報》、《聲學學報》、《內燃機學報》、《航空學報》、《哈爾濱工程大學學報》、《南京航空航天大學學報》、《振動與衝擊》、等三十多個國際和國內學術期刊的審稿專家 。











主要研究領域為動力機械及裝置振動噪聲主動控制、同步定相控制、結構振動及聲輻射主動控制、非線性隔振理論和控制技術、振動噪聲源盲源識別、彈性結構動力學建模與分析 。


指導博士學科:輪機工程 ,動力機械與工程

指導碩士學科:輪機工程 ,動力機械與工程







•2015.01-2017.12 柴油機及動力裝置振動主被動聯合控制技術和船用大功率作動器研製及集成驗證,工信部高技術船舶科研項目

•2015.01-2015.12 管路系統低頻特徵線譜控制技術研究,武漢第二船舶設計研究院

•2014.01-2017.12 基於板殼耦合結構的浮筏主動隔振及結構聲輻射主動控制研究,自然科學基金,項目編號51375103/E050301

•2014.12-2016.03 低速風洞模型主動抑振系統,中國空氣動力研究與發展中心低速所

•2011.01-2015.12 柴油機主動吸振技術與驗證,工信部動力基礎科研計畫

•2010.01-2013.12 基於結構誤差感測的雙層主動隔振系統及結構聲輻射控制研究,自然科學基金,項目編號50979018/E091002

•2010.01-2012.12 基於慣性式作動原理的主動吸振技術方法研究,工信部基礎研究項目


楊鐵軍教授長期從事振動噪聲主動控制方面的科學研究工作,積極面向大廠大所推廣成果。曾受中共中央政治局常委、國務院副總理張高麗接見並勉勵 “ 這項技術很重要,你們要好好做”,對其成果產業化工作評價較高 。













主編國防科工委十一五國防特色教材1部,參與撰寫英文專著1部,主編和參編國際會議論文集2部 。

楊鐵軍 ,靳國永,劉志剛,船舶動力裝置振動的主動控制,哈爾濱工程大學出版社,2011,8

Tiejun Yang, Wen L. Li and Lu Dai. Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells, Advances in Vibration Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Francisco Beltran-Carbajal (Ed.), InTech, 2012

Yang TJ, M.J.Brennan, Proceeding of International Conference on Vibration and Vibro-acoustics,哈爾濱工程大學出版社,2014.01

M.J.Brennan, I.Kovacic, V.Lopes Jr., K.D.Murphy, B.A.T. Petersson, S.A. Rizzi, T. Yang, Proceeding of X International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Synergie Lymington Ltd, 2010,07


楊鐵軍 ,靳國永,劉志剛,船舶動力裝置振動的主動控制,哈爾濱工程大學出版社,2011,8


Tiejun Yang, Wen L. Li and Lu Dai. Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells, Advances in Vibration Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Francisco Beltran-Carbajal (Ed.), InTech, 2012


Yang TJ, M.J.Brennan, Proceeding of International Conference on Vibration and Vibro-acoustics,哈爾濱工程大學出版社,2014.01


M.J.Brennan, I.Kovacic, V.Lopes Jr., K.D.Murphy, B.A.T. Petersson, S.A. Rizzi, T. Yang, Proceeding of X International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Synergie Lymington Ltd, 2010,07


•2017 Keynote Speaker of DINAME2017(XVII International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics) - Active vibration control for a diesel engine in marine applications(大會主題報告)

•2014年9月16日,輪機工程國際會議分會主席International Symposium on Marine Engineering(ISME) September 15-19, 2014, Harbin, China(分會主席)

•ICSV2014- Experimental investigation of an active vibration isolation system for a floating raft based on a flexible hull-like structure(特邀報告)

•Internoise2014- On synchrophasing control of vibration for a floating raft vibration isolation system(特邀報告)

•2014年International Conference on Vibration and Vibro‐acoustics 大會主席Co-chairman(大會主席)

•2012 Acoustic Hongkong- Active Vibration Isolation System for a Diesel Engine Generator in Marine Applications(特邀報告)

•2012年6月25-28日,International Conference on Maritime Technology (ICMT2012), Member of technical committee, Section Chairman of Marine engineering(學術委員會委員及分會主席)

•第十屆結構動力學最新進展國際會議組委會委員(X Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics)及結構振動主動控制分會主席,英國南安普頓大學,2011年7月(組織者及分會主席)

•Internoise 2008-Active Vibration Isolation System for Diesel Engine(特邀報告)


楊鐵軍,梁偉龍,陸澤奇,呂朋,韓超,徐陽,吳磊,黃迪,張羽飛,石慧,孫瑤,一種適用於低頻振動的三維隔振裝置, 201410246940.9, 2015.12.09

楊鐵軍,陸澤琦,梁偉龍,孫紅梅,孫瑤,石慧,張羽飛,黃迪,劉志剛,一種適用於低頻振動的被動隔振裝置, 201410078384.9,2016.01.27

楊鐵軍,孫瑤,劉記心,袁萬朋,代路,周劉斌,集成式慣性電磁作動器,國家知識產權局,發明專利, 201410055324. 5,2015.12.02

楊鐵軍,石慧,孫瑤,張羽飛,黃迪,徐陽,吳磊,劉學廣,朱明剛,杜敬濤,高壓充液管路一體化集成有源消聲器, 201510001285.5, 2016.06.29

楊鐵軍,孫瑤,石慧,張羽飛,黃迪,徐陽,吳磊,劉學廣,朱明剛,杜敬濤,雙層主被動機電集成式隔振裝置, 2015100012874,2016.12.07


200910071702.8, 2011.06.22


200910071706.6, 2011.01.26

靳國永,楊鐵軍,李赫,李玩幽,率志君,劉學廣,劉志剛,基於具有部分穿孔的穿孔管消聲器的可調頻消聲器, 200910071911.2, ,2011.01.05

李玩幽,楊鐵軍,王佳靜,郭旦,一種寬頻慣性式主動吸振器,200910072670.3, 2011.03.16

劉學廣,王曄,楊鐵軍,朱明剛,劉志剛,馮肖肖,史曄,共振調諧式大輸出力電磁式主動執行器, 201210111817.7 2014.01.08

靳國永,高林,石雙霞,楊鐵軍,劉志剛,多線譜可變頻充液管道消聲器,201010511269.8, 2012.02.01

劉學廣,韓超,劉志剛,楊鐵軍,朱明剛,杜敬濤,齊兵兵,張周磊, 一種空間三自由度主動執行機構, 201410612752.3, 2016.08.17


劉學廣,韓超,張佳琪,梁偉龍,楊鐵軍,范朝陽,呂紹平,李文達,葉天貴,宿柱,一種採用非對稱磁齒結構實現準零剛度特性的電磁式半主動隔振器, 201610021287.5, 2016.04.13


楊鐵軍,梁偉龍,陸澤奇,呂朋,韓超,徐陽,吳磊,黃迪,張羽飛,石慧,孫瑤,一種適用於低頻振動的三維隔振裝置, 201410246940.9, 2015.12.09


楊鐵軍,陸澤琦,梁偉龍,孫紅梅,孫瑤,石慧,張羽飛,黃迪,劉志剛,一種適用於低頻振動的被動隔振裝置, 201410078384.9,2016.01.27


楊鐵軍,孫瑤,劉記心,袁萬朋,代路,周劉斌,集成式慣性電磁作動器,國家知識產權局,發明專利, 201410055324. 5,2015.12.02


楊鐵軍,石慧,孫瑤,張羽飛,黃迪,徐陽,吳磊,劉學廣,朱明剛,杜敬濤,高壓充液管路一體化集成有源消聲器, 201510001285.5, 2016.06.29


楊鐵軍,孫瑤,石慧,張羽飛,黃迪,徐陽,吳磊,劉學廣,朱明剛,杜敬濤,雙層主被動機電集成式隔振裝置, 2015100012874,2016.12.07



200910071702.8, 2011.06.22



200910071706.6, 2011.01.26


靳國永,楊鐵軍,李赫,李玩幽,率志君,劉學廣,劉志剛,基於具有部分穿孔的穿孔管消聲器的可調頻消聲器, 200910071911.2, ,2011.01.05


李玩幽,楊鐵軍,王佳靜,郭旦,一種寬頻慣性式主動吸振器,200910072670.3, 2011.03.16


劉學廣,王曄,楊鐵軍,朱明剛,劉志剛,馮肖肖,史曄,共振調諧式大輸出力電磁式主動執行器, 201210111817.7 2014.01.08


靳國永,高林,石雙霞,楊鐵軍,劉志剛,多線譜可變頻充液管道消聲器,201010511269.8, 2012.02.01


劉學廣,韓超,劉志剛,楊鐵軍,朱明剛,杜敬濤,齊兵兵,張周磊, 一種空間三自由度主動執行機構, 201410612752.3, 2016.08.17




劉學廣,韓超,張佳琪,梁偉龍,楊鐵軍,范朝陽,呂紹平,李文達,葉天貴,宿柱,一種採用非對稱磁齒結構實現準零剛度特性的電磁式半主動隔振器, 201610021287.5, 2016.04.13


近年來,楊鐵軍教授在《Journal of Sound and Vibration》等期刊及國際會議上發表論文多篇,其中代表性論文如下:

Tiejun Yang,Di Huang,Xinhui Li,Michael J.Brennan,Liubin Zhou,Minggang Zhu,Zhigang Liu,Vibration Control of a Floating Raft System by Synchrophasing of Electrical Machines: An Experimental Study, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,2018,140,041015,Paper No:VIB-16-1492

Yao Sun*,Tiejun Yang**,Yuehua Chen,Sound radiation modes of cylindrical surfaces and their application on vibro-acoustics analysis of cylindrical shells,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 424:64-77

Tiejun Yang, Liping Zhu, Xinhui Li,and Lihong Pang, An online secondary path modeling method with regularized step size and self-tuning power scheduling, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 2018, 143 (2):1076-1084

Yao Sun, Tiejun Yang, Minggang Zhu and Jie Pan, The use of an active controlled enclosure to attenuate sound radiation from a heavy radiator, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017,392:1–17

Zeqi Lu, Tiejun Yang*, Michael J. Brennan, Zhigang Liu, Fuhong Dai and Liqun Chen, Experimental Investigation of a Two-stage Nonlinear Vibration Isolation System with High-Static-Low-Dynamic Stiffness,Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017,84(2): 021001-1:9

Lu Z, Chen LQ, Brennan MJ, Yang T, Ding H, & Liu Z, et a. Stochastic resonance in a nonlinear mechanical vibration isolation system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016,370, 221-229

Lu Z, Chen LQ, Brennan MJ, Yang T, Ding H, & Liu Z, et a. Stochastic resonance in a nonlinear mechanical vibration isolation system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016,370, 221-229

Shiliang Jiang,Wen L Li,Tiejun Yang* and Jingtao Du, Free vibration analysis of doubly curved shallow shells reinforced by any number of beams with arbitrary lengths, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, 22(2):570-584

Tiejun Yang,Yao Sun, Liubin Zhou, Michael J. Brennan, Zhigang Liu, Practical Demonstration of a Large-Scale Active Vibration Isolation System, Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015,(1):32-37

Yao Sun, Jie Pan and Tiejun Yang, Effect of a fluid layer on the sound radiation of a plate and its active control, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015,357:269–284

Hui Shi, Teijun Yang*, Shiliang Jiang, W. L. Li, Zhigang Liu, Curvature effects on the vibration characteristics of doubly curved shallow shells with general elastic edge restraints, Shock and Vibration, 2015, Article ID 435903, 14 pages

Tiejun Yang, Weilong Liang, Di Huang, Minggang Zhu and Zhigang Liu, Ying Shen, Michael J. Brennan,On active synchrophasing control of vibration for a floating raft vibration isolation system, The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Florence, Italy, 2015.July.12-16

Lu Z., Yang T*., Brennan M. J., Li X., Liu Z., On the Performance of a Two-stage Vibration Isolation System which has Geometrically Nonlinear Stiffness, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014,136, 064501-5

Lu Z., Yang T*., Brennan M. J., Li X., Liu Z., An Investigation on the Isolation Performance of Mono- and Bi-stable System, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2014,13:291-298

Tiejun Yang, Di Huang, Liubin Zhou, Minggang Zhu, Jingtao Du, Xueguang Liu and Zhigang Liu, Experimental investigation of an active vibration isolation system for a floating raft based on a flexible hull-like structure.ICSV21, Beijing, China, 2014,July.14-17

Yang Tiejun, Zhou Liubin, Brennan Michael J, Zhu Minggang, Liu Zhigang, On synchrophasing control of vibration for a floating raft vibration isolation system,INTER-NOISE 2014, Melbourne, Australia, Novermber. 15-19

Z.Q.Lu, M.J.Brennan, T.J.Yang*, X.H.Li and Z.G.Liu, An investigation of a two-stage nonlinear vibration isolation system, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013,332:1456–1464

Lu. Dai, Tiejun. Yang*, Jingtao Du ,W. L. Li, An exact series solution for the vibration of circular cylindrical shells with elastically restrained edges, Applied Acoustics,2013,74:440-449

S.L.Jiang, T.J.Yang*,etc, Vibration analysis of general curved shallow shells with elastically restrained edges, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2013,135,034502(1-4)

Tiejun Yang, Jingtao Du, Xueguang Liu, Zhigang Liu, Minggang Zhu, Active vibration isolation for a diesel engine generator in marine application, CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai, China, 2013. May.13-16

Tiejun Yang, Jingtao Du, Minggang Zhu, Xueguang Liu, and Zhigang Liu, Experimental investigation of active vibration isolation for a diesel engine generator in a harbor tug, INTER-NOISE 2013, Innsbruck, Austra,September 15-18

T.J.Yang, Z.J.Suai, Y.Sun, M.G.Zhu, Y.H.Xiao, X.G.Liu, J.T.Du, G.Y.Jin and Z.G.Liu, Active vibration isolation system for a diesel engine, Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2012,60 (3):267-282

Lu. Dai, Tiejun. Yang*, W. L. Li, Jingtao Du, Guoyong Jin, Dynamic analysis of circular cylindrical shells with general boundary condition, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2012,134,041004(1-12)

Tiejun Yang, Minggang Zhu, Xueguang Liu, JIngtao Du, Zhigang Liu, An active vibration isolation system for an air-compressor in marine applications, Acoustics 2012 HONGKONG, 2012.May.13-18

T.Yang, M.J.Brennan, J.Du, G.Jing and Z.Liu.Modelling and Vibration Analysis of an Active Vibration Isolation Demonstration RIG. 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics. Southampton, UK, 2010, July.12-14


陸澤琦,楊鐵軍,陳立群,Michael J. Brennan,劉志剛,非線性動力吸振系統動力學分析和最佳化,振動工程學報, 2016,29(5):765-771

孫瑤,楊鐵軍,梁偉龍,陳冰,黃迪,複雜隔振結構激勵下彈性基礎振動及聲輻射分析,振動工程學報, 2015, 28(6):902-909

周劉彬,楊鐵軍, M.J.Brennan,劉志剛,浮筏隔振及聲輻射同步定相控制研究,哈爾濱工程大學學報, 2014, 35(1):1-8



周劉彬,楊鐵軍,張攀,泮江江,劉志剛, 基於彈性艙段結構的浮筏主動隔振系統試驗研究,振動與衝擊, 2013, 32(17):156-161

董建超,楊鐵軍,李新輝,代路,主分量分析在激勵源識別中的套用研究, 振動與衝擊,2013,32(24):166-172




Tiejun Yang,Di Huang,Xinhui Li,Michael J.Brennan,Liubin Zhou,Minggang Zhu,Zhigang Liu,Vibration Control of a Floating Raft System by Synchrophasing of Electrical Machines: An Experimental Study, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,2018,140,041015,Paper No:VIB-16-1492


Yao Sun*,Tiejun Yang**,Yuehua Chen,Sound radiation modes of cylindrical surfaces and their application on vibro-acoustics analysis of cylindrical shells,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 424:64-77


Tiejun Yang, Liping Zhu, Xinhui Li,and Lihong Pang, An online secondary path modeling method with regularized step size and self-tuning power scheduling, Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 2018, 143 (2):1076-1084


Yao Sun, Tiejun Yang, Minggang Zhu and Jie Pan, The use of an active controlled enclosure to attenuate sound radiation from a heavy radiator, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017,392:1–17


Zeqi Lu, Tiejun Yang*, Michael J. Brennan, Zhigang Liu, Fuhong Dai and Liqun Chen, Experimental Investigation of a Two-stage Nonlinear Vibration Isolation System with High-Static-Low-Dynamic Stiffness,Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017,84(2): 021001-1:9


Lu Z, Chen LQ, Brennan MJ, Yang T, Ding H, & Liu Z, et a. Stochastic resonance in a nonlinear mechanical vibration isolation system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016,370, 221-229


Lu Z, Chen LQ, Brennan MJ, Yang T, Ding H, & Liu Z, et a. Stochastic resonance in a nonlinear mechanical vibration isolation system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016,370, 221-229


Shiliang Jiang,Wen L Li,Tiejun Yang* and Jingtao Du, Free vibration analysis of doubly curved shallow shells reinforced by any number of beams with arbitrary lengths, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, 22(2):570-584


Tiejun Yang,Yao Sun, Liubin Zhou, Michael J. Brennan, Zhigang Liu, Practical Demonstration of a Large-Scale Active Vibration Isolation System, Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015,(1):32-37


Yao Sun, Jie Pan and Tiejun Yang, Effect of a fluid layer on the sound radiation of a plate and its active control, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015,357:269–284


Hui Shi, Teijun Yang*, Shiliang Jiang, W. L. Li, Zhigang Liu, Curvature effects on the vibration characteristics of doubly curved shallow shells with general elastic edge restraints, Shock and Vibration, 2015, Article ID 435903, 14 pages


Tiejun Yang, Weilong Liang, Di Huang, Minggang Zhu and Zhigang Liu, Ying Shen, Michael J. Brennan,On active synchrophasing control of vibration for a floating raft vibration isolation system, The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Florence, Italy, 2015.July.12-16


Lu Z., Yang T*., Brennan M. J., Li X., Liu Z., On the Performance of a Two-stage Vibration Isolation System which has Geometrically Nonlinear Stiffness, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014,136, 064501-5


Lu Z., Yang T*., Brennan M. J., Li X., Liu Z., An Investigation on the Isolation Performance of Mono- and Bi-stable System, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2014,13:291-298


Tiejun Yang, Di Huang, Liubin Zhou, Minggang Zhu, Jingtao Du, Xueguang Liu and Zhigang Liu, Experimental investigation of an active vibration isolation system for a floating raft based on a flexible hull-like structure.ICSV21, Beijing, China, 2014,July.14-17


Yang Tiejun, Zhou Liubin, Brennan Michael J, Zhu Minggang, Liu Zhigang, On synchrophasing control of vibration for a floating raft vibration isolation system,INTER-NOISE 2014, Melbourne, Australia, Novermber. 15-19


Z.Q.Lu, M.J.Brennan, T.J.Yang*, X.H.Li and Z.G.Liu, An investigation of a two-stage nonlinear vibration isolation system, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013,332:1456–1464


Lu. Dai, Tiejun. Yang*, Jingtao Du ,W. L. Li, An exact series solution for the vibration of circular cylindrical shells with elastically restrained edges, Applied Acoustics,2013,74:440-449


S.L.Jiang, T.J.Yang*,etc, Vibration analysis of general curved shallow shells with elastically restrained edges, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2013,135,034502(1-4)


Tiejun Yang, Jingtao Du, Xueguang Liu, Zhigang Liu, Minggang Zhu, Active vibration isolation for a diesel engine generator in marine application, CIMAC Congress 2013, Shanghai, China, 2013. May.13-16


Tiejun Yang, Jingtao Du, Minggang Zhu, Xueguang Liu, and Zhigang Liu, Experimental investigation of active vibration isolation for a diesel engine generator in a harbor tug, INTER-NOISE 2013, Innsbruck, Austra,September 15-18


T.J.Yang, Z.J.Suai, Y.Sun, M.G.Zhu, Y.H.Xiao, X.G.Liu, J.T.Du, G.Y.Jin and Z.G.Liu, Active vibration isolation system for a diesel engine, Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2012,60 (3):267-282


Lu. Dai, Tiejun. Yang*, W. L. Li, Jingtao Du, Guoyong Jin, Dynamic analysis of circular cylindrical shells with general boundary condition, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2012,134,041004(1-12)


Tiejun Yang, Minggang Zhu, Xueguang Liu, JIngtao Du, Zhigang Liu, An active vibration isolation system for an air-compressor in marine applications, Acoustics 2012 HONGKONG, 2012.May.13-18


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