1999年畢業於中國科學院西安光學精密機械研究所,獲光學專業 理學博士學位,隨後赴德國布倫瑞克工業大學(Braunschweig Technical University)從事博士後研究,2001年赴瑞典隆德大學(Lund University)雷射中心進行客座研究,2005年進入南開大學現代光學研究所從事教學科研工作。
Chinese Physics B、Chinese Physics Letters和物理學報等學術期刊的審稿人。
講授課程: 現負責講授的課程:本科生專業基礎課程《力學》,碩士研究生課程《光學前沿講座》,博士研究生課程《雷射光譜學》。
研究方向: 飛秒雷射對材料結構及其功能特性調控的研究。
現已在國內外重要學術期刊(如Physical Review Letters,Physical Review B,Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express等)上發表論文50餘篇,其中
2篇論文已被《Nature China》(自然中國)遴選為研究亮點
2篇論文已被國際著名學術期刊《Physical Review Letters》和《Physical Review B》分別選登為當期封面文章
1篇論文已入選《Applied Physical Letters》期刊當月的“Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles”排行榜
科研項目、成果、獲獎、專利等情況: 主持和參與的科研項目:科技部重大基礎研究前期研究專項,國家自然科學基金面上和重點項目,教育部博士點基金項目,天津市套用基礎及前沿技術研究重點項目等。
[1] Yang Yang, Jianjun Yang*, Chunyong Liang, and Hongshui Wang, "Ultra-broadband enhanced absorption of metal surfaces structured by femtosecond laser pulses", Optics Express, 16 (15): 11259-11265 (2008).
[2] Yang Yang, Jianjun Yang*, Chunyong Liang, Hongshui Wang, Xiaonong Zhu, Dengfeng Kuang, and Yong Yang, "Sub-wavelength surface structuring of NiTi alloy by femtosecond laser pulses", Applied Physics A, 92(3): 635-642 (2008).
[3] Chunyong Liang, Hongshui Wang, Jianjun Yang*, Yang Yang, and Xianjin Yang, "Surface modification of cp-Ti using femtosecond laser micromachining and the deposition of Ca/P layer", Materials Letters, 62: 3783-3786 (2008).
[4] Jianjun Yang*, Yang Yang, Rui Wang and Wei Han, "Characteristics of filamentation in ZK7 glass by negatively chirped femtosecond laser pulses", Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 51: 849-856 (2008).
[5] ChunYong Liang, Yang Yang, Hongshui Wang, JianJun Yang*, and XianJin Yang, "Preparation of porous microstructures on NiTi alloy surface with femtosecond laser pulses", Chinese Science Bulletin, 53: 700-705 (2008).
[6] Jianjun Yang*, Youbo Zhao, Nan Zhang, Yanmei Liang and Mingwei Wang, "Ablation of metallic targets by high-intensity ultrashort laser pulses", Physical Review B 76 (16): 165430 (2007).
[7] Jianjun Yang*, and Guoguang Mu, "Multi-dimensional observation of white-light filaments generated by femtosecond laser pulses in condensed medium", Optics Express, 15(8): 4943 -4952 (2007).
[8] Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu, Jianjun Yang, Xiaolei Wang and Mingwei Wang, "Time-Resolved shadowgraphs of material ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation of auminum", Physical Review Letters, 99 (16): 167602 (2007).
[9] Jianjun Yang*, Youbo Zhao and Xiaonong Zhu, "Theoretical studies of ultrafast ablation of metal targets dominated by phase explosion", Applied Physics A, 89(2): 571-578 (2007).
[10] Jianjun Yang*, Nan Zhang and Xiaonong Zhu, "Self-induced nonlinear polarization change of femtosecond laser pulse propagation in an optically isotropic glass", Applied Physics B – Laser and Optics, 89(2-3): 261-266 (2007).
[11] Jianjun Yang*, Weiwei Liu and Xiaonong Zhu, "A study of ultrafast electron diffusion kinetics in ultrashort-pulse laser ablation of metals", Chinese Physics, 16(7): 2003-2008 (2007).
[12] Youbo Zhao, Yaqing Jia, Jianjun Yang, and Xiaonong Zhu, "Influence of a half-wave plate/polarizer attenuator on broadband femtosecond laser pulses", Optical Engineering, 46: 044301(2007).
[13] Nan Zhang, Jianjun Yang, Mingwei Wang and Xiaonong Zhu, "Fabrication of long-period fiber gratings using 800 nm femtosecond laser pulses", Chinese Physics Letters, 23: 3281 (2007).
[14] Shiying Cao, Zhang, Lu Chai, Chingyue Zhigang Wang, Jianjun Yang, and Xiaonong Zhu,"Probing the spectrum evolution of femtosecond pule filament in argon gas with a hollow fiber", Acta Physica Sinica, 56:2765-2768 (2007).
[15] Jianjun Yang, Youbo Zhao, and Xiaonong Zhu, "Transition between non-thermal and thermal ablations of metallic target under the strike of high-fluence ultrashort laser pulses", Applied Physics Letters, 88(9): 094101 (2006).
[16] Jianjun Yang*, "Generation of ultra-broad bandwidth femtosecond laser pulses in infrared and blue region", Acta Photonica Sinica, 35: 1617-1622 (2006).
[17] Youbo Zhao, Nan Zhang, Jianjun Yang and Xiaonong Zhu, "Laser-induced air ionization microscopy", Applied Physics Letters, 88(24): 241102 (2006).
[18] Shiying Cao, Ying Wang, Weijie Huang, Lu Chai, Chingyue Wang, Jianjun Yang, Xiaonong Zhu, and Zhigang Zhang, "Experimental observation on spectrum evolution of femtosecond pulses in filamentation", Optics Express, 14: 5492-5496 (2006).
[19] Shiying Cao, Zhigang Zhang, Lu Chai, Chingyue Wang, Jianjun Yang, and Xiaonong Zhu, "Dependence of spectrum broadening on inner diameter of capillary restricting the filamentation in high pressure gas", Acta Physica Sinica, 50:5294-297(2006).
[20] Shiying Cao, Ying Wang, Zhigang Zhang, Lu Chai, Chingyue Wang, Jianjun Yang, and Xiaonong Zhu, "Spectrum evolution of filamentation restricted by capillary in high pressure gas", Acta Physica Sinica, 55: 4734-4738 (2006).
[21] Johan Norin, Karoly Osvay, Francois Albert, Dominique Descamps, Jianjun Yang, Anne L'Huillier, and Claes-Go ran Wahlstrom, "Design of an extreme-ultraviolet monochromator free from temporal stretching", Applied Optics, 43:1072-1081 (2004).