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楊姝,女,大連理工大學 汽車工程學院副教授 碩士生導師。


楊姝:女,大連理工大學 汽車工程學院副教授 碩士生導師


1997-09—2001-06 大連理工大學 工程力學 學士

2001-09—2003-06 大連理工大學 機械製造及其自動化 碩士

2003-09—2007-12 大連理工大學 機械製造及其自動化 博士


2008-01—2013-12 大連理工大學 汽車工程學院 講師

2013-12至今 大連理工大學 汽車工程學院 副教授

2008-03至今 大連理工大學 汽車工程學院 碩士生導師


1. 國家自然科學基金通訊評審

2. 國家司法鑑定人

3. 審稿人:

Shock and Vibration SCI 刊源

浙江大學學報(英文版) SCI 刊源

International Journal of Impact Engineering SCI 刊源,衝擊領域 國際權威期刊


● 主持 國家自然科學基金項目 2015-2018


● 主持 國家自然科學基金項目 2010-2012


● 主持 教育部博士點基金項目 2010-2012


● 主持 中央高校基本科研業務費項目 2010-2011


● 主持 中央高校基本科研業務費項目 2013-2014



1. 汽車安全

2. 汽車結構力學分析

3. 汽車結構最佳化

4. 異質金屬車身衝擊


1. Shu Yang, Chang Qi*. Multiobjective optimization for empty and foam-filled square columns under oblique impact loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 54 (4):177-191, 2013. SCI, EI

2. Shu Yang, Chang Qi*. Blast-resistant improvement of sandwich armor structure with aluminum foam composite. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Article ID 947571, Vol. 2013, 1-8. SCI, EI

3. Shu Yang, Chang Qi, Dong Wang, Renjing Gao, Haitao Hu, and Jian Shu. A Comparative Study of Ballistic Resistance of Sandwich Panels with Aluminum Foam and Auxetic Honeycomb Cores. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Article ID 589216, Vol. 2013, 1-15. SCI

4. ZhiYong Wei, WanXi Zhang, GuangYi Chen, JiCai Liang, Shu Yang. Crystallization and melting behavior of isotactic polypropylene nucleated with individual and compound nucleating agents. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102(2): 775-783, 2010. SCI, EI

5. Guangshuo Wang,Shu Yang, Zhiyong Wei, Xufeng Dong, and Min Qi. Facile preparation of poly (epsilon-caprolactone)/Fe3O4@grapheme oxide superparamagnetic nanocomposites. Polymer bulletin, 70(8): 2359-2371, 2013. SCI, EI

6. Chang Qi, Shu Yang*, Renjing Gao. Numerical simulation of force enhancement by cellular material under blast load. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Article ID 328651, Vol. 2013, 1-10. SCI

7. Chang Qi, Shu Yang*, Fangliang Dong. Crushing analysis and multiobjective crashworthiness optimization of tapered square tubes under oblique impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 59 (10): 103-119, 2012. SCI, EI

8. Baozhen Yao, Ping Hu, Shu Yang*. An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for the automobile spare part warehouse location problem,Mathematical Problems in Engineering , SCI

9. Chang Qi, Shu Yang*, Dong Wang, and Li-Jun Yang. Ballistic resistance of honeycomb sandwich panels under in-plane high-velocity impact. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 892781, Vol. 2013, 1-20. SCI

10. Chang Qi, Shu Yang*, Li-Jun Yang, Zhi-Yong Wei, and Zhen-Hua Lu. Blast resistance and multi-objective optimization of aluminum foam-cored sandwich panels. Composite Structures, 105(11):45-57, 2013. SCI, EI

11. Shu Yang, Chang QI*, Ping HU, Zhiyong WEI, and Yingli WANG. Topology Optimization of Electric Vehicle Body in White Based on SIMP Method. 2011 International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering,2011.9.16-2011.9.18, Guangzhou, China. EI.

12. Chang Qi, Shu Yang and Ping Hu. Magic Cube Approach Application on Crashworthiness Design of Front Rail for Weight Reduction. 2011 International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering,2011.9.16-2011.9.18. Guangzhou, China. EI.

13. Shu Yang, Chang Qi, Yingli Wang, Zhiyong Wei.Topology Optimization of a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Body in White. 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, 2011.10.19-2011.10.21. Dalian, China. EI

14. Shu Yang, Chang Qi, Dong Wang. Energy Absorption of an Re-entrant Honeycombs with Negative Poisson’s Ratio. 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, 2011.10.19-2011.10.21, Dalian, China. EI

15. Shu Yang, Chang Qi*. Crashworthiness Design for Reinforced Thin-walled Column under Oblique Impact using a Magic Cube Approach. 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, 2011.10.19-2011.10.21, Dalian, China. EI

16. Jun Zhang, Chang Qi, Shu Yang, Yu Du and Ping Hu. Magic cube approach for crashworthiness design with lightweight considerations. 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, 2012.10.26-2012.10.27, Dalian,China. EI

17. 亓昌,楊麗君,楊姝*. 梯度鋁泡沫夾層結構抗爆性能仿真與最佳化,振動與衝擊,2013年,第32卷,第13期:70-75.

18. 亓昌,董方亮,楊姝*,王棟.錐形多胞薄壁方管斜向衝擊性能仿真研究, 振動與衝擊,2012年,第31卷,第24期:102-107.EI

19. 亓昌,安文姿,楊姝.負泊松比安全帶織帶乘員碰撞保護性能的FE仿真, 汽車安全與節能學報,2013年,第4卷,第3期:215-222.

20. 孫宏圖,申國哲,胡平,楊姝等.汽車鎂合金車身設計,機械設計與構造,2009,7:4-6.

21. 孫宏圖,申國哲,胡平,楊姝等.考慮碰撞安全性的汽車車身輕量化設計,機械科學與技術,2010年,第29卷,第3期:379-386.

22. 葉輝,胡平,申國哲,孫宏圖,楊姝. 利用高強度鋼板溫熱成形結構件改善車身側面抗撞性能,吉林大學學報(工學版), 2010年,40,101-105. EI

23. 魏志勇,張萬喜,陳廣義,梁繼才,楊姝,劉煉,王沛。增容劑和稀土β成核劑對聚丙烯/硫酸鈣晶須複合材料的影響,功能材料, 2010年,第41卷:1583-1587.EI:


1. 大連理工大學本科生優秀教學成果獎 三等獎

2. 大連理工大學研究生優秀教學成果獎 二等獎

3. 2012-2013年度“校優秀班主任”

4. 大連市自然科學優秀學術論文 一等獎




