

棒球教練,外文名:Hard Ball,美國劇情片,2001年上映,講訴一個沉迷頗深的賭徒康納歐尼爾,擺脫了他生平最大的興趣─賭博,帶著這群小鬼過關斬將,在當地小聯盟球賽中所向披靡,最終贏得冠軍的故事。



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康納甚至對自己的變化也感到吃驚,他開始對這些“街頭爛仔”以及他們那位年輕的老師(黛安-萊恩飾,Diane Lane)開始有了好感。在這些貧困的孩子們身上,漫無目的的康納時常會看到一二件關於信任和真心的閃光之處。這些外表堅強而內心又非常脆弱的孩子們,已經開始依賴康納和棒球來從他們艱難有時又是悲劇性的生活中振作自己,那怕是僅僅幾個小時而已。




基努·里維斯Conor O'Neill
戴安·萊恩Elizabeth Wilkes
約翰·豪克斯Ticky Tobin


編劇Daniel Coyle、約翰·蓋汀斯John Gatins
製片人Herb Gains、Kevin McCormick、Tina Nides、布萊恩·羅賓斯Brian Robbins、Erwin Stoff、麥可·托林Michael Tollin
原創音樂Mark Isham
攝像師Tom Richmond
電影剪輯Ned Bastille
協調劇組人員Marci Liroff
造型設計Jaymes Hinkle
布景師Tricia Schneider
服裝設計Francine Jamison
化妝師Deborah K. Dee、Aimee Lippert-Bastien、Nina Paskowitz、Peter Robb-King、Jamie Sue Weiss
製片主管Allegra Clegg、Herb Gains
助理導演Michael J. Moore、Melody L. Moses、Eric A. Pot、Benjamin Rosenberg
美術David J. Chamerski、Frank Coronado、William Dambra
Brad Good、Blake E. Matthys、Jon Nicholson、 Troy Osman、Tyler Osman‘Joel Prihoda、Paul E. Schulz、David Tennenbaum
音效Thomas A. Carlson、Zack Davis、Christopher Flick
Galen Goodpaster、Michael Jonascu、Stephen Krause
Helena Lea、Daniel J. Leahy、Piero Mura、 Josephine Nericcio、Vince Nicastro、David Obermeyer Steve Pederson、Blair Scheller、George Simpson
Randy Singer
特技師Ryan Evans、John D. Milinac
視覺特效師Lloyd Llee Barnett、Kelly Bumbarger、Tim Gibbons
Vincent Lavares、Derek Ledbetter、Matt McFarland
Jason Piccioni、Mike Sullo、Christopher Dusendschon
Ken Lam


•Raymond 'Ray Ray' Bennet: Coach Conor? You're not really trying to get Ms. Wilkes, are you? Conor O'Neill: No. Raymond 'Ray Ray' Bennet: Good. 'Cause I already tried and she ain't havin' it. G-Baby: Yeah, me too. Raymond 'Ray Ray' Bennet 's mother: Miss Wilkes said she had a good feeling about you. Conor O'Neill: Miss Wilkes said that? Elizabeth Wilkes: So you work for Smith & Stevens Securities? Conor O'Neill: Yes. Elizabeth Wilkes: What deal did you blow? Conor O'Neill: What? Elizabeth Wilkes: Well, I'm sure you're not coaching this team by choice. Conor O'Neill: I want you guys to take a good look at yourselves and feel proud. We made it here. We're here. What I've learned from you is that really one of the most important things in life is showing up. I'm blown away by your ability to show up through everything that's gone on. The league never wanted you to play this game, but you showed up. But, uh, we only have eight players so, we can't play. Conor O'Neill: Good morning. Um, Gerius was a player on the Kekemas baseball team I coach. Honestly he, uh, he was too young to play. But he wanted to be a part of the team so badly, I couldn't say no. He had a great smile too though I'm not telling you anything you don't know. He was a really tough guy. Just a boy really who, uh, wanted to be around his older brother. The other day we played a really important game against a good team. And two outs in the last inning, I had no choice but to let Gerius bat. He was fearless as he stepped to the plate. I was terrified for him. With two strikes and our hopes dwindling, he hit a shot down the first base line. He won the game. And watching him raise his arms in triumph as he ran to first base, I swear I was lifted in that moment to a better place. I swear he, uh, he lifted the world in that moment. He made me a better person, even if just for that moment. I am, uh, forever grateful to Gerius for that. Kofi: It was booty. That girl Meg is dumb. Thinkin' her fathers comin' back from wherever. That's stupid to believe in. That girl and her mom are both trippin'. Cuz where I'm from... don't nobody's father come back. Conor O'Neill: What? Since you can't talk shit, you got nothing to say? Conor O' Neill: Hey! Can we cool it with the bitches? Conor O' Neill: I love it when you call me big poppa! Kofi: 2a You suck... just like my girlfriend. e71 [Andre and Kofi are fighting] Andre Ray Peetes: Pay up, bitch! Kofi: I'll kick your ass, bitch! [Coach Conor walks over] Conor O'Neill: Hey! Hey! Hey! Cool it! Cool it! What's going on? G-Baby: All right, let me break it down to you right quick. Andre says he can catch any pop-up anybody can throw. Kofi say "That's bullshit. You a busta.". Andre say "Roll up, bitch". Kofi say, "I'll give you all my gum if you can catch this ball.". He threw the ball. Andre caught it. Andre say "Pay me my money". Kofi say, "You a cheatin' bitch.". No wait. Kofi say, "You a motherf - " Conor O'Neill: Okay I got it thanks. [G-Baby nods his head] Jamal: So we go to the 'ship right? Conor O'Neill: Yeah, we could.

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•Based on a true story

•Before the film was released in 2001, posters and ads reflected the rating as R before it was re-edited to dub over the kids using the "f" word. Despite quite a bit of profanity remaining, the film was then released with a PG-13 rating.

•All of the league's team names are taken from tribes in Africa.

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•Detroit, Michigan, USA Tiger Stadium - 2121 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, USA



