1. 柳俊哲,呂麗華,左紅軍. 混凝土碳化時亞硝酸鹽保護鋼筋的作用.混凝土.2003,4:24~25
2. 柳俊哲,巴恆靜. 亞硝酸根在混凝土中擴散及阻銹年限預測. 武漢理工大學學報. 2003,25(10): 39~42
3. 巴恆靜,柳俊哲. 摻防凍劑混凝土鋼筋阻銹機理的研究.矽酸鹽學報.2003,31(11):1026~1030
4. 巴恆靜,柳俊哲. 摻氯鹽阻銹型防凍劑混凝土鋼筋防鏽臨界摩爾濃度的探討.工業建築. 2003,33:213~215
5. 柳俊哲,巴恆靜. 摻防凍劑混凝土鋼筋腐蝕程度的評價. 混凝土. 2004,1:19~21
6. 柳俊哲,馮奇,李玉順. 亞硝酸鹽對混凝土中鋼筋的阻銹效果.矽酸鹽學報.2004,32(7):854~857
7. 柳俊哲,野口貴文,李玉順. 四極法評價混凝土中鋼筋腐蝕. 武漢理工大學學報.2004,26(8): 30~34
8. 柳俊哲,太星鎬,野口貴文. 摻氯鹽混凝土中亞硝酸鹽的長期阻銹效果.混凝土. 2004,9:14~17
9. LIU Junzhe, SHAN Wei, LI Yushun, YANG Haixu. Characteristics of alkali-silica reaction in the presence of sodium and calcium chloride. 12th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete. Beijing, International Academic Publishers. Oct. 2004:747-750
10. 柳俊哲,馮奇,李玉順. 鋼筋混凝土中宏電池腐蝕電流的測定. 建築材料學報.2005,7(1):90~93
11. LIU Junzhe, LI Yushun, LV Lihua. Effect of anti-freezing admixtures on alkali-silica reaction in mortars. J. Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2005,20(2): 80-82
12. FENG Qi, BA H., LIU Junzhe. Properties and interfacial microstructure of cement-based materials mixed with composite micro-grains. Journal of Harbin Harbin Institute of Technology. 2005,5: 499-503
13. LIU Junzhe, FENG Qi, LI Yushun . Prediction for duration of protective effect of nitrite in reinforced concrete structures. Proc. Int. Workshop on Durability of Reinforced Concrete under Combined Mechanical and Climatic Loads. Qingdao, China, Aedificatio Publishers. Oct. 2005: 182-189
14. 柳俊哲. 混凝土碳化研究與進展(1).混凝土2005,11:10~13
15. 柳俊哲. 混凝土碳化研究與進展(2).混凝土2005,12:10~13
16. 柳俊哲. 混凝土碳化研究與進展(3).混凝土2006,1:51~54
17. LIU Junzhe , P. Rathish Kumar. Influence of nitrite solution amounts on inhibiting duration. Journal of Indian Concrete Institute. April-June 2006: 29-32
18. 呂麗華,柳俊哲.試驗條件對引氣混凝土性能的影響研究. 混凝土. 2006, 7:14~16
19. LIU Junzhe, SHAN Wei, LI Yushun Liu Rui, LV Lihua. Study on diffusion of nitrite ions in concrete and on protective effect of nitrite. The Sixth International Symposium on Cement & Concrete and the CANMET/ACI International Symposium. Xian, China. International Academic Publishers. September. 2006: 1087-1091
20. 柳俊哲,賀智敏. 亞硝酸鹽阻銹劑抑制鋼筋腐蝕效果研究. 材料導報. 2007,21(12):174~175
21. FENG Qi , LIU Junzhe. The grain grading model and prediction of deleterious porosity of cement based materials. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2008,2:266-270
22. 柳俊哲,單煒. 杭州灣跨海大橋混凝土耐久性設計方法研究. 混凝土. 2008,3:4~6
23. 柳俊哲,呂麗華,張振文. 混凝土路面凍融-磨蝕複合作用機理研究. 混凝土. 2008,9:7~10
24. 柳俊哲,邢鋒,張振文. 混凝土中鋼筋腐蝕的測定與評價方法. 材料導報. 2008,22(10):80~84
25. LIU Junzhe, HE Zhimin. Predicting the threshold values based on diffusion model of nitrite ions in reinforced concrete. J. Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed.,. 2009
26. 柳俊哲主編. 土木工程材料. 科學出版社 2005.7
27. 柳俊哲主編. 公路工程材料. 人民交通出版社 2007.2
28. 柳俊哲主編. 土木工程材料(第二版). 科學出版社 2009.7
29. 柳俊哲主編. 土木工程材料. 科學出版社 2009.8