
Fuse Reading my eyes Stick n´move Rhinestone Hybrid Theory EP(Underground V1.0)(混合理論唱片版) 於1997年發行,為聯合公園的第二張唱片,為後來的正式版本的雛形,此時樂團名稱為Hybrid Theory。該唱片發行量只有1000.
A.06 With You (Live) Points of Authority (Crystal Method Remix) Dedicated (Demo 1999) High Voltage (Live) My December Hybrid Theory(混合理論) 由時代華納旗下的華納唱片公司出版,該專輯銷售量超過2,400萬張,該專輯包括
Papercut One step closer With you Points of authority Crawling Runaway By myself In the end A place for my head Forgotten Cure for the itch Pushing me away 多首熱門單曲的專輯成為了2001年美國和紐西蘭最暢銷的唱片。值得注意的是,他們的這張專輯中的歌曲歌詞都相當乾淨,沒有任何髒話出現,這與其它的一些新金屬樂團的歌曲形成了鮮明的對比。
Re-animation(復活) Reanimation於2002年出版。<復活>是將聯合公園的一些歌曲進行重新混音(Remix)出現讓人耳目一新的感覺。其中《Crawling》的混音版本《Krwlng》(Mike Shinoda ft. Aaron Lewis)則成為了美國FOX電視網的熱播電視劇<Prison Break>的主題曲。 這張專輯的歌名看起來像亂七八糟的字元,包括以下
Opening Pts.Of.Athrty Enth E Nd [Chali] Frgt/10 P5hng Me A*wy Plc.4 Mie Head X-ecutioner Style H! Vltg3 [Riff Raff] Wth>You Ntr\Mssion Ppr:Kut Rnw@y My{Dsmbr [Stef] By_Myslf Kyur4 Th Ich 1stp Klosr Krwing Meteora(天空之城—美特拉) 於2003年出版,這張專輯新上榜就占據了英國和美國專輯銷售榜第一和澳大利亞專輯銷售榜的第二。其中還囊括了《Somewhere I belong》、<Faint>、<Numb>、《From the inside》和《Breaking the habit》等多首熱門單曲。
Foreword Don"t Say Somewhere I Belong Lying From You Hit The Floor Easier To Run Faint Figure.09 Breaking The Habit From The Inside Nobody"s Listening Session Numb Live in Texas(德州現場) 於2003年出版,中文<德州現場>
Collison Course(碰撞課程) 於2004年出版,中文<碰撞課程>或譯<衝擊理論>
Minutes to Midnight(末日警鐘 毀滅·新生) 主條目:末日警鐘 毀滅·新生
排行榜歌曲 from "Hybrid Theory" 2001 "One Step Closer" #24 UK 2001 "Crawling" #16 UK 2001 "Papercut" #14 UK 2001 "In the End" #2 US, #8 UK 2002 "Points Of Authority"from "Reanimation" 2002 "High Voltage/Points of Authority" #9 UKfrom "Meteora" 2003 "Somewhere I Belong" #32 US, #10 UK 2003 "Faint" #15 UK 2004 "Numb" #11 US, #14 UK 2004 "From The Inside" 2004 "Breaking the Habit" #20 US, #39 UKfrom "Collision Course" 2004 "Numb/Encore" (with Jay-Z) #20 US, #14 UK
One Step Closer Crawling (at the Dragon Festival) Crawling (The Brothers Straus) Papercut (International) In The End Points Of Authority Live footage (International) Pts.OF.Athrty (Points Of Authority Remix), CGI Enth E Nd (In The End Remix) P5hng Me A*wy (Pushing Me Away Remix) FRGT/10 (Forgotten Remix), CGI Wth>You (With You Remix), photographic animation Somewhere I Belong - live-action plus CGI. This video for features some surrealistic creatures moving from a painting that may have been inspired by Salvador Dalí's works - possibly The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1946) or The Elephants (1948). Faint - monochrome concert-like footage, directed by Mark Romanek Lying From You (Live in Texas) Numb From The Inside (International) Breaking The Habit, traditional anime Numb/Encore (live) Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer (live) What I've Done Bleed It Out Shadow Of The Day
最受喜愛的歌手獎 - Alternative Music; 31st Annual American Music Awards; Sept 16, 2003 最佳組合獎,最佳另類搖滾獎; 2002 MTV Europe Music Awards. Nominated for Best Website. 最佳外國搖滾獎; Swedish Hit Music Awards; November 17th, 2002. 最佳搖滾錄像帶獎; 2002 MTV Video Music Awards (In The End). Nominated for Best Video of the Year (In The End), Best Group Video (In The End). 最佳新金屬歌手獎; ECHO 2002 awards in Germany. 最佳另類搖滾表演獎(Crawling); 2001 Grammys. Nominated for Best Rock Album, Best New Artist. 最佳年度外國歌手獎; Finland's 2001 Emma Awards. 最佳國際新人獎; 2001 Kerrang Awards. Nominated for Best Video, Best Album, Best Band in the World. 最受喜愛的歌手提名獎 - Alternative Music; 30th Annual American Music Awards; Sept 1, 2002 最佳搖滾錄像帶獎 (Somewhere I Belong); 2003 MTV Video Music Awards. 最佳搖滾錄像帶提名獎(Breaking The Habit); 2004 MTV Video Music Awards. 最佳觀眾選擇獎(Breaking The Habit); 2004 MTV Video Music Awards. 最佳歌曲年度獎;最佳中性新金屬獎(Numb); 2004 Radio Music Awards 最佳歌手年度獎; Rock Radio; 2004 Radio Music Awards
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