

杭州師範大學法學院成立於2001年9月,開設有法學、智慧財產權兩個本科專業。2005年獲得了民商法碩士學位授予權。現有全日制在校學生近600人,碩士研究生35人,專任教師33人,其中教授4名, 雙聘教授1名,副教授17名,講師12名;具有博士學位10人、碩士學位22人。學院是中國法學會民法研究會、婚姻法研究會的理事單位,浙江省法學會、杭州市法學會的常務理事單位,浙江省民法學研究會、商法研究會、中小企業法研究會、法學教育研究會的副會長單位,浙江省婚姻法學研究會的會長單位和掛靠單位。





Brief Introduction of The Hangzhou Normal University Law School

Founded in September 2001, the Law School owns two bachelor degree programs: law and intellectual property. In 2005, the Law School has been approved of conferring master degree of Civil & Commercial Law. At present, there are approximately 600 regular students at school, including 35 students pursuing an LL.M.(Master of Laws), and 32 full-time teachers in the school, including 4 professors, one double-appointed professor, 12 associate professors, 12 lecturers, among which 10 teachers have obtained their doctoral degrees, and 22 with LL.M.

Always bearing in mind that teaching improvement is at the core, as well as stressing the cultivation of students’ comprehensive talents, the Law School has shaped its own features of running, and reaped delightful achievements. Firstly, in recent three years, more than one hundred graduates from the Law School have passed the civil servant test and been recruited, which rate ranks number one in the overall university. Secondly, many students have been admitted after graduation by famous universities or academies like Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Southeast University and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Their results of the postgraduate admission tests have been very impressive. Last but not the least, the Law School offers an energetic and creative research atmosphere, which has turned out to be very rewarding. Since the establishment of the Law School, more than 200 articles have been published on specialized periodicals, such as “Chinese Journal of Law”, “China Legal Science”, “Journal of Political Science and Law”, “Zhejiang Academic Journal”, “Jurists Review”, “Law and Social Development”, “ Modern Law Science”, “Legal Science”, “Law Science Magazine”, “Zhejiang Social Sciences”, among which many ones have been fully reprinted by “Information Center for Social Sciences, Renmin University of China”. At the same time, a series of influential academic books and teaching materials have also been published, for example, “Study on Competition Legal System”, “Studies on the Legal System of Construction Contracts”, “Research on the Regime of Criminal Executive Power”, “Comments on Civil Law Cases”, “Lawyers” and “Marriage, Family and Inheritance Law”, “ On the Theory and Practice of Legal System”, “Jurisprudence”, “Constitution”, “Civil Law”, “Civil Law Pandects”, “Real Right Law”, “Company Law”, “Economic Law”, “Criminal Procedure Law”, “Study on the Way of Thinking in Criminal Trials”, “The Formation of Ruling—Judges’ Mental Process”, “Investigative Psychology”, “Law in Cases—Rights and Duties in Marriage” and “Law in Cases—Rights and Duties in Civil Activities”. Besides, the Law School faculty had undertaken a lot of tasks for the ministry, province and provincial government bureau, including the main investigation of the Supreme Court. The achievements concerned have received favorable comments widely, bringing in plenty of social benefits.

The Law School has paid special attention to the local service and students’ practical capabilities. Presently, the Law School acts as the base providing education, training and service for the intellectual property talents of Hangzhou. The Moot court with advanced facilities makes the teaching practice smoother. Moreover, the Law School has entered into agreements with more than ten legal agencies like the court, the prosecutor’s office and the law firm, which has prepared law practice places for the students. In addition, the Law School has already set up 9 student societies such as “Law Society” and “Xinyu Reading Club”, and students are always encouraged to take part in all sorts of social exercises. Thus the campus cultural life is fairly colorful.

The Law School is the council unit of the civil law study group and the marriage law study group of the China Law Society, and the standing member of the Zhejiang Province Law Society, Hangzhou City Law Society, and also the associate presidential institution of the Zhejiang civil law study group, commercial law study group, medium & small sized enterprises law study group and legal education study group as well as the presidential and attaching agency to the marriage law study group of Zhejiang Province.


現 任 領 導

院 長: 李安
黨委書記: 羅思榮
副院長: 朱煒
副院長: 趙元成
黨委副書記: 唐鋼


朱 煒院長助理2006.9-2007.10
李 安副院長2009.6-2013.4
林 平黨總支書記2006.7-2009.6
唐 鋼黨總支副書記(主持工作)2009.6-2013.4


