








2017.08-至今 中山大學,副教授,碩士生導師

2015.07-2017.08 IBM研究院,研究員
2013.12-2015.04 美國國家大氣研究中心(NCAR),訪問學者

2012.12-2013.12 美國夏威夷大學,訪問學者

2010.09-2015.07 北京大學,理學博士,氣象學

2006.09-2010.07 北京師範大學,理學學士,物理學


擔任多家知名國際學術期刊的專業審稿人,如Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences、Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres、Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology、 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences、Monthly Weather Review、Atmospheric Research、Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics等




1. Du, Y.and R. Rotunno, 2015:Thermally Driven Diurnally Periodic Wind Signals off the East Coast of China.J. Atmos. Sci. 72, 2806-2821.

2. Du, Y., R. Rotunno, Q.H., Zhang 2015:Analysis of WRF-simulated Diurnal Boundary-Layer Winds in Eastern China using a Simple 1D Model.J. Atmos. Sci. 72, 714-727.

3. Du, Y., Y.-L. Chen and Q. Zhang, 2015:Numerical simulations of the Boundary Layer Jet off the southeastern coast of China.Mon. Wea. Rev. 143, 1212-1231.

4. Du, Y.and R. Rotunno, 2014:A Simple Analytical Model of the Nocturnal Low-level Jet over the Great Plains of the United States.J. Atmos. Sci. , 71, 3674–3683.

5. Du, Y., Q. H. Zhang, Y. L. Chen, Y. Y. Zhao, and X. Wang, 2014:Numerical simulations of spatial distributions and diurnal variations of low-level jets in China during early summer.J. Climate, 27, 5747–5767.

6. Zhao Y, Zhang Q, Du Y,et al. 2013:Objective analysis of circulation extremes during the 21 July 2012 torrential rain in Beijing.Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 27, 626-635.

7. Du, Y., Q. H. Zhang, Y. Yue, and Y. M. Yang, 2012:Characteristics of low-level jets in Shanghai during the 2008–2009 warm seasons as inferred from Wind Profiler Radar Data.J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90, 891-903.

8. Du, Y., M. Zhang, B. G. Xie, H. Du, S. Huang, Y. J. Tang, Z. Shuai, X. Zhang,2017:AIR QUALITY FORECASTING BASED ON DYNAMIC BLENDING(US 15/403212).

9. Huang S., M. Zhang, B. G. Xie, H. Du, Y. Du,Y. J. Tang, Z. Shuai, X. Zhang,2017:DYNAMIC EMISSION DISCHARGE REDUCTION(US 15/416470)

10. Tang Y. J., M. Zhang, B. G. Xie, H. Du, Y. Du,S. Huang, Z. Shuai, X. Zhang,2016:Dust Emission Forecasting(US 15/362225)

11. Shuai Z., Y. Du, M. Zhang, B. G. Xie, H. Du, S. Huang, Y. J. Tang, X. Zhang, 2016:Improved analog post-processing for air quality numerical model forecast results correction(US15/453715)

