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四川大學化學學院放射化學教研室主任,套用化學專業實驗室主任。 1977 年四川大學化學系放射化學專業畢業後留校任教至今。 1988.9-1991.9 蘇州醫學院放射衛生專業,獲碩士學位。 1999.12-2002.12 在 在美國北依利諾依斯大學 (Northern Illinois University, NIU) 化學及生物化學系固體材料化學研究組作客座研究員。 作為項目負責人或主研人員參與完成了 有關的科研項目 14 項。 2001 年以來發表有關研究論文 49 篇,其中, SCI 論文 40 篇。

本科:核技術基礎及套用;應化設計實驗 1 (核輻射測量);天然藥物化學導論
○ 無機化學專業—放射化學分離材料與技術
○ 環境科學專業—環境放射化學,環境材料的合成及套用


1. 放射化學分離材料與技術
2. 核廢物處理與處置
3. 新型固體功能材料的設計及合成


( 2005 年後擔任負責人的項目)
1. 一種新型三維開架微孔無機離子交換材料的合成和機理研究,國家自然科學基金
2. 硫屬沸石類多孔材料的合成及其在核廢物處理處置中的套用研究, 國家自然科學基金
3. 川紅花中功能性色素的連續分離製備工藝研究,四川省科技廳科學基金
4. 功能化炭基有序多孔材料及其在放射性核素分離中的套用,國家自然科學基金




1. Synthesis and Characterization of a New Activated carbon supported Ammonium Molybdophosphate composite and Its cesium-selective Adsorption Properties, Radiochim Acta, 2009 (accepted), Miao Feng, Li Wang, Yongsheng Zhao, Chunxia Liu, Zhen Chen, Liang Yan, Gan Tian, Hang Wang, Shoujian Li* .
2. Supporting of Potassium Copper Hexacyanoferrate on Porous Activated Carbon Substrate for Cesium Separation, Sep. Sc. Tech. 2009 (accepted), Li Wang, Miao Feng, Chunxia Liu, Yongsheng Zhao, Shuqiong Li, Hang Wang, Liang Yan, Gan Tian, Shoujian Li*.
3. A New Chalcogenide Ion Exchanging Material: Porous Indium Sulfide Built from Condensed [In10S18]6- T3 Supertetrahedral Clusters, Materials Letters . 2008 , 62, 2802–2805, Zhe Sua, Xingliang Lia, Ying Lana, Jintang Wena, Guangming Jina, Jiali Xiea, Chong Zheng, Jun Jinc, Shoujian Li*.
4. Synthesis of a New Microporous Indium sulphide and Its Capabilities to the Separation of Strontium, J. Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry . 2007 , 273(1): 99-102, Ying Lan , Zhe Su, Xingliang Li, Zhaoqun Jiang, Jun Jin, Jiali Xie, Shoujian Li*.
5. Crystal structure of decacerium pentagallium tetrabromide, Ce 10 Ga 5 Br 4 , Z. Kristallogr. NCS, 2005 , 220 , 521-522 , S.-J. Li , C. Zheng, Hj. Mattausch and A. Simon.
6. Chemistry of C-Trimethylsilyl-Substituted Heterocarboranes.30. Synthetic and Structural Studies on Oxide Ion Excapsulating Tetralanthanide Tetrahedra Surrounded by “Carbons Apart” C2B4-Carborane Ligands (Ln( Ⅲ )=La, Nd,Gd,Tb,Ho,Lu), Organometallics 2004 , 23, 4621-4629, Jianhui, W.; Shoujian, L. ; Cheng, Z.; Ang, L.; Narayan S. Hosmane,ect.
7. Refinement of Gallium Oxide Hydroxide, GaO(OH), Z. Kristallogr.NCS 2003 , 218, 11-12, S.-J. Li , C. Zheng and K. C. Lobring.
8. Metallacarboranes as an Anion and a Cation in a Single Species: A Unique Example for Ion-Pairs, Inorg. Chem. Commun ., 2003 , 6, 549-552, Wang, J.; Li, S.-J. ; Zheng, C.; Maguire, J.A.; Hosmane, N.S.
9. Unsolvated “Carbons Apart” Neodymacarborane Sandwich Stabilized by Bis(h6-benzene) potassium Cation: A Unique Dimeric Mixed-Metal sandwiched Ion-Pair. Inorg. Chem. Commun ., 2003 , 6, 1220-1223, Jianhui Wang, Shoujian Li , Chong Zheng, John A. Maguire, and Narayan S. Hosmane.
10. Chemistry of C-Trimethylsilyl-Substitued Heterocarboranes. 29. Synthetic and Structural Investigations On Full-Sandwiched Lanthanacarborane Complexes with Two and Three “Carbons Apart” Carborane Cages Bonding to Ln (III) Metal [Ln (III) = Nd, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tb , Lu]. Organometallics , 2003 , 22, 4334-4342, Jianhui Wang, Shoujian Li , Chong Zheng, John A. Maguire and Biprajit Sarkar, Wolfgang Kaim, and Narayan S. Hosmane.
11. An Oxide Ion Encapsulating Tetraholmium Tetrahedron Stabilized by Complexation with the “Carbons Apart” C2B4-Carborane Ligands, Organometallics , 2003 , 22, 4390-4392, Jianhui Wang, Shoujian Li , Chong Zheng, and Narayan S. Hosmane.
12. Crystal Structure of Pentalanthanum Bromotri- indate, La 5 In 3 Br, Z. Kristallogr. NCS 2002 , 217 , 321-322, Zheng, C.; Li, S.-J .; Mattausch, Hj.; Simon, A.
13. Novel Lanthanocene Analogues of “Carbons Apart” Erbaand Dysprosacarboranes: Synthetic and Structural Investigation, Organometallics 2002 , 21, 3314-3316, Wang, J.; Li, S.-J .; Zheng, C.; Maguire, J.A.; Hosmane, N.S.
14. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the First "Carbons Apart" Diamagnetic Lutetiacarborane Sandwich Complex, Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2002, 5, 602-605, Wang, J.; Li, S.-J. ; Zheng, C.; Maguire, J.A.; Hosmane, N.S.
15. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of “Carbons Apart” Erbacarborane Sandwich: An Example of Novel, One-Pot Two-Electron Reductive Cage Opening with Concomitant Metalation of the C 2 B 4 -Carborane Ligand, Organometallics, 2002 , 21 , 5149-5151, Wang, J.; Li, S.-J .; Zheng, C.; Maguire, J.A.; Hosmane, N.S.


