1978年11月出生,2000年於湖南大學獲化學學士學位,2006年獲理學博士學位。2006年12月赴美國加州大學河濱分校化學系從事博士後研究。 2009年 6月受聘為湖南大學化學化工學院副教授。主要從事核酸、蛋白質、環境污染物分析等領域的研究。已發表科研論文30餘篇,獲湖南省優秀博士論文,主持國家自然科學基金青年基金一項。
Reserch Interest: Analytical Chemistry
Biological Chemistry
Selected PubLIcations:
1. Li JS, Zhou WY, Yang RH�, et al. Design of A Room-temperature phosphorescence-based Molecular Beacon for Highly Sensitive Detection of Nucleic Acids in Biological Fluids, Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 1356-1362.
2. Xu YY, Li D, Wang H, Ouyang XY, Zheng J, Li JS�, Yang RH�. Metal-induced aggregation of mononucleotides-stabilized gold nanoparticles: an efficient approach for simple and rapid colorimetric detection of Hg(II), Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 6039DOI: 10.1039/c1cc00051a
3. Ouyang XY, Yu RQ, Jin JY, Li JS�, Yang RH�, Tan WH, Yuan JL. New Strategy for Label-Free and Time-Resolved luminescent Assay of Protein: Conjugate Eu3+ Complex and Aptamer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes, Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 782-789.
4. Li JS, Deng T, Chu X, Yang RH, Jiang JH, Shen GL, Yu RQ. Rolling Circle Amplification Combined with Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates for Highly Sensitive Identification of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 2811-2816.
5. Li JS, Zhang TR, Ge JP, Yin YD, Zhong WW. Fluorescence Signal Amplification by Cation Exchange in Ionic Nanocrystals, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48,1588-1591.
6. Li JS, Chu X, Liu YL, Jiang JH, He ZM, Zhang ZW, Shen GL, Yu RQ. A Colorimetric Method for Point Mutation Detection Using High-fidelity DNA Ligase, Nucleic Acids Research 2005, 33, e168
7. Li JS, Schachermeyer S, Wang Y, Yin YD, Zhong WW. Detection of MicroRNA by Fluorescence Amplification Based on Cation-Exchange in Nanocrystals, Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 9723-9729.
8. Li JS, Yao JJ, Zhong WW. Membrane Blotting for Rapid Detection of mercury (II) in Water, Chem. Commun. 2009, 4962-4964.
9. Li JS, Zhong WW. Typing of Multiple Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using a Microsphere-based Rolling Circle Amplification Assay, Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 9030-9038.
10. Li JS, Ge JP, Yin YD, Zhong WW. Multiplexed Affinity-Based Protein Complexes Purification, Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 7068-7074.
11. Li JS, Wang H, Deng T, Wu ZY, Shen GL, Yu RQ. A plasma-polymerized Film for Capacitance Immunosensing, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2004, 20, 841�847.
12. Deng T, Li JS, Jiang JH, Shen GL, Yu RQ. Preparation of novel near-infrared fluorescent nanoparticles for fluorescence anisotropy-based immunoagglutination assay in whole blood, Advanced Functional Materials 2006, 16, 2147-2155.