


2000.01~2006.08 山東大學電氣學院高電壓研究所。

2006.08~ 美國田納西大學電氣及計算機學院做訪問學者。


研究方向: High-voltage insulation diagnosis technology High-voltage measurement technology Power system over-voltage High-voltage test techniques Industrial Plasma Application.


1. Li Qingquan, Li Yanming, Xu Dake. Measurement of transient electric fields and analysis based on wavelet. Proceedings of 2001 ISEIM, Japan , Nov. 19-22, 2001 : 233-236. 2. Li Qingquan, Fu Chenzhao, Yuan Peng, Li, Yanming, Xu Dake. The study of thermal model for the cable transformer coil based on finite element method. CEIDP,Oct,2002:151-154 3. Li Qingquan, Zhang Weizheng, Yuan Peng. Reaear of the coordination of the SPDs. High Voltage Engineering. 2002,28(9):11-13 4. Li Qingquan,Shan Ping,Li Yanming.The Lighting Protection of Buildings and the Overvoltage Protection of Low Voltage System. High Voltage Engineering.2002,28(3):38-40 5. Li Qingquan, Li Yanming. The transient Electromagnetic Fields Caused by the Operation of Disconnector in Substation and Protection. High Voltage Engineering. 2001,27(4):35-38 6. Li Qingquan, Yuan Peng,Li Yanming. Experimental study of Cascaded SPD Coordination under Ring Wave. High Voltage Appartus.2004,40(1):9~11 7. Li Qingquan, Zhang Weizheng, Li Yanming. Feature Signal extraction based on Wavelet Packet.Advanced technology of electrical engineering and energy. 2003, 22(3): 143~46 8. Li Qingquan, Zhang Weizheng, Li Yanming. Research on Coordination of Surge Protective Devices in Communication System. Transaction of China Electrotechnical Society. 2003, 18(4):128~131.


