2009.9-現在 大連理工大學電子科學與技術系,副教授,碩、博導師,感測技術所所長
2007.8-2009.9 博士後,美國俄亥俄州立大學感測器與工業測試中心
2003.10-2007.6 英國利茲大學材料研究所,博士
2002.7-2003.7 新加坡-麻省理工聯合學院用於微納系統的先進材料專業,碩士
2002.7-2002.8 美國麻省理工學院,短期學習
1999.9-2002.4 北京科技大學材料學專業,碩士
1995.9-1999.7 北京科技大學無機非金屬材料專業,本科
1. 2011.1-2013.12 國家自然科學基金青年基金 (NSFC-61001054),負責。(已結題)
2. 2014.1-2015.12 海南省科技計畫重點項目(聯合項目),負責。
3. 2015.1-2018.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目(NSFC- 61474012),負責。
4. 2012.1-2016.12 國家自然科學基金重點項目(NSFC-61131004),參與。
1. 高性能半導體敏感及能源材料,納米敏感與能源材料電子學。
2. 感測器與新能源器件與檢測系統。
Y. Li, Xiaogan Li*, Z. Tang, J. Wang, J. Yu, Z. Tang, Potentiometric Hydrogen Sensors Based on Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Electrolyte (YSZ) and CdWO4 Interface, Sens. Actuators B Under Review (2015).
Q.Feng, Xiaogan Li*, J. Wang*, A. M. Gaskov, Reduced Graphene Oxide-Encapsulated Co3O4 Composite Nanofibers for Highly Selective Ammonia Sensors" Sens. Actuators B Chemical Accept (2015).
Xiaogan Li*, Xiaoxin Li et al., Highly Sensitive and Selective Room-Temperature Formaldehyde Sensors Using Hollow TiO2 Microspheres, Sens. Actuators B Chemical 219 (2015) 158-163. (SCI, IF:4.09)
Xiaogan Li*, Ning Chen et al. NiO-wrapped mesoporous TiO2 microspheres based selective ammonia sensor at room temperature, Sensors and Actuators B 209 (2015) 729–734.(SCI, IF: 4.09).
Yue Li, Xiaogan Li*, Zhaoyun Tang, Zhenan Tang, Jun Yu, Jing Wang, Hydrogen Sensing of the Mixed-Potential-Type MnWO4/YSZ/Pt Sensor, Sensors and Actuators B, 206 (2015) 176–180 (SCI, IF: 4.09).
Zhaoyun Tang, Xiaogan Li*, Jianhang Yang, Jun Yu, Jing Wang, Zhenan Tang, Mixed potential hydrogen sensor using ZnWO4 sensing electrode, Sens. Actuators B 195 (2014) 520–525. (SCI, IF: 4.09)
Xiaoxin Li, Xiaogan Li* et al., CuO-In2O3 Core-Shell Nanowire Based Chemical Gas Sensors, Journal of Nanomaterials 2014 (2014) 973156-1-7.(SCI, IF:1.5)
Ning Chen, Xiaogan Li*, Xueyan Wang, Jun Yu, Jing Wang, Zhenan Tang, S.A.Akbar, “Enhanced Room Temperature Sensing of Co3O4-Intercalated Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Gas Sensors”, Sens. Actuators B, 188 (2013) 902-908. (SCI,IF:3.8)
Fangjie Sun, Xiaogan Li*, Lipeng Liu, Jing Wang, Novel Zn-M-O (M=Sn, Co) Sensing Electrodes for Selective Mixed Potential CO/C3H8 Sensors, Sens. Actuators B, 184 (2013) 220– 227. (SCI,IF:3.8)
Lipeng Liu, Xiaogan Li*, Prabir K. Dutta*, Jing Wang, Room temperature impedance spectroscopy-based sensing of formaldehyde with porous TiO2 under UV illumination, Sens. Actuators B 185 (2013) 1– 9.(SCI,IF:3.8)
Yangong Zheng, Xiaogan Li,* and Prabir K. Dutta*, Exploitation of Unique Properties of Zeolites in the Development of Gas Sensors, Sensors, 2012, 12, 5170-5194. (SCI, IF:1.7)
Shiwei Lin, Dongrong Li, Jian Wu, Xiaogan Li*,S. A. Akbar,“A selective room temperature formaldehyde gas sensor using TiO2 nanotube arrays” Sens. Actuators B, 156, 505-509 (2011). (SCI, IF:3.8)
H. Xia, Y. S. Meng, Xiaogan Li, Guoliang Yuan and Chong Cui, "Porous manganese oxide generated from lithiation/delithiation with improved electrochemical oxidation for supercapacitors", J. Mater. Chem., 21, 15521-15526(2011). (SCI, IF:5.97)
Xiaogan Li and Prabir K. Dutta, “Interaction of Dimethylmethylphosphonate with Zeolite Y: Impedance-Based Sensor for Detecting Nerve Agent Simulants”, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 7986–7994 (2010). (SCI, IF:4.5)
Xiaogan Li, Girish M. Kale, K. T. Jacob “La-Doped Ba2In2O5 Electrolyte: Pechini Synthesis, Microstructure, Electrical Conductivity, and Application for CO Gas Sensing”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 157[8] ( 2010) J285-J292. (SCI, IF:2.4)
Xiaogan Li, R. Ramasamy, S.A. Akbar, Prabir K. Dutta, “Study of the Resistance Behavior of Anatase and Rutile Thick Films towards Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen at High Temperatures”, Sens. Actuators B Chemical 143, 308–315 (2009). (SCI, IF:3.08)
2011年遼寧省自然科學優秀成果獎 三等
劉麗鵬:2013年國家研究生獎學金, 2014年校優秀碩士論文和遼寧省優秀碩士論文獎。
1. 李曉乾,余雋,劉麗鵬,孫芳潔,黃正興,唐禎安,王 兢,閆衛平,一種原位生長金屬氧化物、金屬氮化物、金屬碳化物納米線的方法,中國發明專利,申請號:2011104119459。
2. P. K. Dutta, R. Ramasamy, Xiaogan Li, S. A. Akbar, “Porous matrix composite for making sensitive, low-drift, fast-recovering carbon monoxide detectors and sensors, comprises rutile-phase titanium dioxide particles and platinum nanoclusters carried on the surface of the particles” Patent No.: US2008209982-A1(2008); US7694547-B2 (2010).
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