

李志鵬,男,博士,副教授,博士生導師 ,米蘭理工大學訪問學者,現任同濟大學電信學院電氣信通聯合黨總支副書記 ,同濟-卡斯柯軌道交通聯合工程技術研究中心副主任。曾任同濟大學同濟大學信息與通信工程系電子信息教研室主任 ,中共上海市楊浦區宣傳部精神文明辦公室副主任,吳文俊人工智慧科學技術獎科技進步一等獎獲得者。



最終學歷 研究生 職稱 副教授




研究方向:智慧型交通系統(地面交通和軌道交通)、交通流建模(地面交通與軌道交通)、圖像智慧型信息處理(模式識別)。作為負責人承擔國家自然科學基金多項,承擔和主要技術人員參與國家863、973等多項國家科研項目。作為負責人承擔上海卡斯柯信號有限公司(連鎖表藍圖自動識別軟體,2014-2015)、日本NTT視頻圖像處理等橫向項目。 作為主要作為學術骨幹參加了車聯網技術方面的1個863項目(基於移動中繼技術的車輛通信網路的研究,2007.10-2009.10)和智慧型交通系統方面的2個863項目(基於地空信息技術的稀疏網交通監控與預警系統,2009/01-2011/12; 基於視頻的交叉口交通狀態全息檢測技術,2007/10-2009/12)。迄今為止,已在Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System、 Nonlinear Dynamics等在國內外知名學術刊物上發表論文100多篇, SCI和EI收錄100餘篇(其中中科院分區二區以上論文7篇),被引用150餘次,以第一發明人申請國家專利10項,已授權8項;參編國家十一五規劃教材一部; 獲得2018年吳文俊人工智慧科學技術獎科技進步一等獎,2014年度山西省科學技術獎勵二等獎(省部級),2013年度山西省優秀成果自然科學成果一等獎(廳局級)。獲“上海交通大學國家優秀獎學金”、“光華一等獎學金”、 “優秀幹部”、“同濟大學獎教金二等獎”、 “同濟大學網路與繼續教育學院獎教金一等獎”、“同濟大學電信學院突出貢獻獎”、“同濟大學本科畢業設計指導優秀獎”等榮譽稱號,入選“同濟大學青年優秀人才培養行動計畫”、“同濟大學青年骨幹教師資助計畫”, “同濟大學優秀青年教師計畫”。2010年度全國大學生光電設計競賽一等獎,2008年同濟大學教學成果獎二等獎,2012年度同濟大學教學成果獎一等獎。現任IEEE會員, IEEE 智慧型交通學會(ITS)會員,中國圖像圖形學會會員、 上海市圖像圖形學會會員。



(2)2008年 信息與通信系青年教師講課比賽 三等獎

(3)2008年 電子信息工程學院青年教師講課比賽 三等獎

(4) 2008年電子與信息工程學院教學突出貢獻獎

(5) 2009年電子與信息工程學院青年教師講課比賽二等獎

(6) 2009年同濟大學網路與教育學院教獎金“優秀教學獎”一等獎

(7) 2010年電子與信息工程學院青年教師講課比賽二等獎

(8) 2010年同濟大學校優秀畢業論文指導獎

(9) 2010年同濟大學二等獎教金











1、國家自然科學基金: 入口匝道自適應巡航車流交通特性及控制策略研究2018. 面上項目

2、國家自然科學基金: 車車通信環境下多車型合作駕駛跟馳建模及仿真研究2010.1-2012.12研究經費:18萬



5、國家自然科學基金:人為因素影響下的城市道路交通動力學研究 2010.1-2012.12

6、上海市經信委上海市工業網際網路創新發展專項資金項目:基於大數據的軌道交通運控系統設備遠程維護平台 研究經費:282萬


8、橫向項目:110KV封周數位化變電站新設備實際運行情況評估 2010.12-2011.5研究經費:6萬




12、橫向項目:連鎖表藍圖的計算機識別軟體開發 2014.06-2015.12,研究經費:30萬元。

13、橫向項目:鐵路道岔轉轍機電氣特性曲線智慧型識別關鍵技術開發 2016.06-2017.12,研究經費:45萬元。

14、橫向項目:基於計算機視覺的機櫃智慧型監控系統開發 2017.09-2018.12,研究經費:70萬元。

15、橫向項目:基於雷射測距的隧道數據處理技術研究 2016.05-2016.12,研究經費:5萬元

16、橫向項目:CTC界面軟體代碼翻譯服務 2016.06-2017.12,研究經費:4萬元。



19、中央高校基本業務費科研項目:結合自動視頻處理技術和駕駛模擬實驗的城市信號交叉口微觀交通流仿真衝突事故推演與安全評價方法, 2015.06-2016.12.研究經費:20萬元















[1] Zhipeng Li, Xun Xu, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, “A heterogeneous traffic flow model consisting of two types of vehicles with different sensitivities”,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2017,vol.42, pp.132-145. ( SCI 收錄,中科院分區二區

[2] Li Zhipeng,Li Wenzhong,Xu Shangzhi,Qian Yeqing,Traffic behavior of mixed traffic flow with two kinds of different self-control vehicles,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, vol.436, pp.729-738, 2015 ( SCI 收錄

[3] Li Zhipeng,Li Wenzhong,Xu Shangzhi,Qian Yeqing,Stability analysis of an extended intelligent driver model and its simulations under open boundary condition,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,2015,419:526-536.. ( SCI 收錄)

[4] Zhipeng Li, Run Zhang, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, “Study on the effects of driver’s lane-changing aggressiveness on traffic stability from an extended two-lane lattice model”,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , vol.24, no.1-3, pp.52-63,2015. ( SCI 收錄,中科院分區二區)

[5] Zhipeng Li, Chenjie Zhong, Lizhu Chen, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, “Analytical studies on a new lattice hydrodynamic traffic flow model with consideration of traffic current cooperation among three consecutive sites”,International Journal of Modern Physics C , 2016, Vol. 27, No. 3 1650034 (. ( SCI 收錄)

[6] Zhipeng Li, Wenzhong Li, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, Juan Xu, “Analysis of vehicle’s self-stabilizing effect in an extended optimal velocity model by utilizing historical velocity in an environment of intelligent transportation system”,Nonlinear Dynamics, vol.80, no.1 ,pp.529-540, 2015. ( SCI 收錄,中科院分區二區)

[7] Zhipeng Li, Leimin Liu, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, “Impact of driving aggressiveness on the traffic stability based on an extended optimal velocity model”,Nonlinear dynamics,2015, (2015) 81:2059–2070. ( SCI 收錄,中科院分區二區)

[8] Zhipeng Li, Xun Xu, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, “Analytical studies on an extended car following model for mixed traffic flow with slow and fast vehicles”,International Journal of Modern Physics C,2016, DOI: 10.1142/S0129183116500042. ( SCI 收錄)

[9] Zhipeng Li, Run Zhang, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian “Study on traffic current of lane reduction bottleneck under open boundary condition”,Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences , vol.9, no.2, pp.797-807, 2015. ( SCI 收錄)

[10] Zhipeng Li, Lizhu Chen, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, “Analytical studies of CO2 emission in a mixed traffic flow with different vehicles”,Physica A,vol.404, pp.16-25, 2014. ( SCI 收錄)

[11] Zhipeng Li, Run Zhang, Shangzhi Xu, Yeqing Qian, Juan Xu, “Stability analysis of dynamic collaboration model with control signals on two lanes”,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , vol.19, no.12, pp.4148-4160, 2014. ( SCI 收錄,中科院分區二區)

[12] Zhipeng Li, Lizhu Chen “Effects of intelligent control mechanism on multiple-vehicle collision under emergency”,Physica A,vol.404, pp.16-25, 2014. ( SCI 收錄)

[13] Zhipeng Li, Yi, Yi, “Study on traffic states and jamming transitions for two-lane highway including a bus by using a model with calibrated optimal velocity function”,Physica A,vol.406, pp.12-23, 2014. ( SCI 收錄)

[14] Zhipeng Li, Lizhu Chen, “Effect of intelligent control strategy on safety-collision region of lane changing”,International Journal of Modern Physics C,vol.25, no.9, pp.1450041, 2014. ( SCI 收錄)

[15] Hongxia Ge, Xiangpei Meng, Huibing Zhu, Zhipeng Li, “Feedback control for car following model based on two-lane traffic flow”,Physica A,vol.408, pp.28-39, 2014. ( SCI 收錄)

[16] Lai Ling-Ling,Cheng Rong-Jun,Li Zhi-Peng,Ge Hong-Xia(*),Theoretical analysis of the density wave in a new continuum model and numerical simulation,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,2014. (SCI收錄)

[17] Meng Xiang-Pei(*), Li Zhi-Peng Ge Hong-Xia,Stability Analysis for Car Following Model Based on Control Theory,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2014,61(5):636-640。( SCI 收錄)

[18] Jie Sun, Zhipeng Li, Jian Sun, Study on traffic characteristics for a typical expressway on-ramp bottleneck considering various merging behaviors, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,2015, vol.440, pp.57-67.

[19] Lai Ling-Ling,Cheng Rong-Jun, Li Zhi-Peng,Ge Hong-Xia(*),The KdV-Burgers equation in a modified speed gradient continuum model,CHINESE PHYSICS B,2013,22(6)。0,( SCI 收錄)

[20] Rongjun Cheng, Zhipeng Li, Junzheng Peng, “The theoretical analysis of the anticipation lattice models for traffic floww”,Nonlinear dynamics,vol.76, pp.725-731, 2014. ( SCI 收錄)

[21] Zhipeng Li, Yi, Yi, “Dynamical control strategy on two-lane roads with speed limitations under intelligent transportation system”,Information Technology Journal,vol.12, no.23, pp.7592-7597, 2013., ( EI 收錄

[22] Kangli Chen, Zhipeng Li, “Prediction of Traffic states based on fuzzy logic in vanet”,Information Technology Journal, vol.12, no.18, pp.4642-4646, 2013., ( EI 收錄,通信作者

[23] Zhipeng Li, Run Zhang, “An extended non-lane-based optimal velocity model with dynamic collaboration”,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,vol.2013, 2013. ( SCI 收錄)

[24] Zhipeng Li, Ying Zhou, “Impact of the next-nearest-neighbor interaction on traffic flow of highway with slopes ”,Communications in Theoretical Physics, vol.58, no.4, pp.590-598, 2012.. ( SCI 收錄)

[25] Zhipeng Li, Fuqiang Liu, Jian Sun, “A lattice traffic model with consideration of preceding mixture traffic information ”,Chinese Physics B, vol.20, no.8, pp.088901,2011. ( SCI 收錄)

[26] Zhipeng Li, Xingli Li, Fuqiang Liu, “Stabilization analysis and modified KdV equation of lattice models with consideration of relative current,”International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol.19, no.8, pp.1163~1173, 2008. ( SCI 收錄)

[27] Zhipeng Li, Yuncai Liu, “A Dynamical Model with Next-nearest-neighbor Interaction in Relative Velocity,”International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol.18, no.5, pp.819~832, 2007. ( SCI 收錄)

[28] Zhipeng Li, Yuncai Liu, “Analysis of the stability and density waves of traffic flow model in an ITS environment,”European Physical Journal B. vol.53, pp.367~374, 2006. ( SCI 收錄)

[29] Zhipeng Li, Yuncai Liu, “A Velocity-Difference-Separation Model for Car-Following Theory,”Chinese Physics, vol.15, no.7, pp.1570~1576, 2006. ( SCI 收錄)

[30] Zhipeng Li, Yuncai Liu, “An Improved Car-Following Model for Multiphase Vehicular Traffic Flow and Numerical Tests,”Communications in Theoretical Physics, vol.46, no.2, pp.367~373, 2006. ( SCI 收錄)

[31] Zhipeng Li, Yuncai Liu, “A Model of Car-Following with Adaptive Headway,”Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Science), vol.11, no.3, pp.394~398, 2006.( EI 收錄

[32] Zhipeng Li, Hong Yu, Fuqiang Liu, Yuncai Liu, “An Improved Adaptive Exponential Smoothing Model for Short-term Travel Time Forecasting of Urban Arterial Street,”Acta Automatica Sinica(自動化學報), vol.34, no.11, pp.1404~1409, 2008. ( EI 收錄

[33] Zhipeng Li, Shanshan Zhang, Xingli Li, Fuqiang Liu, “Nonlinear Analysis of Traffic Flow for a Lattice Model in an Intelligent Transportation Environment ”,Advanced Materials Research, vol.187, pp.464-468, 2011. ( EI 收錄

[34] 葛紅霞,程榮軍, 李志鵬,考慮雙速度差效應的耦合映射跟馳模型,物理學報,vol.60, no.8, pp.080000, 2011. ( SCI 收錄)

[35] Qingjie Kong, Zhipeng Li, Yuncai Liu, “An Approach to Urban Traffic State Estimation by Fusing Multisource Information,”IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System, vol.10,no.3,499-511, 2008. ( SCI 收錄)

[36] Jian Zhang, *Xingli Li, Zhipeng Li, Xianglin Han,“The Traffic Characteristics Caused by Lane Reduction Bottleneck in an Optimal Velocity Model”,Applied Mechamics and Materials, vol.97-98, pp 935-941, 2011. (EI 收錄 )

[37] Xingli Li, Jian Zhang, Zhipeng Li, Xianglin Han,“Influence of Different Managementn Measures on Traffic Bottleneck Induced by the Reduction of Lanes”,Information Technology Journal, vol.11, no.3, pp 388-391, 2012. (EI 收錄 )

[38] Li, Xingli(*),Zhang, Jian,Li, Zhipeng, The Lane Squeezing Behaviors in the Lane Reduction Bottleneck with an Optimal Velocity Model, APPLIED MATHEMATICS & INFORMATION SCIENCES,2013.5.01,7(3):1111~1116

[39] Xingli Li, Zhipeng Li, Xianglin Han, Shiqiang Dai, “Jamming transition in extended cooperative driving lattice hydrodynamic models including backward-looking effect on traffic flow,”International Journal of Modern Physics C ,vol.19, no.7, pp.1113~1127, 2008. ( SCI 收錄)

[40] Li Xingli, Kuang Hua, Song Tao, Dai Shiqiang and Zhipeng Li, “New Insights into Traffic Flow: A Weighted Probabilistic Cellular Automaton Model,”Chinese Physics, vol.17, no.7, pp.2366~2372, 2008. ( SCI 收錄)

[41] Hongxia, Ge, Rongjun. Cheng, Zhipeng Li, “Two velocity difference for a car following theory,” ,Physical A, vol.387, no.21, pp.5239-5242, 2008

[42] Ge Hong-Xia,Cheng Rong-Jun, Li Zhi-Peng(*), Considering two-velocity difference effect for coupled map car-following model, Acta Physica Sinica,2011.8.01,60(8):080000

[44] Xingli Li, Zhipeng Li, Xianglin Han, and Shiqiang Dai, “Influence of the Optimal Velocity Function on Traffic Phase Transitions in Lattice Hydrodynamic Models,”Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2009, vol.14, pp.2171~2177. ( EI 收錄)

[45] Yi Yi, Zhipeng Li, “Study on aggression of lane-changing on two-lane highway including a bus,”,Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.444-445, pp.743-747..( EI 收錄

[46] Ying Zhou, Zhipeng Li, “An extended car-following model with the dynamical collaborative between two consecutive vehicles,”,2012 IEEE fifth international conference on advanced computational intelligence, 2012, pp.908-912.( EI 收錄

[47] Zhipeng Li, Ping Wang, Fuqiang Liu, “Study on Stability of Traffic Flow for Cooperative Driving Control,”,2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2009, pp.629-634.( EI 收錄

[48] Zhipeng Li, Yikai Chen, Yuncai Liu, “Nonlinear analysis of a dynamical model with next-nearest-neighbor interaction for traffic,”Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007, ITSC2007, IEEE , pp.1040~1043, ( EI 收錄)

[49] Zhipeng Li, Nan Li, Fuqiang Liu, “An Effective Calculating Method of Signalized Intersection Delay,” 2009 International Conference on Digital Image Processing, pp.211-215, 2009. ( EI 收錄)

[50] Zhipeng Li, Yun Sun, Fuqiang Liu, Wenhuan Shi, “An Effective and Robust Pedestrians Detecting Algorithm”,Proceedings of the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System, Beijing,China, pp.545-549, 2008.

[51] Nan DONG, Fuqiang LIU, Zhipeng LI, "Crowd Density Estimation Using Sparse Texture Features",Journal of Convergence Information Technology, AICIT, South Korea, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 125 ~ 137, 2010. ( EI 收錄)

[52] Jie Shao, Nan Dong, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li, A Close-loop Tracking Approach for Multi-view Pedestrian Tracking,Journal of Computational Information Systems,539-547,no2,2011( EI 收錄)

[53] Shao, Jie(*),Jia, Zhen,Li, Zhipeng,Liu, Fuqiang,Zhao, Jianwei,Peng, Pei-Yuan, Robust Visual Surveillance based Traffic Information Analysis and Forewarning in Urban Dynamic Scene,IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV),San Diego,2010.06.21-2010.06.24

[54] Li, Xingli, Li, Zhipeng,Han, Xianglin,Dai, Shiqiang, Effect of the optimal velocity function on traffic phase transitions in lattice hydrodynamic models,Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,2009.5.01,14(5):2171~2177

[55] 劉富強,張姍姍,朱文宏, 李志鵬“.一種基於視覺的車道線檢測與跟蹤算法”.同濟大學學報(自然科學版),2010,Vol.38(2):223-229. ( EI 收錄)

[56] Jianzhu Cui, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li, Jin Li, “Moving vehicle detection through efficient detection and clustering of reliable singular points,”Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, v 104, p 381-385, 2011.

[57] Jie Shao,Zhen Jia, Zhipeng Li, Fuqiang Liu,Jianwei Zhao,Pei-Yuan Peng, Spatiotemporal Energy Modeling for Foreground Segmentation in Multiple Object Tracking ,2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 3875-80, 2011(ICRA2011).

[58] Nan Dong, Zhen Jia, Jie Shao, Zhipeng Li, Fuqiang Liu, Jianwei Zhao, Pei-Yuan Peng,Adaptive Object Detection and Visibility Improvement in Foggy Image,Journal of Multimedia, Vol 6, No 1 (2011), 14-21, Feb 2011. ( EI 收錄)

[59] Jie Shao, Zhen Jia, Zhipeng Li, Fuqiang Liu, Jianwei Zhao, Pei-Yuan Peng,A Closed-loop Background Subtraction Approach for Multiple Models based Multiple Objects Tracking,Journal of Multimedia, vol 6, No 1 (2011), 33-38, Feb 2011. ( EI 收錄)

[60] Shao, Jie(*),Jia, Zhen,Li, Zhipeng,Liu, Fuqiang,Zhao, Jianwei,Peng, Pei-Yuan, Feedback strategy on real-time multiple target tracking in cognitive vision system, Optical Engineering,2011.11.01,50(11).

[61] Chao Xu, Fuqiang Liu, and Zhipeng Li, “Real-time Stereovision Approach of Object Detection for Driving Assistance”,2009 International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, 2009.10 vol.5. pp. 2431-2435. ( EI 收錄)

[62] Jun Han, Fuqiang Liu, Shanshan Zhang, Zhipeng Li, “Multi-Sensor Based Perception Network for Vehicle Driving Assistance”,CISP '09. 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing: 2009, pp.1 – 6. ( EI 收錄)

[63] Wenhong Zhu, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li, A Vision Based Lane Detection and Tracking Algorithm in Automatic Drive.Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, 2008, pp. 799-803. ( EI 收錄)

[64] Jianzhu Cui, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li and Zhen Jia, “Vehicle Localization Using a Single Camera”,2010 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2010), San Diego, California, USA, June 21-24, 2010. ( EI 收錄)

[65] Jianzhu Cui, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li, Jing Li, Image Retrieval Based on Manifold Learning and Incorporate Clustering,2009 WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS), p 544-8, 2009.

[66] Nan DONG, Zhen JIA, Jie SHAO, Zhipeng LI, Fuqiang LIU, Jianwei ZHAO, PeiYuan PENG, " Robust Object Detection and Enhancement in Weather Degraded Images ",Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application, volume 4, 2010. ( EI 收錄)

[67] Nan DONG, Zhen JIA, Jie SHAO, Ziyou XIONG, Zhipeng LI, Fuqiang LIU, Jianwei ZHAO, PeiYuan PENG, "Traffic Abnormality Detection through Directional Motion Behavior Map",Proceedings of Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 29 Aug.-1st Sep., 2010, Boston,USA, vol.1, pp. 80 ~ 84, 2010. ( EI 收錄)

[68] Jing Li, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li, Jianzhu Cui, “Manifold-Based Combination of Visual Features and Keyword Features for Image Retrieval,”Proceedings of the 2009 Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2009). ( EI 收錄)

[69] Keju Zu, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li, Counting Pedeatrian in Crowded Subway Scene,Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP’09

[70] Keju Zu, Yu Yang, Zhipeng Li, Fuqiang Liu, Min Tian, “Visual tracking based on mixture motion model and incorporate observation distribution,”Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, pp.254-258, 2008. ( EI 收錄)

[71] Xiayi Zhang, Fuqiang Liu, ZhiPeng Li, “An Improved Foreground Object Detection MethodBased on Gaussian Mixture Models”,2010 International Conference on MultimediaCommunications, August 7-8, 2010, Hong Kong. ( EI 收錄)

[72] Xiayi Zhang, Zhen Jia, Zhipeng Li, Fuqiang Liu, Jianwei Zhao, “An Optimization Algorithm of Foreground Objects Extraction”,2010 6th International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems, Dec 14-15, 2010, Changsha. ( EI 收錄)

[73] Gong, Jian(*),Liu, Fuqiang,Song, Chunlin,Cui, Jianzhu,Li, Zhipeng, Research on the Moving Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on the Motion Vector, International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011),Hong Kong,2011.12.12-2011.12.13

[74] Shanshan Zhang, Fuqiang Liu, Zhipeng Li. An Effective Driver Fatigue Monitoring System.IEEE International Conference on Machine Vision and Human-machine Interface, Kaifeng, China, 2010: 279-282. ( EI 收錄)

[75] Xiaobo Gong, Zhipeng Li, and Yuncai Liu, “Simulation for Urban Traffic Based on Cellular Automaton,”Asia Simulation Conference/6th International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing, Beijing, pp.1648~1651, 2005.( EI 收錄

[76] Yikai chen, Lingling Gao, Zhipeng Li, Yuncai liu, “A New Method for Urban Traffic State Estimation Based on Vehicle Tracking Algorithm,”Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, pp.130~134, 2007.( EI 收錄)

[77] 高玲玲, 李志鵬,劉允才, “城市交通流狀態估計中探測車採樣量的計算方法,”上海交通大學學報(中文版),vol.41, no.9, pp.1416~1419, 2007. ( EI 收錄)

[78] 孫唐, 李志鵬,劉富強,“FPGA上並行全圖像互相關算法測速的實現,”計算機工程與套用,44(33):497-501,2008.

[79]李鑫, 劉富強, 李志鵬,“基於邊緣和亮度信息的車輛檢測新方法”,第十五屆計算機輔助設計會議. 2008,9.

[80]郭燕,劉富強, 李志鵬. “視頻聊天中的人眼自然對視自適應矯正方法”,.計算機與現代化,2014,22-26.

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