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1993.09~1997.06 華中理工大學土木系 獲得工學學士學位
1998.09~2001.06 華中科技大學土木工程學院 獲得工學碩士學位
2001.09~2004.06 華中科技大學管理學院 獲得管理學博士學位
2004.07~2004.12 華中師範大學信息管理系 講師
2004.12~2010.06 華中師範大學信息管理系 副教授
2009.09~2010.10 State University of New York at Buffalo, Visiting scholar
2010.06~今 華中師範大學信息管理系 教授
1、國家自然科學基金項目“面向電子商務供應鏈的動態閉環物流系統集成最佳化模型與算法研究” (No.: 71171093), 起止時間: 2012.01~.2015.12 (主持人)
2、國家自然科學基金項目“時間競爭環境下的選址-庫存-路徑問題最佳化模型與算法研究” (No.: 70871050), 起止時間: 2009.01~.2011.12 (主持人)
3、教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目“基於時間競爭的集成物流管理研究” (No.: 05JC630074), 起止時間: 2006.01~2008.05 (主持人)
4、武漢市社會科學基金項目“促進武漢中小企業發展的集成物流服務體系研究” (No.: 06030), 起止時間: 2006.06~2007.12 (主持人)
5、湖北省人民檢察院檢察理論研究重點課題“檢察機關執法辦案的科學考評與績效管理機制研究” (No.: HJ2008A04),起止時間: 2008.04~2009.09(主持人)
6、北京大學聯泰供應鏈系統研發中心公開招標項目“中小企業動態集成物流管理模式與方法研究” (No.: 200706), 起止時間: 6.2007~12.2007 (主持人)
7、華中師範大學丹桂計畫“時間競爭環境下物流管理的新問題及對應措施研究” (No.: 05DG014), 起止時間: 6.2005~12.2005 (主持人)
8、華中師範大學中央高校基本科研業務費項目“電子商務供應鏈環境下動態集成物流管理研究”(No.: CCNU10B01002), 起止時間: 2010.12 ~ 2012.12(主持人)
9、重慶高新技術產業開發區管理委員會委託項目“重慶數碼街物流系統調研”, 起止時間: 11.2007~12.2007 (主持人)
10、深圳大學建築設計研究院委託項目“海口東環鐵路站前廣場基坑專項可行性研究及設計諮詢”, 起止時間: 2010.03 ~ 2010.12 (主持人)
[1] 李延暉. 基於供應鏈多階回響周期的選址模型研究[M]. 武漢: 湖北科學技術出版社, 2004.
[2] 李延暉. 李延暉. 中小企業集成物流管理:模式與方法[M]. 武漢:湖北科學技術出版社, 2010 .
[3] Li Y H, Ma S H, Liu L M. Application of multi-objective gray situation decision in logistics economic appraisement [J]. The Journal of Grey System, 2003, 15(2): 143-146.
[4] Ma S H, Li Y H. An approach to locate the distribution center based on the logistics environment [A]. Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering [C], Georgia, USA, August 15-17,2003, Volume 1: 522-526.
[5] Li Y H, Ma S H. Multi-objective Model and Heuristic Algorithm for Distribution System in the Environment of Time-based Competition[A]. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering [C], Haerbing, China, August 8-10,2004, Volume 1: 545~549.
[6] 李延暉, 馬士華, 劉黎明.基於時間約束的供應鏈配送系統模型及一種啟發式算法[J]. 系統工程, 2003, 21(4): 23-28.
[7] 李延暉. 馬士華. 基於時間約束的單源/p箇中轉點配送系統的MINLP模型及其算法比較[J]. 中國管理科學, 2004, 12(3), 86-90.
[8] 李延暉, 馬士華, 劉黎明. 基於時間約束的供應鏈配送系統隨機模型[J]. 預測, 2004, 23(4): 45-47.
[9] 李延暉, 馬士華, 劉黎明. 基於時間約束的多源多品種配送系統模型及一種啟發式算法[J]. 系統工程理論方法套用, 2004, 13(5):395-399.
[10] 劉黎明, 李延暉, 馬士華. 兩種配送模式下物流成本的一個實證分析[J]. 管理工程學報, 2004, 18(4): 124-126.
[11] 馬士華, 王許斌, 李延暉等.供應鏈多階回響周期構成的實例研究[J]. 計算機集成製造系統, 2002, 8(12):960-964.
[12] 李延暉, 馬士華. 基於時間競爭的配送系統多目標決策模型及一種啟發式算法[J]. 計算機集成製造系統, 2005, 11(11): 1516-1519.
[13] 李延暉, 劉向, 馬士華. 基於時間約束的多源多品種隨機配送系統模型[J]. 科技進步與對策, 2006, 23(6): 69-71.
[14] Li Y H, Shen D, and Ma S H. The design of distribution system in the environment of time-based competition [A], Proceeding of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and informatics [C], Shanghai, China, June 21-23, 2006, 62-67.
[15] Li Y H, Liu X, and Qiu H. VRP model and a heuristic algorithm for regions-integrated distribution in E-commerce [A], Proceeding of the Fifth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business [C], Wuhan, China, May 27-28, 2006, Volume 1: 396-402.
[16] Li Y H, Tang J Y, Ma S H. The logistics cost of two distribution patterns: A case study [A], Proceeding of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics [C], Shanghai, China, June 21-23, 2006, 460-464.
[17] Li Y H, Tang J Y, Ye H. An empirical study on integrated logistics of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wuhan city[A]. Proceeding of 2007 West Lake International Conference on Small and Medium-sized Business [C], Hangzhou, China, Oct. 21-23, 2007.
[18] Li Y H, Liu X, Shen D. VRP model and a heuristic algorithm based on strategy of replenishment on the way with regions-integrated[A], Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering [C], Lille, France, Oct. 6-7, 2006, Volume 1: 364-368.
[19] 李延暉, 劉向. 沿途補貨的多車場開放式車輛路徑問題及蟻群算法[J]. 計算機集成製造系統-CIMS, 2008, 14(3): 557-563.
[20] 李延暉,武秀煥.集成物流管理中庫存路徑問題研究綜述[J]. 管理學報, 2009, 6(4): 560-567.
[21] Deng S, Li Y H, Yao L. Combine cost and time satisfaction into a multi-objective programming for integrated logistics system [A], Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System [C], Nanjing, China, June 27-29, 2011: 283-287.
[22] 付晶, 李延暉, 段釗. 企業員工隱性知識外部化過程中的博弈分析[J]. 情報科學, 2011, 29(11): 1016-1020.
[23] Cui F T, Li Y H, Wei A X. Research on dynamic location problem model and algorithm of distribution centers [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012(421): 470-7-476.
[24] Fu J, Li Y H, Wang X D. Complete Information Dynamic Game Analysis in Tacit Knowledge Sharing Process within Modern Companies [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012(421): 553-7-558.
[25] 付晶, 王學東, 李延暉等. 信息融匯過程中構建行業知識庫的組織行為博弈分析[J]. 情報學報, 2012, 已錄用.
優秀碩士學位論文指導教師獎, 湖北省人民政府學位委員會, 2009
優秀學士學位論文一等獎指導教師獎, 湖北省人民政府學位委員會, 2006
2004-2005 學年度教學工作優秀一等獎, 華中師範大學, 2006
優秀畢業研究生, 華中科技大學, 2004
寶供物流獎學金, 中國物流發展專項基金, 2003
Dr. Yanhui Li was born in 1974 and he earned his Ph.D. degree of management in 2004. Now he is a full professor with many years' practice experience on management science and engineering at the department of information management of Huazhong Normal University. His research interests focus on logistics and supply chain management.
Full Professor Jun.2010~Present
Department of Information Management,Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China
Visiting Scholar Sep.2009~Oct. 2010
School of Management, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA
Associate Professor Dec.2004~Jun. 2010
Department of Information Management,Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China
Assistant Professor July 2004~Nov.2004
Department of Information Management,Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China
Sep.2001~Jun.2004 School of Management, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering
Sep.1998~Jun.2001 School of Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. M.E. in Civil Engineering
Sep.1993~Jun.1997 Department of Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. B.E. in Civil Engineering
l “Research on Integrated Models and Algorithms of Dynamic Closed-loop Logistics System for e-Supply Chain”, Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 71171093), Dates: Jan.2012~Dec.2015 (PI)
l “Research on Models and Algorithms for Location-inventory-routing Problem in the Time-based Competitive Environment”, Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 70871050), Dates: Jan.2009~Dec.2011 (PI)
l “Research on Integrated Logistics Based on Time Competition”, Sponsor: Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (Grant Number: 05JC630074), Dates: Jan.2006~May.2008 (PI)
l “Research on Integrated Logistics Service System for Small and Medium-size Enterprises in Wuhan”, Sponsor: Social Sciences Foundation of Wuhan (Grant Number: 06030), Dates: July.2006~Dec.2007 (PI)
l “Study on Management Modes and Methods for Small and Medium-size Enterprises Dynamic Integrated Logistics”, Sponsor: Luen Thai Center for Supply Chain System R&D of Peking University (Grant Number: 200706), Dates: Jun.2007~Dec.2007 (PI)
l “Study on the New Problems and Corresponding Measures on Logistics in the Time-based Competitive Environment”, Sponsor: Red Laurel Program of Huazhong Normal University, (Grant Number: 05DG014), Dates: Jan.2005~Dec.2005 (PI)
l “Investigation on Logistics System of Digital Avenue at Chongqi”, Sponsor: Management Committee of Chongqi Hi-tech Industry Development Zone, Dates: Nov.2007~Dec.2007 (PI)
PUBLICATIONS (Student names are italicized)
l Li Y H. Models of Locating the Distribution Centers Based on the Multi-stage Responding Time in Supply Chain[M]. Wuhan: Hubei Science & Technology Press, 2004. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H. Integrated Logistics Management for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises: Patterns and Methods [M]. Wuhan: Hubei Science & Technology Press, 2010. (in Chinese)
Journal Papers
l Li Y H, Ma S H, and Liu L M. Application of multi-objective gray situation decision in logistics economic appraisement[J]. The Journal of Grey System, 2003, 15(2): 143-146.
l Li Y H, Ma S H, and Liu L M. Model and heuristic algorithm for distribution system based on time constraints[J]. System Engineering, 2003, 21(4): 23-28. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, Ma S H, and Liu L M. A time-constrained stochastic model for distribution system of supply chain[J]. Forecasting, 2003, 23(4): 45-47. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, and Ma S H. MINLP model for the single-source and p-median distribution system based on time constraints[J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2004, 12(3): 86-90. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, Ma S H, and Liu L M. Model and heuristic algorithm for distribution system with multi-source and multi-product based on time constraints[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory Methodology Applications, 2004, 13(5): 395-399. (in Chinese)
l Liu L M,Li Y H, and Ma S H. The logistics costs of two distributional models: An empirical study[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2004, 18(4): 124-126. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, and Ma S H. Multi-objective decision model for time based competition distribution system[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, 2005, 11(11): 1516-1519. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, Liu X, and Ma S H. A time-constrained stochastic model for distribution system with multi-source and multi-product[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2006, 23(6): 69-71. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, and Liu X. Modeling and its ant colony algorithm for multi-depot open vehicle routing problem with replenishment on the way[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, 2008, 14(3): 557-563. (in Chinese)
l Li Y H, and Wu X H. Review on inventory routing problem in integrated logistic management[J]. Chinese Journal of Management, 2009, 6(3): 1-8. (in Chinese)
Conference Papers
l Li Y H, and Ma S H. Multi-objective model and heuristic algorithm for distribution system in the environment of time-based competition[A]. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering[C], Haerbing, China, Aug. 8-10, 2004: 545-549.
l Li Y H, Liu X, and Qiu H. VRP model and a heuristic algorithm for regions-integrated distribution in e-commerce[A]. Proceeding of the Fifth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business[C], Wuhan, China, May 27-28, 2006: 396-402.
l Li Y H, Shen D, and Ma S H. The design of distribution system in the environment of time-based competition[A]. Proceeding of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics[C], Shanghai, China, Jun. 21-23, 2006: 62-67.
l Li Y H, Tang J Y, and Ma S H. The logistics cost of two distribution patterns: A case study[A]. Proceeding of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics[C], Shanghai, China, Jun. 21-23, 2006: 460-464.
l Li Y H, Liu X, and Shen D. VRP model and a heuristic algorithm based on strategy of replenishment on the way with regions-integrated[A]. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering[C], Lille, France, Oct. 5-7, 2006: 364-368.
l Faculty Adviser Award for the Excellent Award of Master Degree Thesis, Degree Committee of People’s Government of Hubei Province, 2009
l Faculty Adviser Award for the First Award of Bachelor Degree Paper, Degree Committee of People’s Government of Hubei Province, 2006
l The First Award for Teaching in 2004-2005 School Year, Huazhong Normal University, 2006
l Excellent Postgraduate, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 2004
l Baogong Logistics Scholarship, Logistics Development Special Foundation of China, 2003


