

日常圖片是最完美的LBP保持聯繫與路易絲比蒂攝影。這個應用程式有一個圖像的天,獨家特價為iPhone / iPod Touch用戶、新聞和聯繫信息。 有一個問題,要訂一個會話或趕上我們行嗎你可以做這一切只需單擊按鈕,從你的日常圖片權利。 日常圖片是一個免費的下載專為客戶和球迷的路易絲比蒂攝影。 路易絲·比蒂熱愛創造美麗,令人回味的圖像和肖像的人。她抓住當下的情緒,不管是一個每天在公園散步或最重要的日子,你的婚禮。她花時間去了解她的客戶,以至於每個映像是一個真正的肖像——一個人的本質——不只是一幅畫。這可能需要額外的時間是一種奢侈,你不會找到在一個標準的工作室肖像會話,結果好得多了:放鬆和非正式的。沒有關於路易絲·比蒂沉悶地傳統的攝影。 路易絲創建定製的攝影經驗,為她的客戶。你是否正在尋找當代生活方式你的家人的畫像,一系列的圖片,你的寶寶的進步後通過他或她的第一年,或捕捉你的婚禮從早晨到晚上在一些獨家目的地,路易斯可以安排它。她還將你所選擇的完成後的照片,對你,或者安裝在細皮或絲綢專輯,因為牆藝術或數字專輯,這樣你會有一個傳家寶通過下一代你的孩子,孫子,甚至你的第4級子元素。 “時間不站住;那些時刻,帶給我們快樂成為這樣的記憶瞬間和捕捉那些記憶永遠是一種特權。對我來說最大的回報就是看到多少我的攝影讓人們重溫他們最珍貴的時刻和經驗又情感他們覺得當時:眼睛閃爍,微笑偷偷溜出了再然後是喜悅的淚水。對我來說,這是什麼使攝影那么大。” 路易斯是建立在泰賽德區在蘇格蘭阿伯丁南部的一個區域,包括阿伯丁郡,安格斯,敦提、珀斯和佩思郡。這是一個面積驚人的自然美景和多樣性,與海岸、沼澤和山景,有名的城堡和顯著的高爾夫球場。儘管這路易絲喜歡旅行和攝影國外旅行結婚。 你的生活就像沒有其他——它值得珍惜的,著名的,記住了。 LBP Daily Pic is the perfect way to stay in touch with Louise Beattie Photography. The app features an image of the day, exclusive specials for iPhone / iPod Touch users, news and contact information. Have a question, want to book a session or catch up with us on line You can do it all with the click of a button right from your LBPDailyPic. LBPDailyPic is a free download designed for clients and fans of Louise Beattie Photography. Louise Beattie has a passion for creating beautiful, evocative images and portraits of people. She catches the emotion of the moment, whether it’s an everyday walk in the park or the most important day of your life, your wedding day. She takes the time to get to know her clients well, so that each image is a real portrait – the essence of a person – not just a picture. The extra time this can take is a luxury you will not find in a standard studio portrait session, and the results are so much better: relaxed and informal. There is nothing boringly traditional about Louise Beattie’s photography. Louise creates bespoke photographic experiences for her clients. Whether you’re looking for contemporary lifestyle portraits of your family, a series of images following the progress of your baby through his or her first year, or to capture your wedding day from morning to evening in some exclusive destination, Louise can arrange it. She will also have your choice of the finished photographs mounted for you either in fine leather or silk albums, as wall art or as digital albums, so that you will have an heirloom to pass down the generations to your children, grandchildren and even your great-great-grandchildren. “Time does not stand still; those moments that bring us such joy become memories in an instant and to capture those memories forever is a privilege. For me the greatest reward is to see how much my photography allows people to relive their most treasured moments and experience again the emotions they felt at the time: the eyes twinkle, the smile sneaks out and then come the tears of joy. For me, this is what makes photography so great.” Louise is based in Tayside in Scotland, an area south of Aberdeen, covering Aberdeenshire, Angus, Dundee, Perth and Perthshire. It is an area of astonishing natural beauty and diversity, with coast, moor and mountain scenery, famous castles and notable golf-courses. In spite of this Louise loves travelling and photographing destination weddings abroad. Your life is like no other – it should be cherished, celebrated and remembered.




