1、 主要著作
GlobalWarming and China'sEnvironmental Diplomacy, (New York:Nova Publishers, 2008)
楊潔勉主編:《大體系》, “環境能源分體系”,天津人民出版社,2008年1月。
“Climate Change: Long term security implications”,in Coping wirh Global Environmental Change, Disasters and security, Hex Serieson Human and Environmental Security and peace, Vol 5, 2010.
Two Logics ofClimate Change Games: environmental governance and know-how competition
“China, Climate Change Diplomacy and Alliance” ,SouthBulletin: Reflections and Foresights (Swiss South Center) 16 May 2008, Issue 15
“In the Belly of China’sDiplomacy: China and Global Warming”, Shaping China ’s Energy Security,(French Asian Center) March 2008
“Green challenges in China-US relations”, China Dialogue September 15, 2006.
“Environmental Change and Asia-Pacific: China Responds to GlobalWarming" (co-author). Global Change, Peace, and Security, vol. 17, iss.1(2005).
“Knowledge and Climate Change Policy Coordinationin China.” East Asia : An International Quarterly. vol. 21,no. 3(2004).
“Global Environmental Regimes and PolicyCoordination in China.” Journal of Chinese Political Science,vol. 9, no. 2 (2004).
“China’sDomestic and International Policies on Global Warming: Explanation andAssessment.” (co-author). Working Papers Series, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, No. 147 .
"氣候變化與全球安全治理:基於問卷的思考",《世界經濟與政治》, 2010年第6期(《人民大學書報資料中心複印報刊資料:國際政治》全文轉載)。
“全球環境治理的兩重性與“中國環境威脅論”,《國際問題論壇》 2008年春季號。
Global Warming and China's Environmental Diplomacy, (New York:Nova Publishers, 2008)
國家21世紀議程管理中心主編,《國際可持續發展戰略比較研究》,商務印書館出版, 2001年(美國、印度 、韓國部分撰寫者)。
楊潔勉主編:《大體系》, “環境能源分體系” ,天津人民出版社,2008年1月。
“Climate Change: Long term security implications”, in Coping wirh Global Environmental Change, Disasters and security, Hex Series on Human and Environmental Security and peace, Vol 5, 2010.
Two Logics of Climate Change Games: environmental governance and know-how competition
“China, Climate Change Diplomacy and Alliance” ,South Bulletin: Reflections and Foresights (Swiss South Center)16 May 2008, Issue 15
“In the Belly of China’s Diplomacy: China and Global Warming”, Shaping China ’s Energy Security,(French Asian Center) March 2008
“Green challenges in China-US relations”, China Dialogue, September 15, 2006.
“Environmental Change and Asia-Pacific: China Responds to Global Warming" (co-author). Global Change, Peace, and Security, vol. 17, iss.1 (2005).
“Knowledge and Climate Change Policy Coordination in China.” East Asia : An International Quarterly. vol. 21, no. 3(2004).
“Global Environmental Regimes and Policy Coordination in China.” Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 9, no. 2 (2004).
“China’s Domestic and International Policies on Global Warming: Explanation and Assessment.” (co-author). Working Papers Series, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, No. 147 .
“美國環境外交:發展、動因和手段研究”,《教學與研究》, 2009年第9期(《人民大學書報資料中心複印報刊資料:國際政治》全文轉載)。
“中國和氣候變化國際制度:認知和塑造”,《國際觀察》, 2009年第4期。
“中美碳外交引領國際應對氣候變化走向”,《綠葉》, 2009年7期。
“全球氣候治理和開發中國家氣候談判策略研究”,《毛澤東鄧小平理論研究》, 2009年第7期。
“整合氣候和經濟危機的全球治理:氣候談判新發展研究”,《世界經濟研究》, 2009第7期。
“澳門經濟發展中的良治政府因素”,《東南亞縱橫》, 2009年第2期。
“低碳經濟:人類社會共同的發展方向”,《綠葉》, 2009年第1期。
“環境容量與能源創新——國際氣候變化談判的二元博弈視角”,《國際觀察》, 2008年第6期。