



出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第2版 (2008年7月1日)

外文書名: A New English Course

平裝: 228頁

正文語種: 英語

開本: 16

ISBN: 9787544608114

條形碼: 9787544608114

尺寸: 25.6 x 18.2 x 1.2 cm

重量: 340 g









Unit Language Structures Dialogues I Dialogues II

1. This is the first time I've been ... Back from the Summer Camp Introductions

2. While ... were having Role-play

were having ... How I Spent the Summer

3. By we'd had ... Vacation

2 1. Do you know if ... ? A Trip to Huangshan Finding the Way

2. Can you tell me when ... ? Role-play

3. Have you heard that ... ? When and How to Go to

1. This is called ... A New Life on the University Making Comparisons

2 has been cleaned Campus between Past, Present,

3. I was invited ... Role-play and Future

4 will be given ... My First Impression of the University Campus

4 1. Was she able to/Gould she ... ? Straggling with Taking Dicta- Advice and Suggestions tion

2. Do you have to ..?

3. Can/May I be ...? Role-play

4. You had better ... How to Learn English

5 1 says that ... Learning Chinese as a Foreign Reporting, Part 1

2. He asks ... how ... Language

3. He asks ... if ... Bole-play

My Main Difficulties with English Grammar/Pronunciation

Reading I Reading II Guided Writing Interaction Activities

Herbert's A SoundSleeper 1. Linking Words and Things Not Seen Before Homecoming Phrases

2. Note of Introduction

Leaving Home A Trip to Chicago 1. Linking Words and Various Ways of Travelling Phrases

2. Note of Introduction

The Press What to Read in a 1. Linking Words and Extracurricular Activities in

Newspaper Phrases English: For or Against?

2. Note of Invitation

A Source of Sea Harvest I .Connectives and Attitude What Do They Mean?

Energy Words

2. Note of Invitation

The Weather The Weather Song 1. Connectives Information from a Copy of

2. Telephone Message the China Daily

Unit Language Structures Dialogues I Dialogues II

6 1. You'll see ... when you go ... An Interview with an Amateur Asking for and Giving

2. Will you go ... before you leave? Actress Information

3. I've been playing ... since I was Role-play

Interviewing the Winner of

4. He won't ... until ..., and I'll the 100-metre Dash

... until ...

9 On the Wheel Likes, Dislikes and

1. Do you know what to say

2. It takes ... to go ... Role-play Preferences

3. We can see ... come and go ...

On the Ship

4. Would you mind telling me ... ?

1 a dictionary that gives ... Changes in the Lives of Chinese Describing Objects

2 the books (that) you bor- Farmers

rowed ... Role-play

3 the gentleman who came ... An Interview with a Village

4 the young man (who/m) he Head introduced ...

1. If it rains we will ... If I Had the Chance to Travel Future Plans and Intentions, Part 1

2. If I were I would ... in Space

3. If you had I could ... Role-play

4 would do ... if he worked ... I'd Make a Trip to Mars

10 1. I'll be meeting Chinese Women——Yesterday Future Plans and Intentions, Part 2

2. I'll have saved up ... by then and Today

3. Mary will have been reading ... Role-play

for fifteen minutes. Is Women's Place at Home.9

11 1. Did you ask Pan who would be Before the Mid-term Exam Agreeing and Disagreeing

going ... ? Role-play

2. I don't think he will ... Mter the Mid-term Exam

3. Are you sure that ... will ... ?

4. Is it true that there will be ... ?

Reading I Reading II Guided Writing Interaction Activities

Stamls and Stamp Collecting 1. Paragraph Writing Hobbies

Postage Stamps 2. Telephone Message

My First Day at They Never Gave 1. Paragraph Writing First Day at School

School Me the Present 2. Thank-you Note

Human Needs Bread 1. Paragraph Writing Guess Which and Who

2. Thank-you Note

How Far is the Why Early Bird 1. Paragraph Writing If I Were a Shop Assistant

Sun from the 2. Note of Congratulation Earth

Women's Women's 1. Paragraph Writing Looking into the Future

Liberation, Liberation, 2. Note of Congratulation

Part 1 Part 2

Crossword ACrossword Puzzle 1. Writing in Indirect Asking for Your Partner's

Puzzles Speech Opinion about His / Her Life

2. Note Giving Information at the University

Unit Lhngnage Structures

Dialogues I

Dialogues 1I 12

1. A lecture is being given ...

Nuclear Technology for Civil Use Permission and Obliga-

2. A TV serial was being made ... Role-play


