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Unit 1 Use of Words 1

1 Types of Words 3

2 Use of Proper Words in Proper Places 7

3 Further-13ps for the Selection of Words 9

4 Formation of English Words 1 6

Exercises 1 8

Unit 2 The Making of Sentences 23

1 Basic Elements 0f a Sentence 25

2 Types of Sentences 25

3 Effective Sentences 31

Exercises 40

Unit 3 Writing Effective Sentences 45

1 Coordination 47

2 Subordination 52

3 Variety 0f Sentence Patterns 57

Exercises 60

Unit 4 The Paragraph(1):The Major Elements of a Good Paragraph 65

1 Unity 67

2 Coherence 70

3 Focus 78

4 Completeness 81

5 Brevity 84

Exercises 86

Unit 5 The Paragraph(2):The Paragraph Structure and Types 91

1 Three Parts of the Paragraph 93

2 Types of Pragraphs105

Exercises 113

Unit 6 The Paragraph(3):The Development of the Paragraph 119

1 Planning a Paragraph 121

2 Developing a Paragraph by-Iqme 123

3 Developing a Paragraph by Space 125

4 Developing a Paragraph by Process 128

5 Developing a Paragraph by Citing Statistics 131

6 Developing a Paragraph by Comparison and Contrast 133

7 Developing a Paragraph by Exemplification 135

8 Developing a Paragraph by Cause and Effect 137

9 Development by Definition 139

10 Development by Classification 141

Exercises 143

Unit 7 The Basic Steps of Writing an Essay 149

1 Getting Started and Selecting a Topic 151

2 Narrowing Down the Topic and Writing a Thesis Statement 152

3 Outlining 154

4 Writing the First Draft 157

5 Revising and Editing 162

Exercises 1 64

Unit 8 Narration 167

1 Definition 1 69

2 Basic Elements of Narration 1 70

3 Types of Narration 170

4 Tips for Narrative Writing 175

Exercises 182

Unit 9 Description 185

1 Definition 187

2 Basic Elements of Description 187

3 Basic Types of Description 188

4 Tips for Writing Descriptions 194

Exercises 195

Unit 10 Exposition (1):Definition 201

1 Definition of Exposition 203

2 Basic Elements of Exposition 203

3 Types of Techniques Used in Expository Writing 204

4 Types of Definition204

Exercises 210

Unit 1 1 Exposition(2):

Classification and Division 217

1 Definitions of Classification and Division 21 9

2 Basic Elements of Classification and Division 222

3 Principles of Classification and Division 223

Exercises 228

Unit 12 Exposition (3):Illustration 231

1 Definition 233

2 Types of I llustration 233

3 Basic Elements of Illustration 238

4 Tips for Using Illustration 238

Exercises 239

Unit 13 Ixposition(4):Comparison and Contrast 245

1 Definition 247

2 Purpose of Writing Comparison and Contrast 247

3 Pattem of Comparison and Contrast 248

4 Tips of Writing Comparison and Contrast 252

Exercises 256

Unit 14 Exposition(5):Cause and Effect 259

1 Definition 261

2 Basic Types of Cause-and-effect Pattern 262

3 Tips of Writing Cause-and-effect Essay 264

Exercises 267

一Unit 15 Argumentation 271

1 Definition 273

2 Basic Elements of Argumentation 273

3 Principles of

Argumentative Writing 274

4 How to Organise an Argument 274

Exercises 279

Unit16 Practical Writing(1):

Greetings,Formal Invitations and Personal Letters 289

1 Greetings and FOrmaI Invitations 291

2 Personal Letters 295

Exercises 310

Unit17 Practical Writing(2):

Notes and Letters of Application and Resume 313

1 Notes 315

2 Letters of Application 322

3 RSsum5 327

Exercises 331

Unit 18 Summary Writing 333

1 Definition 335

2 The Purpose of a Summary 335

3 Elements of a Good Summary 336

4 The Basic Steps of Writing a Summary 338

Exercises 346

Unit19 Figures of Speech 351

1 Simile 353

2 Metaphor 354

3 PersOn…cation 354

4 Metonymy 355

5 Hyperbole 356

6 Understatement 356

7 Euphemism 357

8 Irony 358

9 AIliteration 358

1 0 Synecdoche 359

1 1 Onomatopoeia 359

1 2 Antithesis 360

1 3 Parallelism 361

14 Oxymoron 361

15 Pun 362

Exercises 363

Unit 20 Punctuation 365

1 The Comma 367

2 The Period 369

3 The Semicolon 369

4 111e Colon 371

5 Quotation Marks 371

6 The Question Mark 373

7 111e Exclamation Mark 373

8 Parentheses and Brackets 373

9 The Dash 374

10 Italics and Underlining 375

Exercises 375

Keys 377

