書籍分為 單元(Uint)、課文注釋(Notes on the Text)、聽力材料(Tapescripts)、發音(Pronunciation)、語法(Grammar)、各單元單詞(Words and Expressions in Each Unit)、辭彙索引(Vocabulary Index)、不規則動詞變化(Irregular Verbs)八大板塊組成。
其中單元內可分為SectionA 、Grammar Focus、SectionB和Self Check組成。

Starter Unit 1 Goodmorning! (meeting friends)
Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?(about things around you )
Starter Unit 3 What color is it? (about the color of things )
Unit 1 My name’s Gina.(making new friends )
Unit 2 This is my sister.(family )
Unit 3 Is this your pencil? (about things in the classroom )
Unit 4 Where’s my school bag?(Thing saround the house. )
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Spending time with your friends. )
Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(food )
Unit 7 How much are these socks? (Shopping )
Unit 8 When is your birthday?(Dates )
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. (School subjects. )

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? (Joining a club)
Unit 2 What time do you go to school? (Daily routines )
Unit 3 How do you get to school?(talk about how toget to palaces )
Unit 4 Don't eat in the class.(Rules )
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Describe animals and express preferences)
Unit 6 I'm watchingTV!(talk about what people are doing )
Unit 7 It's raining!(describe the weather , describe what you are doing . )
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?(ask for and gived irection sonthest reet. )
Unit 9What does he looklike?(Does cribe people’slook. )
Unit 10I'd like some noodles .(orderfood )
Unit11 How was your school trip?(Talk about past event )
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?(Talk about past events )

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.
Unit 7 Will people have robots?
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?
Unit 9 Can you come to my party?
Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.

Unit 1 What’s the matter?
Unit 2 I'll help clean up the city parks.
Unit 3 Could you please clean your room .
Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains .
Unit 7 What's the highest mountainin the world?
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?
Unit 9 Have you ever been to amusement park?
Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(Talk about how to study)
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(Give a personal reaction)
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?(Ask for information politely;Follow directions)
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.(Talk about what you used to be like)
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?(Talk about what products are made of and where they were made)
Unit 6 When was it invented?(Talk about the history of inventions)
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Talk about what you are allowed to do;Agree anddisagree)
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.(Make inferences)
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.(Express preferences)
Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands.(Talk anout custorms and what you are supposed to do)
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.(Talk about how things affect you)
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.(Narrate past events)
Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!(Talk about pollution and environmental protection)
Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(Share past memories and experences;Look ahead to the future)
《新目標英語》在要求教師轉變自身教育觀念、教學方式和教學行為的同時,也要求學生轉變傳統的學習方法。加強對學生學習策略的指導,為他們的終身學習奠定基礎,使學生養成良好的學習習慣和形成有效的學習策略是英語課程改革的重要任務之一。Go For It! 最顯著的特徵就是要求學生採用自主學習、合作學習和探究式學習的學習方式。新目標英語是新大綱所規定的交際教學的具體體現,它改變了傳統的英語教學觀念,從語言的實際意義出發來 安排語言教學活動和教學形式,以達到語言交際的目的。新目標英語不再單純以語法項目為主要脈絡來組織和安排 教學內容,而是根據交際目的的需要,既考慮語言的功能、意念和話題,也考慮辭彙和語法結構等因素 ,並使它們有機地結合在一起。讓學生在合作學習的氛圍中學會利用英語進行交際.因此,教師應該吃透教材,充分發揮自己的聰明才智,結合各種教法的特點,創造性地組織教材,精心地、 科學地構思教案的整體結構,認真推敲每一個教學細節,並巧妙地將相關學科知識引入教學,使靜態教材內容變為具有探究性地研究問題 ,誘發學生探索。教師應深刻理解體會教材不同語言材料的內在聯繫,培養駕馭教材的能力,充分開發課本資源,才能依據教材內容有效地組織好教學,在課堂上創造濃厚的英語交際氛圍。《Go For It!》 每個單元都有Pair Work(結對活動), Group Work(小組活動) 和Games(遊戲)(某些單元沒有)。同桌之間、小組之間互相交談,互相討論,既互相切磋,實現學生與學生之間的互動是Go For It! 的最基本的活動。它使每個學生都處於一種相對放鬆的心理狀態,不用擔心出錯。非常有利於激活學生的思維,為每個學生提供了一種“暢所欲言”、“言之有物”的難得機會。促使學生啟用更多的思維方法,拓展更大的思維空間,獲得更多的思維結果,培養更強的思維能力。 問題,在不斷地探索過程中將新目標英語教學推向更廣闊的未來。
通常,教師在組織課堂教學時,依據的是教材內容及備課教案,這樣才能有計畫、有步驟地完成教學任務 ,但教師在課堂教學中切忌拘泥於教材內容及教案,應做到精講多練。因為一方面由於各地的教學條件、學生的特點等存在著不同程度的差異,教師需要根據各地情況適當增補教學材料,採用靈活多變的教學方式。另一方面,教師要對教學充滿激情,因為豐富的表情、幽默的語言、一舉手一投足,都會創造一種和諧的交際氛圍,激發學生愉悅的情感,使他們樂於開口說英語。 由於英語課堂交際教學是動態的,它以學生為中心開展教學活動,教學中應以學生為主體。在探究式的合作學習中,學生會獲得一種平等的交談權利,他們互相交流、互相尊重,既“充滿了溫情和友愛,又體現了互動與競賽。在小組活動中,每個人都有機會發表自己的觀點和看法,也樂意傾聽他人的意見,大家合作學習,學習就變得更加輕鬆愉快。更有利於學生的心理發展。只有採取了有效的教與學行為,才能喚醒沉睡的潛能,激活封存的記憶,開啟幽閉的心智,放飛囚禁的情愫.因此,課堂教學不可能一切按教師事先所設計的那 樣運行。教師對教學過程的構想設計都會因為某個教學環節的突然變化失去作用。因此,教師在課堂教學中必 須有較強的靈活性,以適應動態多變的課堂。
國中階段的英語教學都比較形象具體,和學生們的日常生活或者生活經驗密切相關,易於實施直觀教學。直觀教學可以利用一些基本的教具,如圖片、模型、實物、簡筆畫等,教師也可以藉助手勢、 動作或面部表情來輔助教學。直觀教學使英語教學變得生動、形象,為英語教學提供各種教學情景和真實的交際場合,有助於營造英 語交際情境和氣氛。學生不用藉助翻譯就能夠理解所學內容,從而促進學生直接用英語思維,增加課堂使用英語的機會。利用直觀教學也可以使教學方法及方式多樣化,可以使學生的聽覺、視覺 、都參與到課堂教學活動中來,符合少年兒童的心理學發展規律 ,容易激發和保持學生的學習興趣,作為英語教師應最大限度地調動 學生的學習積極性。充分調動每個學生參與到課堂教學活動中來。