



本教材的主編為北京外國語大學陳琳教授,副主編為華中師範大學魯子問副教授。本教材的英方主編Printha Ellis和編者Naomi Simmons女士都是國際著名的英語教材編寫專家。參加本教材編寫的還有中國小英語特級教師和教研員。本冊教材——New Standard English(供一年級起始用)第一冊是供國小一年級上學期使用的。全書共分11個模組(Module),內含一個期末複習模組。每個模組分兩個單元(Unit)。


Module 1 My teacher and my friends.

Unit 1 Hello,Miss li.

Unit 2 Good morning.I‘m Tom Hanks.

Unit 3 this is my friend.

Module 2

Unit 1 What's your name?

Unit 2 I'm a boy.

Module 3

Unit 1 How many?

Unit 2 How many girls?

Module 4

Unit 1 It's red.

Unit 2 How many green balls?

Module 5

Unit l Sit down!

Unit 2 Point to the window.

Module 6

Unit 1 This is my teacher.

Unit 2 That is a cat.

Module 7

Unit 1 What's this?

Unit 2 It's my ruler.

Module 8

Unit 1 Is it a dog?

Unit 2 It's a black cat.

Module 9

Unit 1 How old are you?

Unit 2 Happy birthday!

Module 10

Unit 1 Where's my pen?

Unit 2 A doll is under the bed.

Review Module

Words and Expressions in Each Module

Word List

Reading for Pleasure

It's under the desk.


