
9787564036782 9787564036782 1.4


出版社: 北京理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年8月1日)
叢書名: 高等職業教育“十二五”精品規劃教材
平裝: 193頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787564036782
條形碼: 9787564036782
尺寸: 24 x 20.2 x 1.4 cm
重量: 340 g




Unit 1 Media and Advertising
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 2 City Life and Folk Customs
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 3 Venture and investment
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 4 Activities and Events
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 5 Culture and Communication
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 6 Man and Nature
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 7 Products and Trade
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 8 Health and Sports
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 9 Life Planning
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 10 Occupation Selection
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging


