
文化智慧型是指一種能夠從容應對國家文化、企業文化和職業文化的能力,由Christopher Earley和Elaine Mosakowski提出,發表在《哈佛商業評論》2004年10月刊上。 文化智慧型是一種能夠理解並適應不同文化的能力。 Earley和Mosakowski指出文化智慧型有三個來源。

文化智慧型(Cultural Intelligence),是指一種能夠從容應對國家文化、企業文化和職業文化的能力,由Christopher Earley和Elaine Mosakowski提出,發表在《哈佛商業評論》2004年10月刊上。 文化智慧型是一種能夠理解並適應不同文化的能力。 Earley和Mosakowski指出文化智慧型有三個來源。
1. The Head / Cognitive. rote learning about the beliefs, habits and taboos of foreign cultures, will not work well.
1. 大腦/認知的。 完全憑靠死記硬背來掌握外國文化的信仰、習俗以及禁忌,這種方法不是很有效。
2. The Body / Physical. You will not disarm your foreign hosts, guests, or colleagues simply by showing you understand their culture; your actions and demeanor must prove that you have already to some extent entered their world.
2. 身體/物質的。 能夠與外國友人、同事融洽相處,顯示出你理解他們的文化。 同時,你的行為風度在一定程度上顯示出你已融入了他們的世界。
3. The Heart / Emotional/motivational. To adjust to a new culture involves overcoming obstacles and setbacks. People can do that only if they believe in their own efficacy.
3. 心靈/情感的。調整適應一個新文化意味著要克服許多障礙與挫折, 只有當你發自內心地信仰它們,你才能做到這一點。
While it shares many of the properties of emotional intelligence, Cultural Intelligence goes one step further by equipping a person to distinguish behaviors produced by the culture in question from behaviors that are peculiar to particular individuals and those found in all human beings.
儘管文化智慧型與Emotional Intelligence[情感智慧型]有許多相似特徵,但文化智慧型顯然要更進一步,它幫助我們把不同文化導致的人類行為從大眾的普遍行為習慣和個別人的特殊行為習慣中區別出來。
Why Cultural Intelligence? In an increasingly diverse business environment, managers must be able to navigate through the thicket of habits, gestures, and assumptions that define their coworkers' differences. Foreign cultures are everywhere. In other countries, certainly, but also in corporations, vocations, and regions. Interacting with individuals within them demands sensitivity and adaptability.
為什麼需要文化智慧型? 在愈加多元化的商業環境裡,管理人員必須要有駕馭不同文化的能力,要能夠從容應對他們外國同事的截然不同的習慣、手勢、假定等等。 現在,外國文化隨處可見。 它不僅只出現於國家層面上,還出現在企業里、職業中以及其他一些特定的環境中。 和外國人一起工作,不僅需要敏感性(Sensitivity),還需要適應性(Adaptability)。 那些在單一文化環境中的社交成功人士,卻不一定具有這些特徵與能力。
And the people who have those traits in abundance, are not necessarily the ones, who enjoy the greatest social success in familiar settings. The people who are socially the most successful among their friends, often have the greatest difficulty to understand cultural strangers, and to accepted by them. Those who fully embody the habits and norms of their native culture, may be the most alien when they enter another culture. Sometimes, somewhat detached people from their own culture, can more easily adopt the habits and even the body language of an unfamiliar host. They are natural observers, and easily make a conscious effort to fit in.
他們在社交中遊刃有餘,取得巨大成功,但往往正是他們最難以理解和接受外國文化。 他們完全淫浸在自己的母體文化環境裡,所以當接觸外國文化的時候,他們最容易顯得格格不入。 有時候,與母體文化有一定脫離的人,能夠更容易採納接受並不熟悉的宿主文化,如習俗,甚至於身體語言。 他們以非常自然的方式來觀察外國文化,所以很容易下意識地努力去適應它。
Earley and Mosakowski conclude that anyone who is reasonably alert, motivated and poised, can attain an acceptable CQ. They recommend a 6 step approach to cultivating your cultural intelligence:
Earley和Mosakowski認為,任何人只要比較敏覺、積極主動、有所準備,都能夠獲得一個比較滿意的文化智慧型商數(CQ)。 他們給出了培養文化智慧型的六步建議:
1. Examine your CQ strengths and weaknesses. In this way you establish a starting point.
1. 檢驗你的CQ的強項與弱項, 由此找到一個出發點。
2. Select training that focuses on your weaknesses.
2. 針對弱項選擇對應的訓練辦法。
3. Apply this training.
3. 套用這些訓練辦法。
4. Organize support in own organization.
4. 在自己的組織內部尋找異質文化環境。
5. Enter the cultural setting. Start with a focus on your strengths.
5. 積極進入這種文化環境。 由強項出發,開始訓練自己。
6. Reevaluate (360°). Possibly define further training.
6. 360°回顧評估。 如有必要,加入新的訓練內容。


