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戴賓,男,漢族,湖南邵陽人,現為武漢大學經濟與管理學院工商管理系副教授。士,工業工程及物流管理,香港科技大學(2009—2012年)碩士,工業工程及物流管理, 香港科技大學(2007—2009年) 雙學士, 工業工程系, 西安交通大學 (2002—2007年)。













•James B.Dai, Q. Fu and Neville K.S.Lee. 2013. “Effect of beacon orientation on beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(6):648-658. (B-)

•James B.Dai, Q. Fu and Neville K.S.Lee. 2013. “Beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”.IIE Transactions, 45(5): 477-493.(A-)

•James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee. 2012. “Economic feasibility justification of flexible material handling systems: a case study in the apparel industry”. International Journal of Production Economics, 136:28-36.(B)

•James B. Dai, Neville K. S. Lee, and W. S. Cheung. 2009. “Performance analysis of flexible material handling systems for the apparel industry”. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Technology, 44:1219–1229.(B-)


•Neville K.S.Lee and James B.Dai. 16, November, 2011. “Performance enhancement of the engineered particles for geoengineering”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference. Lifecycle Issues in Environmental Operations, Charlotte, NC.

•James B,Dai and Neville Lee. 16, November, 2011. “Effect of beacon orientation on beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference. Analytics Tools for Logistics II, Charlotte, NC.

•Neville K.S.Lee and James B.Dai. 10, November, 2010. “Design of solar radiation management by projecting man-made particles to counter global warming”.INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Environmental Operations Track, Austin, TX

•James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee. 10, November, 2010. “Performance analysis on introducing intercity high-speed railway system”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Environmental Operations Track, Austin, TX

•James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee. 13, October, 2009. “Sensor placement for implementing ultrasonic sensor network”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Logistics/Warehousing Track, San Diego


•Neville K. S. Lee, James B. Dai. Chapter 11: Designing and Planning of Material Handling Systems for Mass Customization, Mass Customization – Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, Part III, 219-246, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84996-489-0_11, 2011.







•Feature Article, Industrial Engineer Magazine, 2013年.


•《International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research》,副主編,2014年—至今。


