

戴君虎 ,男,陝西藍田人,1968年8月出生。中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員、博士生導師,現任綜合自然地理研究室主任、“中國物候觀測網”常務副主任。研究方向為全球變化與生態地理過程,近年主要致力於植物地理及植被生態、物候學、歷史土地利用變化與陸地碳循環等研究。







2007年11月~2008年3月赴普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)生態與生物進化系(Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)進行高級訪問研究。

目前擔任International Journal of Biometeorology, Scientific Reports和《資源科學》等國內外學術期刊編委。







1. Liu Yachen, Dai Junhu*,Wang Huanjiong, Ye Yu, Liu Haolong. 2016. Phenological records in Guanzhong Area in central China between 600 and 902 AD as proxy for winter half-year temperature reconstruction. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences

2. Ge, Q.; Dai, J.; Cui, H.; Wang, H. 2016. Spatiotemporal Variability in Start and End of Growing Season in China Related to Climate Variability. Remote Sensing

3. Wang H, Dai J, Zheng J, Ge Q. 2015. Temperature sensitivity of plant phenology in temperate and subtropical regions of China from 1850 to 2009. International Journal of Climatology

4. Wang H, Ge Q, Dai J*, Tao Z. 2015. Geographical pattern in first bloom variability and its relation to temperature sensitivity in the USA and China. International Journal of Biometeorology

5. Wang H, Ge Q, Rutishauser T, Dai Y, Dai J*. 2015. Parameterization of temperature sensitivity of spring phenology and its application in explaining diverse phenological responses to temperature change. Scientific Reports

6. Ge Q, Wang H, Rutishauser T, Dai J*. 2015. Phenological response to climate change in China: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology

7. Tao Z, Ge Q, Wang H, Dai J*. 2015. Phenological basis of determining tourism seasons for ornamental plants in central and eastern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences

8. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng*. 2014. Characteristics of Spring Phenological Changes in China over the Past 50 Years. Advances in Meteorology

9. Huanjiong Wang, Junhu Dai, Jingyun Zheng and Quansheng Ge*. 2014. Temperature sensitivity of plant phenology in temperate and subtropical regions of China from 1850 to 2009

10. Huanjiong Wang, Junhu Dai*, and Quansheng Ge*. 2014. Comparison of Satellite and Ground-Based Phenology in China’s Temperate Monsoon Area. Advances in Meteorology

11. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong*, Zheng Jingyun, This Rutishauser, and Dai Junhu*. 2014. A 170-year spring phenogy index of plants in eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences)

12. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng. 2014. The spatial pattern of leaf phenology and its response to climate change in China. International Journal of Biometeorology

13. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong, and Dai Junhu*. 2014. Simulating changes in the leaf unfolding time of 20 plant species in China over the twenty-first century. International Journal of Biometeorology

14. Guo Liang, Dai Junhu, Ranjitkar Sailesh, Yu Haiying, Xu Jianchu, and Luedeling Eike. 2014. Chilling and heat requirements for flowering in temperate fruit trees. International Journal of Biometeorology

15. Guo Liang, Dai Junhu, Ranjitkar Sailesh, Xu Jianchu, Luedeling Eike. 2013. Response of chestnut phenology in China to climate variation and change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

16. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu*. 3013. Shifts in spring phenophases, frost events and frost risks for woody plants in temperate China. Climate Research

17. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong, and Dai Junhu*. 2014. Simulating changes in the leaf unfolding time of 20 plant species in China over the twenty-first century. International Journal of Biometeorology

18. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng. 2013. Multiple phenological responses to climate change among 42 plant species in Xi'an, China. International Journal of Biometeorology

19. Dai Junhu*, Ge Quansheng, Xiao Shufang, Wang Mengmai, et al. 2009. Wet-dry changes in the borderland of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia from 1208 to 1369 based on historical records. Journal of Geographical Sciences

20. Ge Qusheng, Dai Junhu*, Zheng Jingyun et al. 2011. Advances in first bloom dates and increased occurrences of yearly second blooms in eastern China since the 1960s: further phenological evidence of climate warming. Ecological Research

21. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu*, He Fanneng et al. 2008. Land use changes and their relations with carbon cycles over the past 300a in China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences

22. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong and Ge Quansheng. 2013. The decreasing spring frost risks during the flowering period for woody plants in temperate area of eastern China over past 50 years. Journal of Geographical Sciences

23. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, Liu Jun, and Zhong Shuying. 2013. The effect of climate change on the fall foliage vacation in China. Tourism Management

24. Luedeling Eike, Guo Liang, Dai Junhu, Leslie Charles & Blanke Michael M. 2013. Differential responses of trees to temperature variation during the chilling and forcing phases. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

25. Zhang Xuezhen, Dai Junhu, Ge Quansheng. 2013. Variation in vegetation greenness in spring across eastern China during 1982–2006. Journal of Geographical Sciences

26. Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu*, Ge Quansheng. 2012. The spatiotemporal characteristics of spring phenophase changes of Fraxinus chinensis in China from 1952 to 2007. Science China Earth Sciences (Science in China: Series D Earth Sciences)

27. Bai, Jie, Quansheng Ge, and Junhu. Dai*, 2011: The response of first flowering dates to abrupt climate change in Beijing. Adv. Atmos. Sci

28. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu*. 2005. Farming and forestry land use changes in China and their driving forces from 1900 to 1980. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences

29. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu*, He Fanneng et al. 2004. Spatiotemporal dynamics of reclamation and cultivation and its driving factors in parts of China during the last three centuries

30. 戴君虎, 陶澤興, 王煥炯, 劉亞辰, 葛全勝. 2016. 物候模型在氣候定量重建中的套用. 第四紀研究

31. 劉亞辰, 王煥炯, 戴君虎*. 2014. 物候學方法在氣候變化重建中的作用. 地理研究

32. 戴君虎, 王煥炯, 劉亞辰, 葛全勝. 2014. 人均歷史累積碳排放3種算法及結果對比分析. 第四紀研究

33. 葛全勝,戴君虎,劉浩龍,徐瓊瑤,王煥炯.2014.中國物候觀測網北京站典型植物物候觀測數據.地理學報

34. 徐韻佳, 戴君虎*, 王煥炯, 劉亞辰. 2015. 1985-2012年哈爾濱自然歷主要物候期變動特徵及對氣溫變化的回響. 地理研究

35. 陶澤興, 葛全勝, 王煥炯, 戴君虎*. 2015. 中國中東部植被景觀觀賞季劃分的物候學基礎. 地理學報

36. 戴君虎,王煥炯,葛全勝. 2013. 近50年中國溫帶季風區植物花期春季霜凍風險變化. 地理學報

37. 戴君虎, 王紅麗, 王煥炯, 劉亞辰, 邵力陽. 2013. 六盤山景觀格局及與氣候因子的關係. 地理研究

38. 戴君虎,王煥炯,王紅麗,陳春陽. 2012. 生態系統服務價值評估理論框架與生態補償實踐探討. 地理科學進展

39. 王煥炯, 戴君虎*, 葛全勝. 2012. 1952-2007年中國白蠟樹春季物候時空變化分析. 中國科學

40. 戴君虎, 肖樹芳, 葛全勝, 王夢麥等. 2009. 蒙元時期陝甘寧交界地區乾濕變化特徵. 地理學報

41. 王夢麥, 戴君虎*, 白潔, 崔海亭. 2009. 利用樹木年輪重建六盤山地區1900年以來的乾濕變化. 古地理學報

42. 白潔, 葛全勝, 戴君虎*. 2009. 貴陽木本植物物候對氣候變化的回響. 地理研究

43. 劉建泉, 戴君虎*, 劉興明等. 2009. 祁連山林區青海雲杉群落種子植物區系分析. 地理科學

44. 戴君虎, 白潔, 邵力陽, 韓超, 崔海亭. 2007. 六盤山植物區系基本特徵的初步分析. 地理研究

45. 戴君虎, 潘嫄, 崔海亭, 唐志堯等. 2005. 五台山高山帶植被對氣候變化的回響. 第四紀研究

46. 葛全勝, 戴君虎, 鄭景雲. 2010. 物候學研究進展及中國現代物候學面臨的挑戰. 中國科學院院刊

47. 葛全勝, 戴君虎和何凡能. 2008. 過去三百年中國土地利用變化與陸地碳收支. 科學出版社.

48. 崔海亭, 劉鴻雁和戴君虎. 2005. 山地生態和高山林線研究. 科學出版社.

49. 戴君虎,王煥炯. 2013. 定位站和半定位監測. 見 蒙吉軍主編《自然地理學方法》. 高等教育出版社.

50. 葛全勝, 戴君虎, 肖樹芳, 王煥炯. 2011. 中國碳排放的歷史演變. 見葛全勝等《中國碳排放的歷史和現狀》. 氣象出版社.

51. 戴君虎, 方精雲. 2002. 溫室效應. 中國環境科學出版社


