
所屬部門: 計算機科學與信息安全系
行政職務: 系主任
學 歷: 博士
所學專業: 計算機套用
研究方向: 網路與信息安全、對等計算、移動計算、網路管理
20.Novell網路作業系統NetWare 386 V3.11的分析與漢化,天津市自然科學基金項目,1991.03~1993.03。
21.Secure Group Communications In Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,Microsoft Research Asia Trustworthy Computing Research,2006.1-2007.1。
6.《Windows NT作業系統》,國防工業出版社
1. Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu. A Progressive Approach to Reducing Data Collection Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). 2012.
2. Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu. Data Collection Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Mobile Elements. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN). accepted for publication.
3. Lingjun Pu, Jingdong Xu, Xing Jin, Ying Wu, Jianzhong Zhang. Measurements Study on the I/O Performance of Virtualized Cloud System. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (IEEE NAS 2012), June 28-30, 2012, Xiamen, China.
4. Yuwei Xu, Ying Wu, Jingdong Xu, Dongying Ni, Gongyi Wu. A Queue-length-based Detection Scheme for Urban Traffic Congestion by VANETs. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (IEEE NAS 2012), June 28-30, 2012, Xiamen, China
5. Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu, Maryam Ahmadi. A Partition-based Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink. In Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2012), June 10-12, 2012, Ottawa, Canada.
6. Xu Yuwei, Wu Ying, Xu Jingdong, Sun Lin. Efficient Detection Scheme for Urban Traffic Congestion using Buses. In Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops(WAINA 2012),Pages:287-293,March 26-29,2012,Fukuoka, Japan.
7. Sun Lin, Wu Ying, Xu Jingdong, Xu Yuwei. An RSU-assisted Cluster Head Selection and Backup Protocol. In Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops(WAINA 2012),Pages:581-587,March 26-29,2012,Fukuoka,Japan.
8. He Liang,Yang Zhe,Pan Jianping,Cai Lin,Xu Jingdong. Evaluating Service Disciplines for Mobile Elements in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. Accepted by 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM 2012),Pages:576-584,March 25-30,2012,Orlando,USA.
9. Sun Lin, Wu Ying, Xu Jingdong, Xu Yuwei. An RSU-assisted Localization Method in Non-GPS Highway Traffic with Dead Reckoning and V2R Communications. In Proceedings of 2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks(CECNet 2012),Pages:149-152,April 21-23,2012,Yichang,China.
10. Sun Lin, Wu Ying, Xu Jingdong, Li Jinchao, Xu Yuwei. PRAM: A Priority and Retransmission based Aggregation Method in Road Probing. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer and Management(CAMAN 2012),Pages:1304-1308,March 9-11,2012,Wuhan,China.
11. 袁甜甜,徐敬東,張建忠. 基於模糊綜合評判的多sink最優路由算法. 計算機工程,Vol.38,No.7,Pages:73-76,April,2012.
12. He Liang,Chen Zhi,Xu Jingdong. Optimizing Data Collection Path in Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. International Journal of Automation and Computing,Vol.8,No.1,Pages:69-77,February 2011. EI:20111013735727
13. Xu Yuwei,Wu Ying,Xu Jingdong,Sun Lin. Multi-hop Broadcast for Data Transmission of Traffic Congestion Detection. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia(MUM 2011),Pages:100-108,December 7-9,2011,Beijing,China.
14. Yu Zhen,Xu Jingdong, Wu Ying. Extending the Reach of Infrastructure by Utilizing Node Mobility. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia(MUM 2011),Pages:63-72,December 7-9,2011,Beijing,China.
15. He Liang,Pan Jianping,Xu Jingdong. Analysis on Data Collection with Multiple Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference(IEEE GLOBECOM 2011),Pages:1-5,December 5-9,2011 Houston,USA. EI:20120814799748(Best Paper Award,14 out of 2923 Submissions)
16. He Liang,Tao Jun,Pan Jianping,Xu Jingdong. Adaptive Mobility-assisted Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing(WCSP 2011),Pages:1-6,November 9-11,2011,Nanjing,China. EI:20120114651841(Best Paper Award,10 out of 692 Submissions)
17. Yuan Tiantian,Xu Jingdong,Zhang Jianzhong,Ni Dongying. Optimal Routing in Multi-sink Sensor Networks based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on System Science,Engineering Design and Manufacturing Informatization(ICSEM 2011),Pages:250-254,October 22-23,2011,Guiyang,China.
18. Sun Lin,Wu Ying,Xu Jingdong,Li Jinchao,Xu Yuwei. Data Aggregation and Information Type in Road Probing. In Proceedings of 2011 International Workshop on Internet of Things’ Technology and Innovative Application Design(IOT Workshop 2011),Pages:472-475,August 24-25,2011,Beijing,China.
19. He Liang,Pan Jianping,Xu Jingdong. An On-Demand Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC 2011),Pages:1-5,June 5-9,2011,Kyoto,Japan.
20. He Liang,Pan Jianping,Xu Jingdong. Reducing Data Collection Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops(INFOCOM WKSHPS 2011),Pages:572-577,April 10-15,2011,Shanghai,China. 21. 徐敬東,李曉宇,孔建楠. 一種套用於無線感測器網路查詢的樹型索引. 南開大學學報(自然科學版),Vol.44,No.4,Pages:46-49,August,2011
22. 張建忠,盧華君. 基於MOSS 2007的項目審批管理系統的設計與開發. 南開大學學報(自然科學版),Vol.44,No.3,Pages:56-61,June,2011
23. 徐敬東,孔建楠,李曉宇. 無線感測器網路中的查詢合併算法. 計算機工程, Vol.37,No.9,Pages:121-123,May,2011
24. 張建忠,蘭小豐,張天顏,徐敬東. MSRep:利用模糊控制的郵件伺服器信譽度生成算法. 計算機工程與套用,Vol.47,No.10,Pages:80-84,March,2011
25. 徐敬東,賴錫盛. TinyOS 2.0在CC2430上的移植. 計算機工程,Vol.37,No.2,Pages:256-258,January,2011
26. Xu Yuwei, Wu Ying, Wu Gongyi, Xu Jingdong, Liu Boxing, Sun Lin. Data collection for the detection of urban traffic congestion by VANETs. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2010), Pages: 405-410, December 6-10, 2010, Hangzhou, China.
27. He Liang, Yu Boyang, Xu Jingdong. LQATC: Link quality assured topology control algorithm in sensor networks. In Proceedings of 2010 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010), September 23-25, 2010, Chengdu, China.
28. He Liang, Zhuang Yanyan, Pan Jianping, Xu Jingdong. Evaluating on-demand data collection with mobile elements in wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC2010-Fall), September 6-9, 2010, Ottawa, Canada.
29. Wu Ying, Yang Kai, Zhang Jianzhong. Using DBSCAN clustering algorithm in spam identifying. In Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC 2010), Vol.1, Pages:1398-1402, June 22-24, 2010, Shanghai, China.
30. He Liang, Huang Guowei, Hua Yu, Yu Jing, Xu Jingdong. Optimize the data collection path in WSNs based on the neighbor count of path points. In Proceedings of 2010 WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2010), Vol.3, Pages: 308-312, April 12-14, 2010, Shenzhen, China.
31. Zhang Jianzhong, Xu Wei, Peng Yudi, Xu Jingdong. MailTrust: A mail reputation mechanism based on improved TrustGuard. In Proceedings of 2010 WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2010), Vol.1, Pages: 218-222, April 12-14, 2010, Shenzhen, China.
32. Zhang Jianzhong, Zhang Xiaoming, Zhu Jianbin, Jingdong Xu. A weighted raw reputation generating approach based on similarity. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2010), Pages:136-140, February 26-28, 2010, Singapore.
33. Zhang Jianzhong, Pan Kai, Yu Yuntao, Xu Jingdong. ICTPH: An approach to publish and lookup CTPH digests in Chord. 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2010 Workshops), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.6082, Part 2, Pages:244-253, 2010.
34. 徐敬東, 李淼, 趙文耀, 盧華君. 能量感知的無線感測器網路路由協定. 計算機工程, Vol.36, No.18, Pages: 123-125, September, 2010
35. 徐敬東, 何亮, 於博洋, 於雲濤, 劉伯興, 李嵩. 改進的WSN拓撲控制方法. Vol.36, No.16, Pages: 85-87, August, 2010
36. 徐敬東, 何亮, 王雪飛, 劉伯興, 靳星. 改進的WSN節點剩餘能量監測機制. 計算機工程, Vol.36, No.14, Pages: 74-76, July, 2010
37. 徐敬東, 趙文耀, 李淼, 何亮. 基於ZigBee的無線感測器網路設計. 計算機工程, Vol.36, No.10, Pages: 110-112, May, 2010
38. 徐敬東, 王志剛. 效能增強的Ad hoc網路服務發現協定. 計算機工程, Vol.36, No.4, Pages: 88-90, February, 2010
39. 徐敬東, 高立金, 劉皎瑤, 李瀟, 張建忠. 一種用於無結構P2P網路的搜尋算法. 計算機工程, Vol.36, No.3, Pages: 86-88, February, 2010
40. He Liang, Xu Jingdong,Yu Yuntao, Liu Boxing. Optimizing the path-points identification for data mules in mobile WSNs. In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST 2009), Pages:279-284, December 17-19, 2009, Shanghai, China.
41. Yang, Lin; Xu, Jingdong; Wu, Gongyi; Guo, Jinhua, Road probing: RSU assisted data collection in vehicular networks. In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2009), September 24-26, 2009, Beijing, China.
42. He, Liang; Xu, Jingdong; Yu, Yuntao. Optimize multiple mobile elements touring in wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2009), Pages:317-323, August 9-12, 2009, Chengdu, China.
43. Zhang, Jianzhong; Zhang, Tianyan; Lan, Xiaofeng; Xu, Jingdong. An aggregation-based raw reputation generation approach, In Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2009), Pages:109-113, July 9-11, 2009, Zhang Jia Jie, China
44. He Liang, Xu Jingdong, Yu Yuntao, Li Miao, Zhao Wenyao. Genetic algorithm based length reduction of a mobile BS path in WSNs. In Proceedings of the 2009 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2009), Pages:797-802, June 1-3, 2009, Shanghai, China.
45. Wu Ying, Wu Gongyi, Xu Jingdong, Research on internet storage service model and protocol based IPv6. In Proceedings of 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2009), Vol. 3, Pages: 96-100, March 31-April 2, 2009, Los Angeles, CA, United states.
46. Jingdong Xu, Jing Qin, Xiao Li, Jun Wang. IBFS: A search algorithm based on index scheme in unstructured P2P network. In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS 2009), Vol.3, Pages:993-997. March 7-8, 2009, Wuhan, China.
47. 陳志, 黃國偉, 徐敬東. 基於入度調整的結構化P2P網路擁塞控制算法. 計算機工程, Vol.35, No.6, Pages: 107-110, March, 2009
48. 吳功宜, 劉乾, 王珺, 楊陽, 徐敬東. 基於檔案流行度的無結構P2P 網路搜尋機制. 計算機工程,Vol.35, No.12, Pages: 84-86, June, 2009