


張靜[重慶大學材料學院女教授] 張靜[重慶大學材料學院女教授]


2000-2001年獲荷蘭Nuffic 獎學金在荷蘭Delft University of Technology國家電鏡中心工作;


2004-2005年獲英國皇家學會KC Wong Research Fellowship 研究基金資助,在倫敦大學Queen Mary College從事合作研究;







鋁合金中合金相控制和工藝最佳化 。



主持和完成國家和省部級科研項目20餘項,8次獲國家和省部級科技獎勵,其中國家科技進步二等獎1項,科技部杜邦科技創新獎(國際合作獎)1項,省部級自然科學二等獎1項,省部級科技進步一等獎4項、二等獎1項;已在國內外發表論文80餘篇,合作出版專著1本,參編3本;以第一發明人申請國家發明專利9項,已授權5項;負責和參與制訂鎂合金材料、產品國家標準7項 ,已頒布實施3項。


1. 影響鎂合金屈強比的顯微組織參量表征及其控制(2008BA4036),重慶市傑出青年科學基金項目,省部級,項目負責人。

2. 新型鎂合金材料標準樣品及分析方法的研究(CSTC,2009AB4007),重慶市科技計畫重大專項子課題,省部級,項目負責人。

3. 高鋅新型Mg-Al-Zn基鎂合金的研究(50301018),國家自然科學基金項目,國家級,項目負責人。

4. 新型鎂基材料的反應合成與改性研究(NCET-06-0769),教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”項目,省部級,項目負責人。

5. 鎂合金強韌化機理與組織性能調控研究(2007CB613704),科技部重大基礎研究計畫“973”項目子項,國家級,主研。

6. 高強度變形鎂合金研製及其套用研究(2001AA331050),國家高技術研究發展計畫“863”重點項目,國家級,合金相控制及成分最佳化子課題負責人。

7. 變形鎂合金中第二相控制,國家自然科學基金項目(50725413),國家級,主研。

8. 高塑性變形鎂合金材料的研究開發(CSTC,2006AA4012), 重慶市“十一五”重大專項子課題,省部級,項目負責人。



2009年“新世紀百千萬人才工程” 國家級人選。











1) Jing Zhang*, Guoqiang Xi, Xin Wan, Chao Fang, The dislocation-twin interaction and evolution of twin boundary in AZ31 Mg alloy, Acta Materialia 133(2017)208-216

2) Guobao Liu, Jing Zhang*, Guoqiang Xi, Rulin Zuo, Shuang Liu, Designing Mg alloys with high ductility: reducing the strength discrepancies between soft deformation modes and hard deformation modes, Acta Materialia 141 (2017) 1-9

3) Jing Zhang*, Yuchen Dou, Hongbiao Dong, Intrinsic ductility of Mg-based binary alloys: A first-principles study, Scripta Materialia89 (2014) 13–16

4) Jing Zhang*, Yuchen Dou, Yi Zheng, Twin-boundary segregation energies and solute-diffusion activation enthalpies in Mg-based binary systems: A first-principles study, Scripta Materialia 80 (2014) 17–20

5) Jing Zhang*, Xufeng Zhang, Weiguo Li, Fusheng Pan,Zhengxiao Guo, Partition of Er among the constituent phases and the yield phenomenon in a semi-continuously cast Mg–Zn–Zr alloy, Scripta Materialia63 (2010) 367-370

6) Jing Zhang*, Min Liu, Yuchen Dou, Guobao Liu, Role of alloying elements in the mechanical behaviors of an Mg-Zn-Zr-Er alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A 12 (2014) 5499-5507

7) Jing Zhang*, Hao Huang, Chengbo Yang, Effects of hot ring forging on microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A679 (2017) 20–27

8) Hao Huang, Jing Zhang*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy processed by multi-directional forging at different temperatures, Materials Science & Engineering A674 (2016) 52-68

9) Jing Zhang*, Boquan Chen, Chuanpu Liu, An investigation of dynamic recrystallization behavior of ZK60-Er magnesium alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A612 (2014) 253-266

10) Boquan Chen, Jing Zhang*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of ZK60-Er magnesium alloys, Materials Science & Engineering A 633 (2015) 154-160

11) Jing Zhang*, Fuqing Yuan, Min Liu, Fusheng Pan, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–1.8%Mn alloy modified by single Er and composite Er/Al microalloying, Materials Science & Engineering A 576 (2013) 185–191

12) Jing Zhang*, Weiguo Li, Baoxiang Zhang, Yuchen Dou, Influence of Er addition and extrusion temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a Mg-Zn-Zr magnesium alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A528 (2011) 4740–4746

13) Jing Zhang*, Zhengxiao Guo, Fusheng Pan, Zhongsheng Li, Xiaodong Luo, Effect of composition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Al alloys, Materials Science & Engineering A456 (2007) 43-51

14) Jing Zhang*, Fuqing Yuan, Yong Du, Enhanced age-strengthening by two-step progressive solution treatment in an Mg-Zn-Al-Re alloy, Materials & Design 52 (2013) 332–336

15) Jing Zhang*, Boquan Chen, Baoxiang Zhang, Effect of initial microstructure on the hot compression deformation behavior of a 2219 aluminum alloy, Materials & Design34 (2012) 15-21

16) Jing Zhang*, Chao Fang, Fuqing Yuan, Chuanpu Liu, A comparative analysis of constitutive behaviors of Mg–Mn alloys with different heat-treatment parameters, Materials & Design32 (2011) 1783–1789

17) Jing Zhang*, Qi Ma, Fusheng Pan, Effects of trace Er addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–Zn–Zr alloy, Materials & Design 31 (2010) 4043-4049

18) Guoqiang Xi, Jing Zhang*, Chao Fang, Effects of alloying elements on the cohesion of{10-11} twin boundary from first-principles calculations, Materials Letters182 (2016) 198-200

19) Jing Zhang*, Guobao Liu, Xin Wei, Strengthening and ductilization potentials of nonmetallic solutes in magnesium: First-principles calculation of generalized stacking fault energies, Materials Letters 150 (2015) 111–113

20) Jing Zhang*, Yuchen Dou, Baoxiang Zhang, Xiaodong Luo, Elevated-temperature plasticity and mechanical properties of a rare earth-modified Mg-Zn-Al alloy, Materials Letters65 (2011) 944-947

21) Guobao Liu, Jing Zhang*,Yuchen Dou, First-principles study of solute-solute binding in magnesium alloys, Computational Materials Science 103 (2015) 97–104

22) Yuchen Dou, Jing Zhang*, Effects of structural relaxation on the generalized stacking fault energies of hexagonal-close-packed system from first-principles calculations, Computational Materials Science98 (2015) 405–409

23) Jing Zhang*, Yuchen Dou, Guobao Liu, Zhengxiao Guo, First-principles study of stacking fault energies in Mg-based binary alloys, Computational Materials Science79 (2013) 564-569

24) Jing Zhang*, Rulin Zuo, Youxing Chen, Fusheng Pan, Xiaodong Luo, Microstructure evolution during homogenization of a τ-type Mg-Zn-Al alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds . 448 (2008) 316-320

25) Jing Zhang*, Wei Yan, Chenguang Bai, Fusheng Pan, Mechanochemical synthesis of a Mg-Li-Al-H complex hydride, Journal of Materials Research24 (2009) 2880-2885

26) Jing Zhang*, Fusheng Pan, Rulin Zuo, Chenguang Bai, The low temperature precipitation in commercial-purity aluminium sheets for foils, Journal of Materials Processing Technology206 (2008) 382-387

27) Guoqiang Xi, Jing Zhang*, Xin Wan,{10-11}twin boundary showing very large deviation from the theoretical one in deformed magnesium alloy, Materials Characterization 132 (2017) 280-283

28) Jing Zhang*, Hao Huang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 alloy ring processed by hot forging, Materials Science and Technology 32 (2016) 1-10



